Watched it yesterday finally, lots to unpack - here we go
First and foremost, this is the greatest super hero trilogy ever made. near flawless. prove me wrong.
With that out of the way, let's get the one negative out of the way for me.
I want to start by saying I actually like Channing Tatum a fair bit, think he is funny as hell. You can tell he put it all out there for this role. He really tried his best. And for the most part,it sort of worked. His chemistry with Dead was decent. But...
This was a weird, weird, weird casting. I'm gonna be a nerd here, but he looks nothing like gambit body wise. Gambit from my memory has always been a tall lanky twink dude with wild hair ...and where were the red eyes? That's kind of a defining trait as well.
Powers wise? They nailed it. Cards and staff were cool. But yeah, they needed someone taller, darker and more brooding. Did not like that creative direction at all. Again nothing against Channing, he's dope, just the wrong guy for that role in my opinion,
Score: 12/10 no notes. Opened with backstreet boys. Win,
Characters/Cast : Mostly great outside of earlier Gambit rant. Was also kind of bummed with no Loki, given then setting is entirely set in Loki's "current" storyline. I would have liked a cameo

. Chris Evans trolling and being a foul mouthed Johnny Blaze was a 10/10 moment for me. His entire story was just hillarious. Cassandra Nova was great and the actress nailed it. Really good chemistry with both Pool and Wolvie. Hugh Jackman's wolverine as always was just masterful. He might be the goat superhero actor tbh, I know he's not like a powerhouse or anything but to me he IS wolverine and he just...understands the character so well regardless of what setting or story they give him. Also he is jacked as shit, god damn dawg. FUCKING BLADE WHAT? FUCK YES! Could have used more Colossus but that' just me loving their bromance. Reynolds is great as always, nothing really changed but that's fine, he is deadpool. Nice Deadpool


Paradox was cool enough but def outclassed heavily by Cassandra Nova and her literal mind (finger)fucking.
Story and stuff: Pretty strong and all of it made relative sense. The 4th wall breaking I thought was done sparingly and at the right time. Prior films could be guilty at times of spamming that, I thought here it was very well spread out and even subtle at times (and other's not so much like the headbutting and fuck fox scene lol). The Thor crying callbacks the whole movie were great ( THOR vs Deadpool when?). The world kind of being saved by Peter's large hog. Good stuff
Action and visuals: The fight scenes between Deadpool and Wolverine are worth the price of entry alone. Especially the minivan scene. Choreography was insane and it was a gorefest, which is what I paid money for seeing a Deadpool movie. The opening salvo of Deadpool using his own universe's very dead Wolverine's adamatium corpse to murder a few squads of time dorks would make any action buff's pants tighten (or dampened). THE FUCKING YELLOW SUIT FOR WOLVERINE! THE MASK! shit ruled. it's canon now. bring these two into the MCU and watch them print money for you. The final fight scene was great. Jackman's chest scene was superb. High quality visuals all aroung, great costumes in general.
I don't really have much negative to say about the movie, so I won't! I loved it. Great trilogy. I want more.