It doesn't fit the character. DB should always be chasing. People desperately want to see him given the world, but the idea of him accomplishing it is likely greater than the reality of being handed all of these great accolades people want to see him booked to win like the RR or the WWE WHC at Mania. From WWE's POV, to remain at his peak in popularity he should continue to be screwed, come up just short, ect for as loooooooooooooooooong as WWE can drag it out before maybe finally giving the pay off, probably years down the line.
When did DB gain the most popularity? 1.) being screwed by WWE against Sheamus 2.) being kayfabe screwed around against the Authority 3.) being legit screwed by WWE when they fired him in 2010
The dude just works best in this capacity. I really feel if he were booked to the man his popularity would seriously falter
DB is the Cubs. the lovable loser. people think it would be so neat to see the Cubs win a WS, but when they finally do people will just go 'oh, thats it? now what about the Cubs is endearing.. nothing really.'
You actually make a good point here, something I can't believe coming from your stance on the topic.
You know the other side of the story though, where they have fans completely invested into a character for the first time since the AE and now's the time to let him get to the top, it's simply time to pull the trigger on Bryan and give the fans the satisfaction that they watch for. It doesn't have to be (and shouldn't be) a long run with the belt, it'll probably be a shitty title reign much like Aries in 2012, but the pop he'll get and the reassurance most of the fans get (but won't admit to) will pay much bigger dividends than just having Batista walk in and get a title shot. Hell, we who care about Dave will be interested in whatever match he'll be in.
They love slingshot booking him, and it works perfectly. We were worried about him doing all the jobs in Team Hell No, then he beat us into the ground with the weak link stuff, then he took out the Shield all by himself for the biggest pop ever.
I'm saying the same thing with Dave as every part-timer, surely Crayo will agree. As long as he does something to benefit the company long term, he'll be great. I suppose Lesnar helped out with his match with Punk.