Dear god, please let Kane win tonight!

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The Rated R CMStar

the orton thing didnt gain him heat, it just made about every hispanic fan want to kill him and his family and turn off there tvs whenever he was shown

One question, are you hispanic?

1) Dolph Ziggler has 10 years of wrestling on him. Can you say the same of Kane?

2) Jmay, Jeff Hardy is as over as John Cena no doubt about it. One question, do you see him jobbing to midcarders? No. Book Hardy vs Kane for example, do you see Kane beating Jeff Hardy clean?

BTW, since you brought Hardy in there. WWE can trust in Cena, they can't on Hardy.


Mar 31, 2007
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i gurantee kane would be damn near close a victory over hardy, and did you just make an arguement that Kane is worse than Dolph Ziggler, a guy who has been in the company for what, 3 months, and has been suspended once already? I respect you because you usually make alot of sence in your posts but your a complete idiot on this subject, I mean really, for you not to hate how them to matches were booked is an embaressment to you as a WWE fan

The Rated R CMStar

No, the thing is, Dolph Ziggler actually has a future in the WWE. Kane on the other hand, he will be retired by 2010.

You're not getting my drift. You are trying to picture it as if I hate Kane. Hell no. He deserves to be a main eventer. He deserves to be World Champion. However, and badly, yeah, I'll give you that, WWE missed the boat on him, as they could have pushed him. However, they could have done that in 2003, instead of HHH burying him. They could have done that in 2006, when he got drafted to Smackdown.

However, now, his time has passed. Either you like him or not, Cena is the top face of the WWE. Kane isn't, and will never be. Sure, Kane deserved better, but now, beating your champ clean, is not the time to do so.


Mar 31, 2007
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your being realistic and i respect it, but he deserves to shine at some point, and who else beside cena can give to him , maybe he can retire taker at WM and end his run for good, but he needs build up, otherwise kane is done... period.... and Zigglers future is in question usually getting suspeneded when your still learning the ropes is never a good thing to do, and for him to even carry a 7 minute match with batista is a joke and makes me wanna laugh.... honestly theres only two in the company that can make kane believeable again, maybe taker is the way to go, but cena would shake the wwe and its ground

The Rated R CMStar

Taker I believe can put Kane over. With Taker is easier because they can have Kane just attack him and take him out for half a year, you know Taker just loves his mid year breaks.

However with Cena, seeing how the match was thrown together, and Kane has no momentum, it would have looked really bad to have Kane win. If the plan is to have Kane and Cena feuding at some point, then yeah, Kane should defeat Cena, or totally squash him like he did with Edge going into their GAB 07 match.

However, and realistically, Kane and Cena will not be feuding. Cena is busy with Jericho and soon he'll enter the Road to Mania, where deservingly or undeservingly, Kane is overlooked, so Cena just HAD to go over. Book this match in between JD and GAB and you can have Kane beat Cena. Hell, they had JBL beat Cena earlier this year, but first please, build Kane so that it seems credible.

I'll give you something though. The Rey vs Kane thing was a disgrace. Sure, Rey went over, meh, he's more over and better to the business. Have him defeat Kane once. With Cyber Sunday it was more than enough, but to have Rey defeat Kane at CS, then at Raw, then at SS, it was over kill.

Kane DO deserves better than that. He deserves better than feuding with the monsters his kayfabe brother refuses to put over like Snitsky or Big Daddy V, but sorrily, at this point in his career, he doesn't deserve, or at least isn't build credibly enough to deserve, a win over John Cena.


Mar 31, 2007
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.....damn it...... well either way you look at it.. kane probably will continue to job until there is nothing left to job to... and the worst part is creative will continue to abuse him, and he will sit idolly by and allow it, honestly the rey thing got me thinking, and i was thinking maybe kane said something and they would give him something to make him look credible after that shit they call booking between rey and kane, but apparently kane stayed quiet, and he shouldnt have, because now look, he is not even going down hil anymore, he just has completly fell off the hill


Expect Kane to job cleanly or a DQ/count out finish

How else can you lose?

And why would WWE have their top dog, their main guy, their champion, job to a guy who is no where near the title scene and probably won't be for the rest of his career.

And to the blueberries who blame everything on Cena, you're a pack of blueberries.

Hometown Kid

This goes to a bigger problem as a whole in WWE. They don't put over anybody over their biggest stars. It's not Cena's fault at all. He's just their "golden boy" of course Kane deserves a ME run at some point, just wait until they stop raping him every week. He's like the Shelton Benjamin or MVP of Raw or something.

Everybody says, certain guys are not "over" enough~! But if The Trips and Takers of the world would give someone a clean win, it would give a young guy some credibility and create a new star.

If anything Morrison could go over Cena as HBK (someone who the above mentioned should be like) put him over a few weeks ago gaining bragging rights and credibility for a little while.

Cena should job to someone...just someone who's young and whatnot. (And it's a shame as well that it's not Kane for now.)

The Rated R CMStar

That's part of my point.

Have I don't know, Ted DiBiase come in a beat Cena. DiBiase has 10 years in him. Kane comes in and defeats Cena. We all know WWE will not put the belt on Kane, so he defeats your champion, your top guy on the Road to Mania, and goes back to doing nothing.

That helped nobody,

Beer Money Army

If kane is so awesome.. he would be selling out arenas, top selling in merchandise, high tv rating segments and ****-***** classic....

You see Kane lacks badly in a lot of these while Cena is awesome at 3/4 of the things, he has had some **** matches but i havent see anything ***** in the WWE in a long time...

So it's common sense to put cena over Kane, Also it make Y2J look strong aswell as a big red monster can't beat Cena....

If you #1 contender couldnt beat cena in series and you have a Big Upper midcarder defeating cena, It doesnt show any good to Y2j as they are preparing cena/Y2J at armageddon not cena/Kane...


Jeeezus! That was painful to read!

Sterl_03 & Jmac u got some serious ingellingence AND attitude problems right there, children!

In particular u got Sterl telling peeps how dumb and sad they are, only to (when it finally starts to sink in that he's got NO point to begin with) backpeddle and state the following:

I expect it, but this is the reason I made this thread, hopefully this thread will bring kane good luck and me but load of credit for calling this

Credit...? ...Like fuck!

....What the hell did you "call" here?

Still, thanks for providing me the most hilarious bit of stupidity from a faux-intellignet being I can ever recall reading on this forum.... The idea that this thread (or anything for that matter) can somehow bring Kane luck in a match is fucking priceless!!!


Active Member
Mar 9, 2007
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Ok, I dont mind letting shit go for a while, but everyone here needs to chill the fuck out or this is getting closed.