Just caught Episode t'other day.
Elliot on the RR just comes off as an utter tool by putting his pots ontop the Seabrookes. What makes this funnier is that I swear last season he was getting in contact with the other captains over the comms devices asking for where the crab is.
From the way Johnathan was speaking on the Time Bandit, it looks like he will be willing to impart his knowledge onto Josh on captaining a boat while I doubt Jake is going to get such wisdom from being on the Northwestern. That's not a dig against the NW though because they always seem to be on the crab and have started the season as you would expect, but I just don't see Sig ever wanting to let go so to speak especially after the discussion with Edgar. It can only be a good thing for the brothers though as being on different boats and out of their comfort zone so to speak, they're likely to mature and maybe pick up new things from the way other guys work.
Also, the lack of Wizard footage on Episode 2 wasn't cool.