Pop Tatari said:He came back for the nice payslip.
Pop Tatari said:He came back for the nice payslip.
Pop Tatari said:He came back for the nice payslip.
Jonathan said:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOuXV31JvJc&feature=youtu.be
He says 'thank you' at 5 seconds in, so turn the volume up and watch his head like go side-to-side with Punk then roll for the pin.
Nice one Rockie, and for R'Albin for noticing this.
Testify said:The Rock came back to piss off the Plunk marks like Crayo and Gohan, and I love it.
Where ?!?!? Cannot see itJonathan said:Here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whUb8O9RNxE
The audio on this one is German because it was the only 1080p available, but if you watch it happens at 14 seconds in.
Testify said:The Rock came back to piss off the Plunk marks like Crayo and Gohan, and I love it.