Does Santino have world champ potential?

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the dark knight

no. because whether you like it or not, he's too freakin small and annoying. read one of my old reviews when i said "santino officially enters the women's division". he's a joke. never was a real wrestler and never will be.

and by joke, i mean a really bad one.

I'm like the only person on Earth though who doesn't find him funny.
thats what i thought until i saw one of LHR's posts a while back. now yours..

Oh, like everyone turned on Cena.

At least Cena has shown some character. All Santino does it crack jokes.
everyone turned on cena cuz
1) some guys just cant be main eventers. the only reason im buying into him right now is because he was shoved down our throats sooo hard...and he's still better than other batista.
2) a superman push= bad.


Jan 24, 2008
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Santino is very funny and has loads of charisma but i just don't see him in the main event until he gets better in the ring....or turn face because it doesn't really seem to matter then in WWE.


Feb 8, 2007
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Bronx, NY
From reading most of these comments I get the idea that most of you are not answering the question correctly. The question is does Santino have world champ POTENTIAL. bottom line is he has the potential if driven in the right direction. Santino right now is comical and kind of a punk/coward. I know for a fact that in an instant this guy could pull off an HBK/Jericho psycho heel turn. All he'd have to do is keep being the way he is right now and then have him in the ring with a top face like (for arguments sake lets say HBK) He is making fun of HBK and HBK calls him on his ability and tells him he's got no potential and disses him and then Santino slaps the living shit out of Michaels and starts to want to be taken seriously. He has the charisma to OWN the entire crowd. I was at the Rumble in NY and when Santino came out the crowd went BANANAS and he had everyone chanting and cheering, good and bad. He has what it takes to be the champ. For sure. Look at Jericho. Same size, build and ability in the ring and on the mic. Why is he so special??? Just give it a few years and he will be a SERIOUS champ/main eventer.

Solid Stinger the Big Boss


His wrestling skills are meh but then again so were other past champions.

He's great on the mic

He draws a considerable amount of heat.

I believe he has championship material for WWE's standards.

But he doesn't have the “look” or popularity.


everyone turned on cena cuz
1) some guys just cant be main eventers. the only reason im buying into him right now is because he was shoved down our throats sooo hard...and he's still better than other batista.
2) a superman push= bad.

Cena worked his ass off to get a Main Event spot. He sells the most merchandise, and is a big part of the WWE. No wonder why he got a massive push, he deserved it. I agree that the push was bad, but that is no reason for everyone to turn on Cena himself. I think he is highly underrated in the terms of wrestling skill as well.

But yeah, Marella has never show any kind of potential to be a major player in the future. He hasn't shown much in the terms of wrestling ability, and his only drawcard seems to be his "ability" on the microphone.

the dark knight

ok, i never said i dont understand why he got the push. but...

Cena worked his ass off to get a Main Event spot. He sells the most merchandise, and is a big part of the WWE. No wonder why he got a massive push, he deserved it. I agree that the push was bad, but that is no reason for everyone to turn on Cena himself. I think he is highly underrated in the terms of wrestling skill as well.
why the fuck should i care?

Evil Austin

The only way that Santino would be a World Champion is if he improves in his in ring move set and capability in the ring - and if he turns into a serious wrestler this gimmick won't get him very far in the business in the coming years. But he promo work and mike work he is great just needs to be used in another direction imo/


Jun 9, 2008
Reaction score
Would love to see it. Santino's one of my favourite guys on Raw atm just cos he is funny and 'genuine' (if that makes sense)

It'd be hard to turn him from the pussy character but they could do something ridiculous and make him 'the italian stallion' and have him train 'rocky style' - still has plenty of comedy potential but has some plausability


Guest's really hard to say. We've never seen him wrestle a serious match. That'll definately be his make or break situation


No. He sucks in the ring, the only way to get him over is if he's a comedy heel and that will eventually get old. My prediction for Santino's future: He will stay in the mid card for at least another year, then fade into obscurity and get future endeavored.

I called it.