CWF - Staff Trash #12 (Merging Issue)

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Chris Dresdon

Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2010
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The sold out crowd for this edition of Thursday Night Honor jumps to their feet as the Rock’s theme music blares through the speakers and is barely heard over the cheering fans. The Rock struts out to the center of the stage before whipping his head to the right and staring right into the camera.


With no emotion on his face he cocks his eye brow before strutting down to the ring as the crowd continues to cheer on the Rock.


Stepping into the ring the Rock stands on the closest turnbuckle to the right and throws his arm high into the air as the crowd cheers louder before the Rock steps down and takes the microphone that he is brought along with him…

The Rock: Finally… the Rock…


The Rock looks around the crowd as the fans have cut him off in mid sentence.

The Rock: Whoa whoa whoa kiddies… calm your horses. Now I know every single one of you are excited to see that the Rock is indeed back. That the Rock is here on HONOR at that, but let’s take a step back for a moment. You see this is the Rock’s first time here on Tuesday Night Honor. This is the Rock’s first time back in the ring since getting the beat down by the N. W. O.

The crowd begins to boo loudly.

The Rock: No no. It is is ok. You see the Rock has made it back in time to coronate this show here on Tuesday nights because the Rock has decided to make Tuesday night his home. Now I know the millions… (the Rock takes a deep breathe)… AND THE MILLIONS of the Rock’s People are wondering just why he chose Tuesday night’s as his home.

The crowd cheers loudly.

The Rock: Or maybe the people just don’t care because it seems to the Rock that all the fans wanna hear and want to see right now is the Rock and just the Rock!

The fans cheer even louder before a thunderous “Rocky!” chant begins to shake the arena.


The Rock: Whether you want one thing or another the Rock is going to tell you just exactly why it is that he decided to come to Tuesday night’s, but… BUT the Rock is going to tell you when he damn well pleases. You see it has become quite clear that lately the Rock has been disrespected, not only by the senior citizens of the NWO who when they are not busy playing hide the strudel decide to gang up and beat down the Rock… no no no. They are not the only ones. No you see it has come to the Rock’s attention that there are one or two people who are apart of the CWF Board of Directors who seem to have a problem with the Rock. Now I don’t know when they decided to get in the Rock’s face or what made them so angry at the Rock, nor does the Rock care because last time the Rock checked he simply just did not give a fuck!

The fans cheer loudly cutting the Rock off again…

The Rock simply did not give a fuck. You see the Rock cares about one thing and the one thing only… the Rock cares about championship gold. More specifically the Rock cares about becoming the CWF World Heavyweight Champion!

The crowd cheers loudly again this time the Rock ignores the crowd and continues…

And from the looks of it not only does Tuesday Night Honor seem like the best place for the Rock to once again be champion, but when the Rock looks at all the talent in the locker room the only thing that the Rock sees is one piss poor excuse after another of so called wrestling talent! You see the Rock is here to do one thing and one thing only and that is to kick some candy ass!! But the Rock is simply too good of a talent to squander on jabroni after jabroni, you see if the Rock is going to face any one of the jabronis in the back it is going to be the one jabroni that thinks that he is going after the Rock’s World Heavyweight Championship!

The Rock drops the microphone as the fans erupt once again and his music begins to play. Rock cocks the eyebrow and exits the ring, heading to the back.

Chris Dresdon

Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2010
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Matt Striker: Well J.R., earlier tonight we saw one man take one step closer to his dream, now it's time for another to get his chance!

JR: The winner of this match will go on to face the "Road Dogg" Jesse James on next week's Honor. It's The Miz vs. Kevin Thorn, and it's happening now!

The camera pans over to Justin Roberts standing in the ring with his microphone raised as the ring bell is sounded.



Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a CWF Championship Tournament match! Introducing first...

The fans are waiting for more CWF action when....



"I Came to Play"by Downstait begins to play over the PA System. The Miz and the always sexy Maryse come out to the stage to loud boos from the audience. They walk down the ramp ignoring the fans.

Justin Roberts: Being accompanied to the ring by Maryse. From Cleveland, Ohio. Weighing in at 231 pounds, The Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiz!

They get to the ring and they both do their usual taunts on the ring apron. Miz enters the ring while Maryse remains at ringside.

JR: Well no love lost for The Miz, that's for sure.

Matt Striker: Yes but all my love for the voluptuous Maryse. Boy does she look ravishing tonight.

JR: I'm sure she appreciates the compliment.

Matt Striker: Oh come on, JR, you would've give up everything you own for a date with Maryse?

JR: I don't think my wife would like that very much, quite frankly.

Matt Striker: Well quite frankly my dear, I don't give a damn, I'm single, baby!

With the playful banter between the commentators over, the camera pans back to the ring where Justin gets ready to introduce the opponent.

Justin Roberts: And the opponent...

Suddenly the crowd falls into darkness and a fiery ring appears at the side of the stage as a formerly famous theme plays over the PA system.


'Blood' plays over the PA system and four figures rise up from the fiery pit, Kevin Thorn and Ariel, along with their new accomplices, Gangrel and Judas Mesias. All four step out from the fire onto the stage where they stand together as a united group. Before Kevin Thorn and Ariel take the lead, all four make their ways down to the ring, with Gangrel and Mesias behind their leaders.



Justin Roberts: Being accompanied to the ring by The Coven. From Memphis, Tennessee. Weighing in at 270 pounds, the "Master of Macabre", Kevin Thorn!

Ariel makes her way round the ring and gets up on the apron, Ariel then drops into her bat pose on the ring ropes before sitting on the middle rope, allowing Thorn to enter. Thorn stands in the center of the ring looking out as Gangrel makes his way to the ring steps, goblet in hand. He takes a big gulp of the liquid before spewing it out into the air. Mesias rolls into the ring behind them all and sits in one of the corners, blood coming out of his mouth, eyes blank white.

Matt Striker: Well Jason Sensation beware, Kevin Thorn is in the building.

JR: Just when I thought he couldn't be more physically intimidating, he brought in Gangrel and Judas Mesias. Those three look to be the next dominating force in CWF.

Matt Striker: Just don't let R.E.M.E.D.Y. hear you say that, J.R.

As the camera returns to the ring, The Coven are standing at ringside and Justin Roberts has also left the ring. The bell is sounded again, indicating it's time to get things underway.


The Miz's cocky smile vanishes from his face as an expression of seriousness appears as he catches his opponent in the abdomen with a cheap right. Kevin hunches over as Miz clubs him over the back of the head with a left forearm, then follows up with a bulldog. Miz is up quickly as he rolls Kevin onto his back, leaping up and connecting with a knee drop to the head. He returns to his feet and connects with another knee drop, then returns to his feet quickly a third time and rolls Kevin onto his stomach, hooking the head and pulling him to a vertical base. Miz drapes Kevin's arm over the back of his neck and lifts, going for a suplex as he has his opponent straight up in the air for the delay but Thorn swings downward, kicking Miz in the abdomen with both feet as Kevin lands on the mat in a sitting position and the Awesome One is sent into the nearest corner back first.

JR: An impressive reversal.

Matt Striker: One has to wonder if Miz was really in control, or if Kevin was playing possum.

JR: Most vicious looking possum I've ever seen.

Matt Striker: Indeed.

But Miz isn't letting the momentum change that easily as he charges out of the corner and delivers a dropkick to Thorn just as he's getting to his feet, knocking the Master of Macabre backward into the corner he's nearest, his head against the bottom turnbuckle pad. Miz takes advantage of this and turns his leg, delivering several kicks to the face in rapid succession that caused his opponent's head to rattle against the padding. When it seemed Kevin was in a daze, Miz grabbed him by the hair and pulled him to his feet, swinging around and throwing him to the center of the ring. As Thorn hit the mat, Miz marveled at his own strength, taunting his opponent and the crowd, who showered him with boos. Thorn stood up as Miz had his back turned, taunting the crowd. The fans began cheering, as Miz smiled and nodded, as if in approval for them realizing that booing him was wrong, but it was he who was wrong as Thorn turns him around.

Miz throws a punch with his right but Kevin smacks the fist away with his left arm. Miz throws a punch with his left but Kevin stops this attempt too by swatting the fist away with his right arm. Thorn knees Miz in the abdomen, as the mouthy Ohio native slinks toward his knees in weakness, but Kevin grabs him by the back of his head with his right and grips him around the throat with his left effectively pulling him back to his feet. He headbutts The Miz with an impact that causes the crowd to gasp then looks around at them before opening his mouth wide, fangs baring, and seizing the forehead of The Miz!

JR: Good Lord, he's biting him! Kevin Thorn is sinking his teeth into the skull of The Miz!

Matt Striker: We may see an exsanguination here!

JR: Do something, ref! This kid's gonna kill him!

Matt Striker: I don't think there's anything he can do J.R.!

Thorn holds Miz there as blood begins to run from the forehead. Thorn pulls away and lifts Miz into the air, driving him to the mat with a chokeslam! Miz lies on the mat, his forehead bloodied as Thorn towers over him, his lips and chin covered with blood as it drips in droplets to the mat. The referee walks over to The Miz to check on him, as Miz sits up, throwing a punch into the groin of his opponent. Miz is there on his knees with his fist still at Kevin's groin as he looks up at Thorn, who looks down at him menacingly, then grabs Miz by the sides of his head and pulls forward as he throws a knee into his throat.

JR: As if his size wouldn't have made that maneuver hurt enough, he made sure to put some extra velocity behind it! Ladies and gentlemen, I'm not sure that The Miz can continue here!

Matt Striker: How is Kevin Thorn not crippled in pain from that groin shot?

Thorn holds Miz to his raised knee for a moment before removing it and releasing his hold. He expected Miz to fall flat to the mat, instead Miz caught himself with his hands and slipped behind Thorn, rising from the mat and throwing a knee upward into the groin. Earlier it's possible that Miz missed what he was aiming for, but this time it's certaint he made his mark as Thorn winces in pain and Miz slaps on the full nelson, placing his leg in front of his opponent's and sweeping it, connecting with the Skull Crushing Finale and driving the Master of Macabre face first into the mat. The crowd erupts into boos as Miz rolls Thorn onto his back and goes for the pin. The referee makes his way over to make the count.



NO! Kevin Thorn gets the shoulder up!

The crowd is ecstatic as Thorn throws Miz off of him and returns to a vertical base. Miz holds his hand out, keeping his pointer and thumb a short distance apart, motioning to Kevin that he was "that close". Thorn whips his head back, removing the hair from his face, as he charges forward and connects with a big boot out of nowhere!

Matt Striker: Well I hope Miz knows the number of a good orthodontist, he's gonna need it after that one.

JR: Unprecedented brutality, that's what that was.

Miz rolls onto his side and spits on the mat, blood and a few teeth coming out. He rolls onto his hands and pushes himself up, climbing to his feet. He turns around and gets met with a kick to the stomach. Thorn hooks his head and lifts him up, hanging him on the ropes, turning and bringing him down with a stunner. The crowd goes wild.

Matt Striker: Original Sin!

Thorn rolls Miz over and hooks the leg as the referee runs over to make the count.





Justin Roberts: Here is your winner and advancing to the semi-finals, Kevin Thorn!


Thorn is joined in the ring by The Coven as Ariel hands him a microphone.

Kevin Thorn: The Miz is only the first that will drown in my sin, because I am Kevin Thorn, and in my BLOOD!

Suddenly red rain begins to pour down in the arena, Thorn and the others posing and looking to the sky, welcoming it.

Matt Striker: Certainly an unorthodox way to celebrate, but they are vampires after all.

JR: It's going to take forever to clean this up. Let's just go to commercial. More Honor after this.
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Apr 23, 2011
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HONOR BROS HELP. I wrote my Honor TT and it's stuck at the point when I clicked on the video icon to insert the theme of James Storm and it's stuck. If I refresh the page, it's gonna be all lost. What should I do?


Apr 23, 2011
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^Not actual anymore. I have solved the problem and the post is up.

Chris Dresdon

Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2010
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Matt Striker: Well ladies and gentlemen, after what's been a very strong debut edition of Honor, it's now time for the main event.

JR: And what a main event it is, Matt. James Storm, after he and Robert Roode became tag champions in their first match, is on an undefeated streak. And Brock Lesnar's looking to dominate like never before now that he's in a new environment.

Matt Striker: It's champion versus champion! It's the other half of next week's second semi-final match! And it's next!


Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is your Honor main event! Introducing first...


At the sound of the music we are greeted by the Intercontinental Champion Brock Lesnar and his manager Paul Heyman. The fans are not all too pleased to see the two as the boos rain down pretty heavy on the two but they are the least bit phased as they take their time walking down the ramp towards the ring.

Justin Roberts: Being accompanied to the ring by Paul Heyman. Weighing in at 280 pounds. From Minneapolis, Minnesota. He is the Intercontinental Champion, Brock Lesnar!

The two men reach the end of the ramp with Heyman standing at ringside as Brock hands him the Intercontinental Championship and leaps onto the ring apron, stepping through the ropes.

JR: Brock looking especially focused tonight.

Matt Striker: It's all on the line in this situation, JR.

Brock rolls his shoulders and hops back and forth, getting himself pumped up as Justin prepares to introduce his opponent.

Justin Roberts: And the opponent...



The fans erupt into wild cheers as the Tennessee Cowboy walks from the back through the curtain and waves them. He carries a bottle of beer in one hand and the title belt around his waist...


Justin Roberts: From Leiper's Fork, Tennessee. Weighing in at 230 pounds. He is one half of the CWF Tag Team Champions, representing Beer Money. The "Tennessee Cowboy", James Storm!

He walks the entrance ramp in a bit of a cocky way and high-fives some fans. Before he enters the ring, he waves again and drinks some beer. James enters the ring and poses for the crowd, who give him a warm welcome.

Matt Striker: Well it all comes down to this, JR. Will James continue his undefeated streak and take another step towards simultaneous gold, or will that be Brock's step to take?

JR: It's going to be a monstrous collision, I can't wait!

James removes his shirt, sunglasses, and cowboy hat and hands all the items to the ringside official. The ring bell is sounded once again, indicating it's time for the match to begin.


The action takes no time at all to get started as Storm goes for a bicycle kick but the Next Big Thing sidesteps it and James was now hung up in the corner. Brock begins punching James repeatedly in the back of the neck, head, and upper body. He attempted to free his hung up leg but Brock swept the other out from underneath him and the Cowboy hit the back of his head hard on the mat as he held the back of his head in pain with both hands. Brock dragged him out of the corner and delivered a knee drop to the chest. Storm sat up in pain with his hand clutching his chest, coughing. Brock grabbed him and pushed him back to the mat, and delivered another knee drop. Storm rose up coughing again as Brock threw a kick to the side of the head, sending James to his side as he held the side of his head with one hand and his chest with the other.

JR: What dominating offense.

Matt Striker: Brock Lesnar showing sort of a renewed aggression here.

Brock looked at his opponent apathetically as he grabbed him by hair and pulled him to his feet. Brock delivered a rising knee to the chest that knocked James into the corner. Lesnar winds back with his arm and delivers a vicious chop, following up with another, then without warning, goes into a furious series of them with little to no space between each strike. He backs off as Storm slumps forward, only to connect with a shoulder thrust and put him back in the corner. Brock leans back and thrusts forward, connecting with another shoulder thrust before backing off. James slumps forward again, Brock grabbing him and placing his head between his legs. Brock locks his arms around the waist of his opponent as he hoists him up for a powerbomb, turning away from the turnbuckle before connecting with the move. The crowd gasps at the impact but Lesnar isn't through as he keeps his hold on Storm and lifts him back into the air, connecting with another powerbomb. The fans gasp again and can't believe it as Brock keeps his hold and hoists him up again, connecting with a third consecutive powerbomb, releasing his hold on impact.

JR: Good Lord, a triple powerbomb!

Matt Striker: The Tennessee Cowboy is not in a good spot right now!

Storm rolls off of his back and lies there face down, his head buried in his arms as Brock brought him to his feet again. Brock rolled his shoulder, indicating he was ready to connect with his trademark lariat, but James is ready to fight back as he delivers a knee into the abdomen of his opponent. James turns his back to him as he hooks his head, then took off running forward and leaped, clearing the ropes as he took Brock down with a bulldog to the outside. Lesnar's face hit the outside pretty hard as James showed no signs of letting up, getting to his feet quickly. As Brock tried to get up, James clubbed him in the back of the head with a double axe handle, then drove him head first into the ring barricade. Brock staggered backward after impact until he was back first against the outside apron as Storm rolled him back inside and followed after.

JR: James Storm turning the tide here.

Matt Striker: Just when things looked to be over, the Cowboy's making a comeback!

Storm held Lesnar by the back of the head with his left hand and continuously punched him with his right. Brock took about six punches before throwing a hard right into the abdomen of Storm to break up the attack. After the assault stopped, Brock placed his hands on the shoulders of his opponent and simply shoved him down, Storm landing so that his legs went over his head before he ended up in a seated position. Brock ran across the ring and kicked him in the face, placing him on his back in a daze. Brock looked at the nearest corner and made his way over, climbing up and positioning himself on the top turnbuckle. He stood up as Storm lay there holding his face, and leapt into the air, going for a shooting star press.

JR: Brock's flying!

Matt Striker: The Next Big Thing pulling out all the stops here!

As Lesnar turned through the air, about to make impact, James rolled out of the way at the last moment and Brock ate nothing but mat. Lesnar popped up from the mat, holding his footing and looking furious as he charged Storm, who charged him in turn. Storm planted his feet and got in a fighting stance as Brock threw a punch, but he blocked it with the back of his left wrist and hit square on the forehead with a hard right, winding back and lifting his leg as he prepared the hit, rocking forward and stomping on Brock's foot as he threw the punch. Storm did this a few times until Brock threw a punch with the other hand, but he just blocked and did the same thing just opposite from before. Storm leaned back a bit and connected with a headbutt to Brock, then reached under and behind his arm and whipped him in a full flip through the air, bringing him to the mat with a hip toss that had a lot of snap behind it. Storm ran into the ropes to get some momentum but before he could come off them, Heyman leapt onto the apron and locked his arms around his neck, holding him halfway in the ring and halfway out.

JR: Oh this isn't fair! That damn Heyman!

Storm maneuvered himself so that he threw his lower body over Heyman, landing behind him and grabbing his shoulders, bringing him to the floor outside with a form of Edge-O-Matic. Storm stood up but was brought back down as Brock dove through the ropes and connected with a suicide dive. Lesnar got up and grabbed him by the hair and pulled him to his feet but James threw the side of his knee into Brock's abdomen and bulldogged him onto the steel ramp. After making impact with the move, Storm backed up, ready for him to get up. Lesnar got up angrily and James bicycle kicked him in the upper spine, knocking him onto his face. Storm went to follow up but Lesnar had caught himself with his hands as he leaps backward and catches Storm in the mouth with the point of his elbow. Brock slipped behind him hooking his arms around his waist and German suplexed him into the side of the ring. Storm hit head first, his neck being bent awkwardly on impact as he fell to the floor and lay there. Lesnar re-enters the ring as the referee begins his count.





JR: Ladies and gentlemen, James Storm may be out of this thing.



Brock was taunting the crowd and James Storm, getting a tremendous amount of boos.



Storm began to stir as he got to his feet. Heyman grabbed him by the throat but Storm elbowed him in the stomach and hip tossed him into the steel steps.


Storm turned around and entered the ring, breaking the count, but Brock attacked him immediately, leaping up and connecting with a knee drop right to the back of the neck. The crowd "ooh'ed" as Storm appeared to be out of it. Brock grabbed his wrist and dragged him to the center of the ring, then gradually pulled him to his feet. Brock lifted James onto his shoulders and the crowd booed as they knew what was coming. It appeared to be over but Storm managed to connect with an elbow to the side of the jaw and get free. Brock turned as Storm went for the Last Call. Brock sidestepped and went for a wide punch, but Storm sidestepped and went for the move again. Brock leapt out of the way and connected with the Last Call himself! As Storm fell, Brock ran around him and caught James, throwing him onto his shoulders and standing up. The crowd booed as Lesnar connected with the F-5.

JR: F-5! F-5!

Matt Striker: If James Storm can kick out, it'll be a miracle!

Brock covers James and hooks the leg as the referee comes over to count the pin.





Justin Roberts: Here is your winner, the "Next Big Thing", Brock Lesnar!


Heyman enters the ring as he and Brock celebrate the win. James Storm rolls out of the ring and begins to head to the back.

Matt Striker: Well folks, the dream of one Brock Lesnar has been realized. Next week he will be one step closer to becoming the first CWF Champion.

JR: Ladies and gentlemen thank you for joining us tonight. We'll see you next week!

Brock and Heyman posing in the ring is the final image as Thursday Night Honor fades to black.


Alberto Del Rio vs. Road Dogg, Kevin Thorn promo- Sam
Air Boom promo- Andrew
The Rock promo- Purple PuNk
Show opening- Tapout
Putting show together, getting show up, Kane promo, Kevin Thorn vs. The Miz, Cody Rhodes vs. Christian, and Brock Lesnar vs. James Storm- Dres
Last edited:


Jun 3, 2010
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Justin Roberts: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Alberto Del Rio's personal ring announcer, Ricardo Roooooodriguez!

The whole arena of fans begin to boo and chant, "You Suck“ at him, as suddenly the theme of Del Rio begins to play.


As the theme hits the sound system, fans in the arena leap to their feet and show huge disrespect to their newest sensation – Alberto Del Rio. As Alberto arrives in his new car, to make sure everybody in the arena knows who just arrived, he beeps the horn. Alberto gets out of the car after pulling to a complete stop with a huge smile on his face, ignoring the booing.

Del Rio points to his own face to let the fans' know they aren't getting to him as Ricardo begins to introduce him.

Ricardo Rodriguez:
Señoras y señores,
El gran momento ha llegado,
cuando las personas son capaces de estar en la presencia de ese gran hombre
Es un hombre apuesto y muy poderoso,
A diferencia de usted las personas que son gordas, feas y pobres.
Él es la esencia de la excelencia y el orgullo de México
Él es Alberto del RRRRRRRrrrriiiiiioOOOOoO!

As Ricardo finishes his introduction of Alberto Del Rio, Alberto begins to slowly walk on the entrance ramp and with a huge smile on his face, he yells something to these peasants sitting in the crowd and booing at him like idiots... Alberto steps on the entrance ramp and poses for people in crowd and the peasants, that are sitting at home, as the flickering pyros fall behind him. Alberto then carries on down and into the ring to a huge negative reception



Road Dogg walks out from the back, bottle of water in hand, he does his signature crotch chopping on the stage before walking down the ramp towards the ring, he has a mic in hand and he introduces himself as he walks down the ramp.

Road Dogg: WELCOME, TO THE DOG HOUSE!. And right now I'm 'bout to kick his ass!.

Dogg throws the mic down and slides into the ring and straight into the battle.


Road Dogg slides into the ring but is immediately set upon by Del Rio as the bell sounds. Dogg is on the ground as Del Rio stomps him on the mat. Del Rio picks Road Dogg up and drops him with a Suplex. Del Rio covers, but Road Dogg is quick to kick out. Del Rio runs off the ropes and goes for a Senton on the grounded Road Dogg, but Road Dogg rolls out of the ring and out the way. Del Rio lands straight down onto the mat as Road Dogg gathers his composure on the outside. Del Rio tries to stand up inside the ring, but Road Dogg grabs him by the legs and drags him to the outside where he immediately starts pummeling him with right's and left's before tossing him into the outside ring barricade. Road Dogg then lifts Del Rio up and runs him into the outside rim of the ring. Del Rio buckles over holding his back in agony.

Jim Ross: This match really has just been going at one hundred miles per hour since the word go, and these men ain't stopping yet.

Matt Striker: I don't know if they can keep the pace for much longer JR.

Road Dogg tosses Del Rio into the ring and climbs up onto the top rope and waits for Del Rio to get up. As Del Rio reaches his feet, Road Dogg jumps off and goes for a Double Axe Handle Smash, but Del Rio gets the boot up and kicks him straight in the mid-section. Del Rio then grabs the arm and jumps in the air and brings the arm down across his knees hyper extending the arm and leaving Road Dogg writhing in pain. The referee checks Road Dogg to see if he is capable of continuing. Road Dogg tells him he's good to go whilst holding his arm. Del Rio grabs the already targeted arm and twists it in between his legs before dropping down onto his knees crushing Road Dogg's arm between his knees. Del Rio then stands up and does it again as the crowd and Road Dogg grimace together. Del Rio then lets Road Dogg go as he casually swaggers around the ring smiling, and winking at the crowd as the boo loudly. Road Dogg crawls into one of the corners to help himself up onto his feet again. His arm dangling by his side.

Matt Striker: Del Rio has a very sound strategy here as always, targeting the arm, softening Road Dogg up for the Spinning Armbar.

Jim Ross: But he may have also wasted too much time gloating about it to take full advantage!.

Alberto Del Rio gathers himself before running at Road Dogg and leaping up for the Enziguiri, but Road Dogg moves out of the way and Del Rio collides in a bad way with the turnbuckles. Road Dogg stumbles back and as Del Rio gets back up he hits him with a right jab... and then another, before shimmying to the side and doing a little dance before smashing Del Rio with a big right hand dropping the aristocrat mexican. Del Rio is quick to his feet but as he gets up Road Dogg kicks him in the gut before dropping him with a Double Arm DDT. Road Dogg then hits the ropes and does a little cha-cha dance before dropping down to his knees into the face of Del Rio. Road Dogg then steps back and he signals to the crowd what's next. The crowd go wild with excitement as he raises his signature X arm signal into the air.

Jim Ross: I think we all know what's next.

Matt Striker: Why aren't you talking about Road Dogg gloating around the ring?!. Unbiased?... pfft.

As Del Rio slowly gets to his feet, Road Dogg grabs him from behind, Del Rio however gets out, grabs the arm and spins looking to bring Road Dogg down, but Road Dogg gets out, Del Rio lands on his feet in front of Road Dogg, Road Dogg then grabs Del Rio under one arm, he grabs the other between Del Rio's legs before lifting Del Rio and dropping him down to the mat with authority with the Pumphandle Falling Powerslam!. Road Dogg quickly hooks both legs.




Winner: Road Dogg!



Chris Dresdon

Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2010
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Matt Striker: Well everyone, coming up is perhaps the most personal showdown in this tournament.

JR: The bad blood will surely serve as motivation in this contest. I can't wait!

The ring bell sounds.


Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is the second match in the CWF Championship tournament! Introducing first...



"Highway to the Danger Zone" by Versus The Ocean begins playing as the crowd erupts into boos. Soon after this, the "Instant Classic" himself makes his way onto the stage.


Justin Roberts: From Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Weighing in at 227 pounds, Christian!

As he looks out at the crowd, Christian makes his way down the ramp and enters the ring, preparing for the match ahead.

JR: Christian looking as confident as ever.

Matt Striker: When I look at the Instant Classic, I see someone who's hungry. He knows what it tastes like to be champion, and he wants to taste it again.

Justin Roberts gets ready to introduce the opponent.

Justin Roberts: And the opponent...


Your Only Smoke And Mirrors!

Cody Rhodes' entrance theme hits the PA system much to the fans dislike and when the CWF’s Dashing superstar walks onto the stage he gets a standing ovation of boos.


Cody smirks and turns round to face the titantron looking at his 'dashing' face before he slowly walks down the ramp.


Justin Roberts: From Marietta, Georgia. Weighing in at 223 pounds, "Dashing" Cody Rhodes!

Cody reaches the end of the ramp and enters the ring.

JR: The young Rhodes arguably has the most to prove tonight.

Matt Striker: And prove it I feel he shall.

The ring bell sounds, indicating it's time for things to get started.


Rhodes and Christian lock up in a test of strength. Christian gets the better of the exchange as he backs Cody into the ropes. Cody exerts more strength and takes a few steps away from the ropes, backing Christian towards the center of the ring. Currently at a stalemate, both men get frustrated as they both threw a knee towards their opponent's stomach. They did this simultaneously, each using their left, and their knees connected. The lock-up was broken as each man held their knee in pain. Rhodes delivered an uppercut to Christian as the Instant Classic staggered a few steps backward, the Dashing One charging and connecting with a lariat, both of them flying over the ropes in a complete flip and landing on the outside. Both men were up quickly as they locked up again, Christian's hands around Cody's throat and Cody's hands around Christian's as they pushed against one another.

Rhodes threw a knee into the groin of Christian, breaking his hold and bringing him to his knees. Rhodes looked into his eyes, continuing to choke him out, intensity in his expression. Christian looked to be fading for a moment then closed his hands around the outside of Cody's wrists, applying pressure as he rose to his feet. Christian turns the momentum around in his favor, rolling Cody into the ring and following after.

JR: The Instant Classic showing the same ferocity he did in his battles with Randy Orton.

Matt Striker: Christian seems to have Cody Rhodes right where he wants him now.

As Cody got up, Christian hooked his head and went for a DDT, but Rhodes put his hands down and caught himself, so now Christian was the only one hurt by the move. Cody got to his feet as Christian rolled and got to his. Cody took off running and went for a spear but Christian sidestepped and connected with a drop toe hold as Mick hit the mat head first. Christian rolled him onto his back and stepped over him, squatting down and grabbing a fistful of Cody's hair with his left hand, pulling his head upward as he punched it repeatedly with his right hand. Cody shifted his arms forward, placing his hands on the abdomen of Christian as he turned and pushed the Instant Classic off of him at an angle.

Cody got up quickly and Christian was sitting there in the corner. Cody placed his foot on Christian's throat and pushed, choking him out. Christian struggled as he clutched Cody's foot with both hands and tried to push it away from his throat, but wasn't finding much success as the lack of oxygen was turning his face very red.

JR: Christian finds himself in a very precarious position right now.

Matt Striker: Why isn't the referee doing something about this?

Christian, losing strength, had just about given up on trying to push Cody's foot away. He tried an alternative way to break things up as he kicked away at the front of Cody's other leg. Cody removed his foot from Christian's throat and went to kick him but Christian rolled out of the way. He pushed Rhodes forward into the turnbuckle and threw an elbow into his back, the point of it connecting between Cody's shoulder blades. Christian was coughing in between dishing out the offense as he was regaining his breath. He grabbed Cody by the back of the neck and top of the back of the head as he began to beat his face into the turnbuckle repeatedly. After about five, Christian pulled him away and turned him around, throwing a kick towards his stomach. Cody unexpectedly caught his leg and threw it down to the mat, leaping backward and throwing a dropkick, knocking Christian into the ropes.

Christian caught himself on the ropes, then walked up to Cody and slapped him in the mouth. Rhodes looked back at him seething and went on the attack, alternating between his left and his right with punches. After this had went on for a moment, Christian grabbed Rhodes by the throat and headbutted him. After Christian made contact, Cody reacted aggressively and kicked Christian and pulled him towards him hooking his head. Christian pushed Rhodes off of him and he went into the ropes. Rhodes came back and Christian leapt over him as Cody went into the opposite ropes and came off as Christian leapt upward and connected with a Pele' Kick that brought Cody down. Christian got to his feet, looking down at Rhodes.

Matt Striker: Christian in control here.

JR: What a match we're seeing!

Christian grabbed Cody and dragged him towards the ropes, lifting him to a half-vertical base and sticking his upper body over the second rope. Christian applied a sleeper hold, pulling Cody to a full vertical base, wrenching back and using the ropes as leverage. Cody's feet had left the ground as he kicked at the air, but Christian kicked him in the back of the leg, setting him back on his feet, then rocked backwards quickly, throwing Cody through the air, rolling completely over Christian's shoulder as Christian brought him down with a form of cutter. Christian turned and pushed off of the mat to regain his footing when suddenly he was met with a soccerball kick to the lower jaw that made his head snap as he rocked backward to the mat. Rhodes had returned to his feet as he took a short jog and leapt into the air, connecting with a running shooting star press. Rhodes popped up and did the same in the other direction.

Cody got up, enjoying the damage he'd done, but he wasn't satisfied. He suddenly grabbed Christian and led him towards the turnbuckle, stepping up onto it gradually as he brought Christian up top with him. He set up for a superplex, but before he could follow through with the execution...



The crowd went nuts as The Rock's theme hit the PA system and he sprinted from the back, making his way down the ramp on his way to the ring.

JR: What the hell? It's The Rock!

Matt Striker: The always entertaining fan favorite obviously not satisfied sitting back and watching anymore!

Rock leapt onto the ring apron and walked over to the turnbuckle, pushing both men off. Rhodes and Christian crash to the mat as Rock climbs through the ropes and enters the ring. Cody gets up first and takes a swing at The Rock who dodges it and hooks the arm, connecting with a Rock Bottom! Christian grabs Rock and goes for the Killswitch but Rock pushes him into the ropes, hitting him with a spinebuster when he comes off. The Rock exits the ring as the referee signals to the official to ring the bell.


Justin Roberts: Ladies and gentlemen, as a result of a double disqualification, this match has been ruled a No Contest!

The crowd boos the decision to throw the match out, chanting, "This is Bullshit!" Suddenly...


JR: The General Manager not gonna stand for this.

Matt Striker: Let's see what the boss has to say.

Joey Styles makes his way onto the stage with a microphone. The Rock stops where he is on the ramp.

Joey Styles: Rock, I respect you and everything you've done for this business, but what the HELL do you think you're doing interfering in this match? Are you upset you've been left out of the tournament, is that what this is about? Well you're gonna get your wish, Mr. Hollywood, because next week we're doing to have a triple threat! Cody Rhodes versus Christian versus The Rock!

The crowd cheers as Joey Styles turns around and leaves. The camera gets a close up of The Rock's reaction as Honor heads to commercial.​

Chris Dresdon

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September 15th Assignments

Alberto Del Rio vs. Kane - Sam

Road Dogg vs. Kevin Thorn - Dresden

Alex Riley vs. Brock Lesnar - Tapout

Christian vs. Cody Rhodes vs. The Rock - Dresden


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Honor Writing Assessments (Trash Can Area)

All Trash from Honor's Writing Assessment will go here.


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This starts off HONOR.


The lights go off... a piercing scream is heard over the PA System. Purple Hue barely visible is seen hovering over the ring, we see red splatter slowly pour down into the ring, it gets faster then it stops. The ring begins to lighten up, we see red splatter all over the ring with a message.


Jim Ross: What on earth is going on here?

The lights then begin to flicker, the titantron comes alive as we see the three people with the long trenchcoat jacket. They're still not visible as they're wearing a black hoodie which covers their face. John Morrison is dragged around by the trio, with the black bag over his head, still handcuffed after the ending of WAR shown. The trio grab him tighter as they drag him towards the entrance ring. They pause for a moment as white pyro begins to sparkle in a circle position. Music begins to play...


'Satyricon - Repined Bastard Nation' begins blasting out from the PA System in complete screaming music, the crowd holding their ears to their pure hatred of this music. Green hue hovers over the entrance ramp as the trio make their way to the ring, one enters the ring as the other two help drag Morrison into the ring. One member grabs Morrison placing him by the corner turnbuckle before grabbing barbed wire and surrounding him against the steel post. Morrison is trapped by the corner turnbuckle. The lights slowly come back to life as the trio stand in the middle of the ring. One member takes off the hoodie and it's revealed to be a girl. She grabs a microphone...



I am the Goth Goddess, Daffney. You wanted explanations, you're not getting them just yet. These two here, they are not to be revealed just yet. John Morrison is a man who believes he is sexy, a man who believes he can socialize and become popular amongst girls and such. I, Daffney is a girl... a lonely girl who has forever been alone, in the darkness I've never witnessed joy or laughter. While John continues to portray a happy life, it's about to come crumbling down for him. While you stand there trapped John, you cannot see anything that is going on, you're now living in the darkness. This is how we've felt for so long John, this is something you're going to live with right now. Standing there bruised, trapped in barbed wire.. It is our desire and vision to see one bleed, we thirst for one's blood. Nobody can save you right now John, you can forget about WAR, you can forget about the 'Hardcore Championship' because you're now dealing with us. Nobody sent us but ourselves, our delusional mind is of our creation.

Daffney drops the microphone as the hooded man kneels down as he then picks the microphone up, he reveals himself.

Jim Ross:
Justin Gabriel?!


Justin Gabriel;

'The Gargoyle' has arrived, the demons have finally canvassed the Earth and portrayed a vision like never before. These dark clouds will hover for days, the storm will continue to brew stronger and stronger and you John Morrison. You're about to be asphyxiated. How does it feel when you can barely breathe? How does it feel knowing the audience is slightly worried about you, they don't like you but they care... They want the Guru of Greatness to live on, they do not want us... We've never been accepted into society, we've always been hiding from the Earth. This world we live in is nothing but 'evil'. Everything that happens is evil, nobody is ever 'safe'. We've never been safe ever, we've had to live underground to escape the world... In the streets of New York, lived us... Our anger against the world became stronger, one night... One night we managed to get back into the world, bright lights hovered over us. These lights and people were happy, but... we managed to find a way to turn the lights off. The screams were heard and everybody was upset. We've noticed that you people cannot live in the dark, but you will from now on and it will rain blood. Starting with you John Morrison.

Gabriel slowly hands the microphone to the next person, he doesn't reveal himself but walk to John Morrison using the barbed wire as he takes it off. Morrison is bleeding, the man takes off the black bag that hovered over his face. Morrison coughs as he is on the floor, barely breathing. The man reveals himself as he speaks.

Jimmy Jacobs;

Ever sat in the park at night, wondering why everyone is so happy in this place? Ever looked over the city on top of the hill, over the lookout... You watch cars and everything move by quickly. People are in such a hurry, in a rush to gain what keeps them happy. The doctors at the hospital helping one person to become better, but here we are... we're not happy, we'll never be better... we're a disease that will widely spread throughout the universe. You John... how's the Asphyxiation coming along? Are you breathing yet? How will you survive the aftermath come Invasion? Your days of being the Shaman of Sexy are outnumbered... You will become one of us, we will enter the Devil into your soul, we will cut you and make you bleed until you have received a path into the darkness. This John, this ends at Invasion. There will be no more John Morrison. I'm asking you to meet me at Invasion and fight me in a match where Weapons are allowed, however we are not to fight in the arena. We're to fight everywhere but the arena. Do you accept the challenge John?

John can barely move, Gabriel grabs him and locks in the Koji Clutch making him barely able to breathe... instantly Melina rushes from the ring as she punches Daffney. Jacobs and Gabriel retreat and leave the ring as they grab Daffney as they walk to the entrance ramp. Melina looks onto the entrance ramp as she carefully tries to take the barbed wire off Morrison, EMT's rush down to help as we go backstage...

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Just curious, the show is up tomorrow and I see nothing here


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I'll get my match in later after the Celtic game.


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Okay. So I'm off tomorrow, besides school, so if you're willing to wait till about 3 PM Pacific time, and I can get my shit in.


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October 6th Assignments

Dumpster Match - Road Dogg and Billy Gunn Vs Matt Hardy and Shannon Moore - Sam
Las Vegas Street Fight Match (Winner also recieves a night with Godfather's ho's which we'll tie in) - Kane Vs The Miz - Bronzy
Leather Strap Match - Alberto Del Rio Vs Alex Riley - Bronzy
Steel Cage Match - Brock Lesnar Vs Christian - Sam

Joey Styles will announce that he's taking a sabbatical and that there will be a new General Manager announced next week, this week he's exchanged his job for a night with the Godfather's ho's *Godfather GM for one night only*. Hoping to put in Mick Foley as the Commish. But I'd like to hear your ideas first Bronzy.

Two matches a piece sound braw to you?.
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