I've been saying this for a while, and it's quite ironic. The point in time I like to mark as "from this point on they've only done stupid bs with Ryback" was when he squashed IC champ Miz in two minutes. From that point on they pushed him to the ME non stop, made him lose PPV match after PPV match, Shield beat his ass and he did nothing about it, lost, lost, jobbed to Henry at WM (won't lie, I marked out but lol) then they turn him heel and make him cowardly. I had already given up on them booking Ryback correctly but this is just a joke, the guy waves off a match vs Miz? Good grief. To think they'll have him come back from that by beating Jericho. I was a Ryback fan but his booking has been bad to the point of no return. I doubt they'll take him off TV though, it'll just be one of those things we have to live with.