To me, it was neither. I don't see how they could have known or wanted Bryan to get more over by losing his world title match AS A HEEL in eighteen seconds to a guy who they were pushing as the #2 baby face of the company and possible successor to Cena's throne, but I don't think Bryan walking right into Sheamus' finisher was him being buried either. All and all, I think it would have been better to do the quick finish in the IC Title match between Big Show and Cody Rhodes. The whole angle there was Rhodes mocking Show for his failure and bad luck in never winning a singles match at Wrestlemania and so he finally wins one by defeating Rhodes in mere seconds (record time, possibly) by knocking him the fuck out with the Knockout Punch right away, maybe before the bell even rings. Of course, people would have just complained that Rhodes was somehow being 'buried' but it still would have made more sense in the context of that story line. But I realize they were trying to give Sheamus a Wrestlemania moment and while I don't think they quite accomplished doing so, I got over being annoyed by the finish pretty quickly. We ended up getting a great match out of them the next month anyway.