Seriously. This guy has been in TNA for years now. He always is there but never really does much. His "huge heel turn" on Mar. 8th wasn't really that impactful and his role on Team Flair isn't as big as TNA is making it out to be. I know he is a legend, one of the greatest, but does anyone enjoy watching Sting anymore? I find him rather boring in TNA, always did. His character was just not interesting enough. Maybe if I started watching Sting in WCW I would get into him alot more, but I saw Sting for the first time in 2006 when he first came to TNA and wasn't impressed then and still not impressed now. The best thing I probably saw him do was his feud with Foley at Lockdown, for some reason I thought that was great. Way better than his feuds with AJ or Joe around BFG.