CWF - Past War Trashtalking #11 (Merging Issue)

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Christian's theme song 'Just Close Your Eyes' hits the arena... The crowd erupts in boo's with only a few cheers heard. Christian comes from behind the curtain with a microphone.



So... Extreme Rules, I didn't quite get the job done. Unfortunately for me... that means no more CWF Heavyweight Championship shots, no more facing The Rock... These long years just continue on but only one man can allow me to have my opportunity once again and that is my opponent Kane. You see Kane... you're currently the 'Money in the Bank' holder, you could be successful in cashing that in. Which will mean you are the Champion, which means I have that opportunity that I've been long dreaming of. But... But... I don't want that right now, first of all... The past few weeks, I've been tangled, my mind all deranged, I've had some stupid thoughts and worse of all... I turned my back on you 'peeps'. Now I understand you 'peeps' might not be trusting me ever again, but I want you all to understand that I desperately wanted to become a Champion again. When I'm in the main event, I get that buzz... I get all excited like a little kid at the carnival with an ice-cream. My excitement took over me and like that little kid... he wandered around without his mother... That little boy became lost, tried everything just to get that one thing that would make him happy, he never found his mother... I'm in that situation, I've searched and searched, tried everything to capture the CWF Heavyweight Championship but it was never to be... I was alone... I'm empty.

A few cheers are heard.


So 'peeps'... If you all could forgive me for my actions and poor behavior for the past couple of weeks... I apologize for acting way out of line, it's not me. You people know me for loving you 'peeps', without you guys... I wouldn't be here and that's the truth. When I go out and face Kane, it won't be a match about hatred. It will be a match of 'respect'. That's right, Kane... you are a respected man, I watched your match and I know what you're capable of and believe me when I say... 'You deserve to be a Champion'. Right now, I'm unable to succeed to a point where I can be Championship Material, but right now, wins and losses are not of my worries. I've tried my hardest and unfortunately I've came to realize that it doesn't matter if I have a belt or not... It really doesn't, what matters is that I perform in front of my 'peeps' put on the best match possible. Just hearing you 'peeps' cheer for me is enough, it's all I need.

The fans erupt to cheers after Christian is back to norm, showing respect, Christian heads down to the ring.


Kane... There's only one thing I want to say. Now you have that briefcase, you have the potential to become 'our' Champion and I just want to say... Are you people freakin' stupid? Look how easy it was to capture these cheers... That briefcase you have, I'm going to make sure this week I beat you to a bloody pulp that we will have to contend in a ladder match for that... You Kane, hiding behind that mask y-

The boos are heard as suddenly a theme song interrupts what Christian was about to say

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WAR 07/04/11: Kevin Thorn vs. Jack Swagger (Scramble Qualifier)

"My Name is Jack Swagger"


*Jack Swaggers theme hits and the crowd in the arena immediately stand up and turn towards the stage, Jack Swagger emerges on stage with a cold serious look on his face standing on the stage for a moment before he begins a slow methodical walk staring straight ahead ignoring all the fans*


*The crowd in the front row are booing but are still reaching out to try and touch Swagger, but are just ignored as Swagger has his eyes locked dead ahead. At the end of the ramp he stops for a moment and suddenly the stage behind him is lighted up with Red and blue firework, But the pyro does nothing to raise Swaggers emotion as once they die down Swagger simply continues his walk over to the steel steps. He walks up to the ring apron and steps into the ring standing in the middle of the ring looking dead ahead at the main camera as he raises his microphone*


Jack Swagger:

Ladies and Gentleman, I introduce to you the man who is here to make CWF his own, The man who will forever be known as the single greatest athlete in this business and the superstar who will be becoming the new Intercontinental Champion on his first pay per view appearance. The Two Time All American American... Jack Swagger.

*Swagger raises his arms up slightly to his side presenting himself to the booing crowd with his head held high. After a moment or two he brings his arms down with the mic up to his mouth*

For the past month I have been waiting for my opportunity to show what the new focused Jack Swagger can do here in CWF and I will finally get my chance. And what better day to start my reign over CWF than on the fourth of July at the Great American Bash, And my All American Debut will be for a shot at championship gold already. It seems that management has already taken notice of what I am capable of when I am not jumping around with a goofy smile on my face, and soon everyone in the back and all of you will see what I capable of as well.

*The crowd boos loudly hating Swaggers self indulgent confidence before he's even had a match but Swagger simply continues*

And the first instance of my greatness will be at the expense of another mans debut here in CWF however I am not entirely sure who it is I am facing. I do know the name is Kevin Thorn however I do not have any recollection of who the person whatsoever, but at the end of the day it really doesn't matter because the fact of the matter is whoever I am facing is not Jack Swagger and ultimately that will be everyones downfall. Because while there are superstars who are known for an attribute I will be remembered as the overall greatest talent there ever was. I have the technical ability, the strength, the speed, the agility, and the intensity to beat anyone I see fit and while you people seem to disagree right now once July Fourth rolls along you will learn that everything Jack Swagger says is simply fact.

*Swagger lowers his microphone as he stares through the sea of people.*

ooc: gotta get my swagga rust off, good luck sammeh

awesome miz

Apr 24, 2011
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CWF Monday Night WAR July 4th: Book Of Truth vs Ryan/McIntyre

Camera cuts to entrance into arena where is arriving R-Truth. Camera focus on him and Truth walk into the main hall and stand there and talks to himself. Fans went around him and R-Truth walks around and stop near to shop. R-Truth grabs microphone that is laying on table of shop and look around the shop and still to talk to himself. Than he put microphone near to his mouth and begin to talk...

R-Truth: The Truth is in da house ! And I´m not the same R-Truth that is dancing and raping around and doing bitch to little Jimmies ! Not more ! Now I´m old R-Truth aka Ron Killings is back bitches ! I´m not same Truth that you know from another companies running by little Jimmies ! I´m a new R-Truth ! And no one will talk to me what to do ! No more of doing bitch to Jimmies ! I never had chance to touch gold cause of you ! Cause of Jimmies and cause of conspiracy that is running these companies ! But the fact, that CWF is running by a company conspiracy will change with Truth coming here ! You Jimmies around me, you are nothing more than sheeps controled by conspiracy ! Look at this !

R-Truth grabs T-Shirt of Drew McIntyre and he look at the shirt and talk something to himself. Fans around him, they give Truth mixed reaction, as R-Truth grabs microphone again...

R-Truth: What the hell is this ?! It says “ Chosen one, Drew McIntyre†?! Chosen by who ? By Jimmies ?! Why is he chosen ? Why I´m not the chosen one huh ? Cause of bitches like you ! Look around the shop and you see T-Shirts of absolute loosers! Look, even looser like Zack Ryder got his own T-Shirt ! He has his own locker room as well ! In fact he is nothing more than bitch of Jimmies ! And me ? Where the fuck is my T-Shirt ! I tell you ! NOWHERE ! Cause I do not have my own T-Shirt ! I don´t even got my own locker room !

Fans are laughing and Truth grabs the DVD of John Cena´s film – Legendary. Truth show it on camera and begin to talk again...


R-Truth: What the fuck ?! John Cena – Legendary ? What exactly is on him legendary ? Nothing ! He is not a legend ! No one in this company is the legend ! But for company, legends are you – Little Jimmies ! I hear about you everywhere ! I go to buy new clothes and I hear in radio talk about how Little Jimmy won the race ! I eat and what I see on my plate head of Little Jimmy ! I go sleep and guess about who I dreaming huh ?! Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy ! Jimmy is everywhere ! He is chasing me ! Stop chasing me Jimmy !

Fans are laughing like mentals and Truth push it through fans around him and makes his way through hall and entre to the audience. Fans give Truth a mixed reaction and Truth is talking to himself again. R-Truth walking down from steps to the ring and he put microphone near to his mouth and talk while he walk...

R-Truth: Just look at you ! Ninety percent of the audience is Little Jimmies ! Ten Percent is the Big Jimmies ! So, how dare you to boo at me ? I´m Ron “R-Truth†Killings and I´m not your friend, so boo to someone else bastards ! Oh, I know, I´m bad on you, so you gonna cry Jimmy huh ?! Go to hell bitch ! I don´t care about you ! Just as I don´t care about Mason Ryan or Drew McIntyre ! They are nothing more than Jimmies ! So I´ll just beat them, like I gonna beat everybody who will step into my way now !

Kid from audience with John Cena´s T-Shirt stand up and scream on R-Truth that he suck. R-Truth stop and look at kid. He talk to himself something from a moment and than he talk to little kid....


R-Truth: You said that I suck ? I suck and you have John Cena´s T-Shirt on you huh ?! Are you mad ? I´m not the one that suck, you are ! Remember Jimmy, that until you gonna be Little Jimmy, you are not able to talk on me ! Did I made it clear to you Jimmy ? Now sit and enjoy the moment, when I´m talking ! Did you understood what I said to you Jimmy ! Sure you didn´t ! You understand only language of bitches like McIntyre or Ryan ! So go home and watch Tom and Jarry you idiot !

Fans now boo at Truth and R-Truth jumps over barricade and roll into the ring and he sit into middle of the ring and ask for water and cigaret. Staff man gives him both and R-Truth start smoking cigarete and drink water...

R-Truth: You see Jimmies ! I can do whatever I want ! This is my ring ! This is my company ! This is my time ! Tonight is my night ! I will destroy both Ryan and McIntyre and I will walk out of the ring as the winner ! I will never more dance or rap for you ! If you want to hear me, sit and listen what I just saying to you ! This compay is only about me and nobody else !

There will be no stopping...


R-Truth is interrupted by his tag team partner. Ezekiel Jackson steps out of backstage and fans give him mixed reaction. Ezekiel don´t look happy about what he heared moments ago from his tag team partner. Ezekiel scream something to his partner on stage and than he makes his way to the ring. R-Truth must roll to the corner as Ezekiel Jackson stop before the ring and raise his hands and points on his partner. Ezekiel get onto apron and step into middle of the ring and show his thing...


Ezekiel step before his partner and rip microphone from his hand and step into middle of the ring and get microphone near to his mouth and start to talk...

Ezekiel Jackson: Did you said something partner ? If you gonna continue to talking shits like that, I´m not going to dominate only against our opponents ! Understand ? Good ! Now, as my partner said, in fact he said it about himself, but it is same for us, we are going to destroy each and every single one of guys that will try to step into our way ! We both was bitches of you, but now, it´s our time ! And you idiots in this audience let beast in me out ! I´m ready to dominate tonight ! After I will destroy these two idiots that we are facing tonight I will pick them up and kick their heads out of the body ! I´m a most dominate force around ! And my next victim after these two idiots are tag team champions ! Well, champions only cause they defeated two loosers !

Fans boo at Ezekiel and R-Truth stand up and shake hand with his partner and they both stand in the middle of the ring and Ezekiel continue...

Ezekiel Jackson: You know what´s funny partner ? That our first victims will be guys that are looking like Justin Timberlake ! And that little Jimmies that you are talking about can´t do anything about the thing, that we are most dominating team that CWF ever saw ! When I came here to CWF, I knew I gonna do big things here ! Not only that I gonna be undefeated here, I will as well be most feared guy around ! For Ryan and McIntyre – You guys don´t got much luck if you must fight with me tonight ! But I hope you´ll show up in our match tonight ! Cause I´m really humble for some fresh meat !

Fans gives Ezekiel once again huge boo and chant “ Little Jimmy†is heared around the arena. Ezekiel enjoy the chant, but Truth is not happy and Ezekiel grap microphone...

Ezekiel Jackson: Calm down partner ! You must be ready for our match ! You must be ready to kick some asses brother ! You know what ? I never before destroyed Scottish ass ! Tonight it´s my premier ! And I gonna enjoy every single moment of it ! ooh-wee !

Both tag team partners stand in the ring and they are waiting for their opponents as...


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The crowd are hushed after Swagger's opening statement when suddenly an unfamiliar theme hits the PA system.


'Drown In Ashes' by Celtic Frost hits the PA system and the lights drop down into a deep, dark red as the crowd begin to make a noise that hints at a sense of uncertainty and fear. As smoke fills the stage a dark figure emerges from behind the curtain, he steps out into the light and a woman hugs his arm beside him, that man, is Kevin Thorn. The woman... is Ariel.


The crowd look on anxiously as Thorn and Ariel make their way down the ramp. They stop at the foot of the ramp, they look at Swagger and Thorn gives a creepy smile. Ariel makes his way round the ring with Thorn right behind. Ariel gets up onto the ring apron before getting herself up onto the ring ropes in her sleeping bat pose. She and Thorn lock lips before Ariel sits on the middle rope allowing Thorn to enter the ring. Thorn stands staring at Swagger who looks on confused. Thorn stands still as Ariel speaks on a newly acquired microphone.


Ariel: Jack Swagger... not a surprise to see you running your mouth about nothing and not much else, but if you would shut your petulant mouth I would introduce you to this man... Kevin Thorn. The soon to be overlord of the Championship Wrestling Federation. This man is striking fear into the heart of everyone in this arena, they sense his impending destruction of CWF, they sense him and his impending unleashing of darkness, a plague of death, and decimation upon this wretched land, and let me tell you Jack Swagger, not you, not anybody will ever stop him from forging a path of darkness in this disgusting world that people like you Jack Swagger, have created. And what better way to unleash the terrible plague upon CWF than by taking you out of the equation.

The crowd have mixed reaction, mostly boos Ariel continues.

Swagger, your ignorance may be bliss to you, but let me tell you, if you do not know who Kevin Thorn, 'The Master of Macabre' is?... then I assure you, you will after The Great American Bash. For there will be at least one 'great american' who will be 'bashed' at the first event of Kevin Thorn's tenure here in CWF... the genesis, the first day of the beginning, of the end. It's in the cards, it's in the stars and it's written in stone that the end is indeed near, but it will not be 2012 that will put an end to this world, and it's inhabitants, but it will be the 'Fanged Freak' Kevin Thorn. A man who receeds into darkness to escape your kind, a man who stands for everything that is dark... everything that is 'different' and a difference is indeed about to cast a veil of darkness across CWF... and you Jack Swagger will be the first to fall at blood soaked hands of 'The Master of Macabre'... Kevin Thorn.


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Soft guitar strums are heard, they slowly get louder, we hear a drum beat along with the guitar strums. Once the vocals begin, out comes McIntyre & Ryan.

The crowd lets out a bit of a boo, McIntyre has a microphone in his hand as he begins to walk down the entrance ramp before speaking, McIntyre is wearing a suit. He looks at R-Truth.


Drew McIntyre;

In the house? No mo'e pa'tyin' or dancin'? Jimmies? Now, I might be Scottish but these words coming from your mouth are really confusin' me. I see you've turned a new leaf callin' these people bitches. Do you see where you've gone wrong Ron? That mind of yours is like a jigsaw... you're tryin' to put all the pieces togeth'r but unfortunately that one missin' piece isn't there. A conspi'acy that you've yet to hold a championship belt? Who are you kiddin' Ron to say this company is a conspiracy. Do you want to know what conspiracy is? Mason and I were promised a Tag Team Champ'onship shot, but unfortunately we're back in this tournament. But... I can accept that, where as you Ron... you are wantin' things your way but unfortunately that'll nev'r happen. Ya see Ron, the name 'The Chosen One' was given to me by the Chairman of CWF, Vincent Kennedy McMahon. He sees me as a future champ'on and lad, that's the truth, the whole truth and nothin' but the truth! This week Mason and I are goin' to put on a match for these people o' America. Last week Mason and I finally got our American Citizenship and we're proud to say that America is our home. So no more of us hatin' these fans, 'cos Ron... Nothin' is a conspiracy but yourself!

The fans erupt into cheers and begin cheering for Drew and Mason. Mason is handed the microphone.


Mason Ryan;

It really surprises me how much swearing these poor 'Jimmies' had to hear Ron. I don't have merchandise myself, I know Drew has them but that's because they sell. You know you could always pitch to the management to make you a T-Shirt but who'd buy them Ron? These people do not like you because of your disrespect, your foul language will not draw them into liking you Ron. This is why you're judged and the word for you is a 'Thug'. People see you as a 'Gangster', they see you as a bad person who looks to make trouble. My role here is to perform and entertain these fans and we're going to get them cheering for us once we've defeated 'The Book of Truth'. Speaking of the name, it's all really 'Lies', nothing you've said is the Truth Ron. You say John Cena isn't legendary, that's the name of the movie and maybe you haven't been around for long but John Cena is hated by these people and maybe you'd want to speak to him about doing a rap together. Again with the 'Jimmies', who is 'Jimmy'? Is he some invisible friend of yours who has walked away from you? Is he a lost poodle? Please do tell me Ron, these people want to know who 'Jimmy' is.

Now I'm in your way Ron, what are you going to do about it? You think you're big friend Ezekiel can stop me? That's incorrect because we're going to close 'The Book of Truth' we're going to demolish the name and maybe if we're nice enough... we'll give you 'The Book of Lies'. So far you've been irrelevant Ron, speaking about these people and certain wrestlers, it's almost like you're more worried about them than us. Who's Tom and Jarry? I've heard of Tom and Jerry, but Jarry? Must be another Jimmy in your mind pal.

The crowd laughs, Mason turns to Ezekiel.

I believe I've got plenty of luck big fella.

Ezekiel gets to his face as Drew cuts in as he goes to speak.

Drew McIntyre;

I see a little tension... You Ezekiel, not impressed with Ron 'ere, with all his carryin' on and whingin', it's und'rstandable. I don't even know why you're kiddin' yourself with someone like Ron. I'd like to wish you luck on tryin' to destroy us because we've proven to be unstoppable and those Tag Team Champions, it's somethin' we're wantin', these fans know it and we know it ourselves that we're much more deservin' then you. Zeke, Justin Timberlake has short hair so if you're referrin' to Mason 'ere... He is far from Justin Timberlake, I don't know what kind of music you've been listenin' to but I suggest you stay away from that horrid music.. Now back to business, you're the fresh meat... You've just entered the building and claimed you're already the Champions, bad mistake lad 'cos we're goin' to show you exactly why we're called 'The United Warriors'. Before I let you speak, Mason is from Wales, not Scotland... Now you may speak lad.

Ezekiel instantly interrupts...


awesome miz

Apr 24, 2011
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As Drew McIntyre lowers the microphone Ezekiel Jackson quickly grabs his microphone and respond to Ryan´s and McIntyre´s trashes...


Ezekiel Jackson: You just don´t know with what are you playing do ya ? I can smash your head, or I can clothesline it straight up to hell ! If you don´t shut up, there will be real consequences.... Ryan isn´t from Scotland ? And ? That´s not mine problem ! You both are nothing more than some British creeps that I can destroy and that I will destroy just and only with my finger ! …. You are crying like little kids that you didn´t get your title shot and that you are back in tournament ! You got your chance and you throw it away ! That´s the difference between you and us ! When we got a chance, we grab it and when we are hungry for something, like we are tonight for victory, there is nothing that can stop us !... Ryan, you think you are big guy huh ? I give you one advice. Never ever try to mess with monster like me ! And when I say never I really mean never !

Fans loudly boo at Ezekiel and he is arrogantly smiling and show his huge hand to his opponents. Ezekiel for few seconds just look at Mason Ryan but then he step before Drew McIntyre and raise his microphone near to his mouth...

Ezekiel Jackson: You kid, are you trying to make me laugh huh ?! You really said that you are unstoppable ? Are you kidding me ? You ? And unstoppable ? That´s really and I mean really bad joke ! The fact, that you are the chosen one is only cause you are nothing more than a clown for these idiots in audience tonight ! You think you are a dangerous man, but when you face me in the ring, I will break you in a half and than you will never ever talk bad jokes like you told tonight ! You, with your cute hair will be kick out of USA, that now mean nothing, when there are Scotish, Welsh or from wherever you are,loosers like you made this country nothing more than a country that mean nothing ! We made this country and you guys destroyed it ! But revenge will come soon ! Sooner than you even think !

Over arena is heard huge boo and Ezekiel Jackson again raise the microphone, but R-Truth interrupted him and raises his microphone and begin to talk...


R-Truth: Shut up Jimmies ! Sorry Zeke, but let it on me brother ! …. Who cares about how Tom and Jimmy is called huh ? Everyone know, they are nothing more than toys of little Jimmies, just like you two ! Well, the truth is, that you are nothing more than poor little Jimmies as well ! Little Mason, are you trying to make fun of me ?! Don´t play with Truth boy ! You said you don´t know who is Jimmy ? Are you kidding me ! You are Jimmy ! Your partner here is Jimmy ! Your father, you grandfather, your mother, grandmother, they all are Jimmies ! So poor Jimmy, you better shut up, or I´ll show you how I´m dealing with Jimmies !

R-Truth lowers the microphone for a moment and enjoy how guys in audience are laughing and how they boo on R-Truth. Ezekiel laugh as well and Drew McIntyre tries to talk, but Zeke step before him and McIntyre put down his microphone. R-Truth raise his microphone and continue in his talking...

R-Truth: You better never ever try to interupt me you idiot ! Who you think you are ? You think, cause some damn owner of this conspiracy company tell you, that you are chosen one, you can talk trashes about Truth ? Well, if you are a future world champion how you said, than tell me, what you accomplished ? Fact is, you did nothing and you are talking like big champion ! Until you will accomplish something, you better shut your mouth and listen, when true champion like me or here big Zeke talk ! You think you can steal my catchphrase ? You are damn Scottish idiot and you are trying to talk like a gangster ? Are you kidding me you wannabe ? You can´t think about your own catchphrase and you are making fun of mine catchphrase ? That´s funny you wannabe ! When you come with your own catchphrase, than you can make fun of mine Jimmy !

Around arena is heard heavy boos and R-Truth pass his microphone to his partner and Ezekiel raise microphone and again begin to speak...

Ezekiel Jackson: Well, I think it´s clear Mason and Drew, that tonight, somebody gonna get their ass kicked ! You guys talk too much and you Drew don´t know when to end ! I´ll make your mouth shut ! Forever ! What, what are you doing Truth ?!

Ezekiel turns ad look outside of the ring looking angry at what R-Truth doing there...


Camera now shows R-Truth, that is smoking a cigarette and talking to himself and then screams name Jimmy again and again...


Fans are laugihng like absolute mentals and they chant “ Jimmy “ . R-Truth grab microphone and look at his partner and raise his microphone...

R-Truth: What´s up ? Just chilling man ! Take it easy Jimmies ! You got some problem with smokers ? Well Mason, than you got real problem with me ! So you better keep your mouth shut ! And that´s what´s up ! So Drew, now it´s on you and that's the truth, the whole truth and nothin' but the truth !

R-truth lowers the microphone and roll into the ring and Drew pick up microphone...


Apr 24, 2011
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GAB 4th of July- The Miz vs Chris Jericho Intercontinental Championship

The camera cuts on the tron to show Chris Jericho standing in the interview area, but with no Josh Matthews or Todd Grisham. He stands alone with the Intercontinental Championship and a smile on his face. He stares for a few seconds before talking.


Jericho:Hey, everybody! And by everbody, I mean all of you guys and gals, all you little tykes in the audience, basically, Jerichoholics of ALL ages. You know what I'm going to be talking about, a man, who also incidentally loves talking about himself, The Miz. Now, people often compare the two of us, as he is sort of like me when I was younger. I don't get where people are getting this, I never had a bromance thing going on with Alex Riley, and have him do all the work for me, do you remember that? I remember winning this baby 10 times, but never that. Hey, I'll tell you what man, I'll give credit where credit's due.

A display comes up showing that Jericho is indeed, the Intercontinental Champion. Which is a bit late, seeing as he's been talking for a while now with the title over his shoulder. However, he chuckles before speaking again.


Jericho:You DID win that Triple Threat steel cage match, I'll admit it, didn't expect that from you. I figured I'd be Randy Orton, with his boring...montone...randy orton voice. Or maybe Zack Ryder, with his cool internet show and his fist pumping. But nope, I get you Miz. The Awesome one, the man who never shuts his mouth, that guy who was on Tough Enough, didn't win, but still pulled himself up to the main roster. Nice one. You waltzed right out of that cell once you'd planted Orton on the floor. I gotta thank you for that one, now I don't have to put up with his voice. But don't think that means I'm gonna take it easy on you, pretty boy. This isn't the Real World anymore, this isn't Tough Enough, this isn't the WWE. This is CWF, and unlike back there, where you could just get Riley to do your dirty work, you're taking on me now. Do you know who I am?

Y2J smirks as the crowd pop as they know what's coming next. He looks up, staring at something, as he recites his nicknames.


Jericho:I am...the 10 time, Intercontinental Champion, The first Undisputed Champion in this business, a 6 time world champion, I am, the Ayatollah, OF ROCK AND ROLLAH, I AM Y2J, CHRIS, JERICHOOOOOOOO!

Jericho screams his name to the heavens as suddenly he is cut off from the tron as a theme plays on it.



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"I Came to Play"by Downstait begins to play over the PA System as it interrupts Jericho's speech.The Miz and the sexy Maryse come out to the stage to a crowd of boo's. They walk down the ramp ignoring the fans. They get onto the ring apron and they each do their taunt. A worker brings Miz a mic and he begins to speak as Maryse stands next to him.

The Miz: I’m sorry did I interrupt something, well I don’t care because this is my show and it’s time that you guys listen to the Awesome One speak, so why don’t all of you, just sit back and listen to what I have to say, and if you don’t like it. Well get used to it.

The Miz: I stand before all of you the number one contender for the Intercontinental Championship, just like I said I was going to do. Everyone thinks that I talk too much and that I brag too much, but I don’t care because I back it up in the ring. Don’t believe just ask Orton and Ryder who thought I talked a big game and didn’t back it up. Where are they now? I’ll tell you Orton is probably crying in the hospital after I crushed his skull and Ryder is probably doing another YouTube video on how he lost to his former broski of the week The Miz. But enough about them let’s get to why I am out here. This upcoming WAR on the 4th of July I will be facing Chris Jericho for the Intercontinental Championship.

As soon as the crowd hears Jericho's name they begin to cheer as the Miz pauses for a moment

The Miz: Of course as soon as I mention Jericho’s name the place erupts with cheers. But when I come out here I am greeted by boo’s and insults. It doesn’t matter because I don’t need the CWF universe. I am going to keep doing things on my own just like I have been doing my entire career. I don’t need you and I am going to win this championship on my own.

The Miz pauses for a moment before addressing his opponent

The Miz: Jericho, I have heard the comparisons that people make between you and me. People make assumptions about me all the time; they have compared me to Roddy Piper and to you. But I am nothing like you two. I am my own person and I am the Awesome One something both of you guys never where. So come 4th of July when I win the title that is on your shoulder right now I am going to show everyone who I really am. I have yet to be pinned or submitted and that is not going to be changed anytime soon not even by you Jericho the 9-time loser of that title soon to be 10 time loser………

The Miz pauses as he begins to say his catchphrase





The Miz is interrupted by Jericho's theme song as Maryse and The Miz look out to the stage


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*Swagger just stares with an icy cold look on his face*


*Swagger raises his microphone keeping the serious look on his face*

Jack Swagger:

First and foremost there are kind of people like myself, There is no my kind because I am one of a kind. I am Jack Swagger and I am better than all in every way imaginable, and that includes your "fanged freak" as you put it Kevin Thorn. Because for all his presence and "darkness" Thorn is just a flash in the pan, he has a look that brings interest but at the end of the day he will end up just like he did back in the WWE when it was around. Because no matter how interesting a look you have eventually your actual skill will have to decide whether or not you have a future in the business, and the bad news for you is that the moment your lack of talent is revealed will come in your debut when I show not just why you are not at my level, but also why I am going to be the face of this company.

*Swagger turns to one side ignoring Thorn and Ariel as he speaks to the camera*

I will become the new Intercontinental champion, and once I hold championship gold it will only continue on as I don't plan to lose the title to move up on the card I plan on total and complete domination of the roster. once Jack Swagger hath beaten all who oppose him for the Intercontinental title there will only be one place left for me to go, and that is towards the CWF Championship. My quick rise to my lengthy reign over this company is starting at the Great American Bash, and although Kevin Thorn shall go nowhere in this company just like anyone else in front of me, he will be known as the first to fall at the feet of greatness personified... Jack Swagger.


Jun 3, 2010
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Suddenly Kevin Thorn grabs the microphone and speaks.


Kevin Thorn: You do not understand. You can not stop or deny what is already written in stone... in the stars... in the cards, which means that you can not derail... or stop the train, so to speak, that is my path of darkness. Jack Swagger you talk about the past times in that old organisation that mistreated me and Ariel so. The company that tarnished our reputation so much so that we have spent the past years in hiding... shamed, betrayed, raped of all dignity... but we did so together and we formed a bond based on vengeance... we concocted the plan... the resurrection of my most dark self into this world that has treated us so very harshly. Jack, you are but the first mortal who has had the greatest of misfortune to land at the 'Fanged Freak'... right in the claws of darkness... and believe me when I tell you Swagger... I give no mercy and I show no hint or morsel of compassion and you will not be spared... I'm only doing to you what this world has done to me and me and Ariel's kind.

The crowd boo heavily as Thorn looks around dissaprovingly.

You people look down your noses at anyone that is different... you people snarl and convulse at the sight of a being like me or Ariel... and I love watching you squirm in your seats every time I come out here, it gives me great pleasure, it really does. What also gives me great pleasure, would be taking you Jack Swagger... and systematically tearing you limb for limb until you lay in a pool of your own blood... that beautiful... beautiful blood... and who knows... I might even come for a swim in your pool... ha-ha-ha-ha. Jack Swagger, you may act calm, you may talk big words about greatness and ability but at the end of the day, you WILL become the first of many to fall at the feet of 'The Master of Macabre'... Kevin Thorn... and then I'll take the first strike into the heart of this vile industry that turned it's back on me... drive a stake through it's heart by taking my first championship... the Intercontinental Championship and then I can continue to fufill my bloody destiny of turning the world black... it's seas blood red... and then I'll sit Swagger... sit atop a blood-soaked throne with my crown of thorns as the one true overlord of this wretched industry, with all those like you, and like this rotten crowd... lifeless, either as my minions... or.. worse...

Thorn laughs and then serious face's Swagger.


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Mason steps forward before lowering the microphone.

Mason Ryan;

I'd like to see you try Ezekiel. It's funny how one acts all tough but in the end the result isn't quite how you'd want it to be. Consequences Ezekiel, Consequences, let me tell you a thing about 'consequences'. The fact you two think you can run your mouth and guarantee anything, I think the word 'Conspiracy' revolves around you guys. Everything you say or do seems to be a 'conspiracy' to you, but really Ezekiel... Your size, my size... we're quite even besides you being a little more 'jacked' up then I am but that's something I'm not worried about. Size doesn't matter here, what matters is the fact you run your mouth and you cannot back it up. We've backed our words for the past three weeks, we said we'd get the job done and we have. Does it look like Drew and myself are crying? I don't see any tears running down my eyes, I'm not fussed about having to do this tournament again. It's only going to make us greater than we already are, these people are going to see us taking over a new leaf while we get rid of trash like you. Monsters or not, I'm not afraid of anything that comes my way, this is the wrestling business Ezekiel, which means... I fear nothing.

The crowd cheers, Mason gives Drew the microphone.


Drew McIntyre;

Lad, Mason and I... we know we're 'unstoppable'. It's been proven that we've yet to lose a match 'ere and we didn't qualify for the tournament last time because me old partn'r decided not to team with me. But now I've got Mason 'ere, he's trustworthy unlike your partn'r Ronnie here. Ye think I'm some sort o' clown eh lad? Let me tell you, I don't do jokes... I take everythin' in a serious matt'r 'ere so I suggest ya take me a little more serious then you already 'ave. I've heard many threats of people wantin' to break me in half but it's nev'r ev'r worked, not once... I'm like a 'Warrior' Ezekiel, when I go to 'WAR'... I walk out tall wit' blood cove'ed ov'r me face, I'm like Braveheart and we 'Warriors' cannot be stopped. Now I thought you spoke English Ezekiel, I don't quite understand what you said by this... '
You, with your cute hair will be kick out of USA'. Kick out of USA? What do you mean? I will be kicked out of USA? It amazes me Ezekiel how your English grammar is really poor, it's proven that you are like Ronny here... a Thug. Your low self-esteem and knowledge is like a 'thug', you try to speak differently but let me tell you lad... I've just began this 'party'.

With me comin' from Scotland, Mason from Wales... it means absolutely nothin' we love our countries like we love USA. We come to USA to deliver somethin' you guys cannot do and that's a victory. Our victory this week will not only have these people happy but the people all around the world, they will know we've beaten a couple o' thugs. Now Ezekiel, if you want to act like a thug then I guess Mason and I can act like a bunch o' hooligans. I might 'ave to watch a soccer game that I despised to get the ruthless aggression I can unleash, what'tya say Mason?

Mason gets back on the microphone.

Mason Ryan;

Sounds like a great idea to me Drew. Us actin' like hooligans... guess you guys are goin' to really see some consequences here. But you Ronny... Once again making a mistake with the name of 'Tom and Jerry'. You know as a kid I really enjoyed that show but you've constantly gone to call him 'Jimmy'... Apparently we're all 'Jimmies'... No Ron, my name is Mas-on Ry-an. Do you understand what I just said Ron? I don't know what you've been smoking but it must be something illicit... it's gone straight to your brain and now your slurring your words crazier than a drunk man at Hooters. It's insane Ron, fix yourself up because you've given the clear image of a 'thug', walking around smoking in a building where the law says it's not allowed... You know I could get the security to come down, but first... I rather beat you until you cannot get up.

Truth gets into Mason's face, Mason steps back a bit.

Easy there lad. Don't YOU interrupt me, when I speak, you listen... These people don't want to hear you rambling on about 'Jimmies'... how about you tell me something relevant because all I hear is 'Jimmy' this, 'Jimmy' that.

Drew asks for the microphone.

Drew McIntyre;

Ron, before I forget... The Chosen One. Once I defeat you and Ezekiel, then you will realize exactly why I am called 'The Chosen One'. There is no explanation needed at all. I don't want to be a 'gangster' like you and I'm happy to steal your catchphrase whenever I can Ronnie, there's nothin' you can do about it and that's the TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHIN' BUT THE TRUTH

Drew and Mason starts to get worked up a bit, R-Truth instantly gets in Drew's face.



Apr 24, 2011
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The Miz is suddenly cut off as the lights shut off suddenly, as he and Maryse looks to the stage, the countdown to the beginning of the entrance of the Intercontinental Champion begins.







As the countdown reaches one, the stage explodes at every orifice with fireworks shooting out, as the theme song of Chris Jericho begins. Miz stares across at the stage as Y2J himself appears on stage, flexing his arms looking away from the ramp, before turning around and pumping his fist for the people here in Pittsburgh. They cheer ceremoniously as he arrives.


Jericho has the Intercontinental Championship over his shoulder as he strolls down the ramp. As he gets halfway, he stops with his cheesy smile staring right at Miz, chuckling as he does. He pumps his guns for the Pennsylvania people, before stomping up the steps, and walking onto the apron. He looks like he's going to get in the ring, but steps over on the apron and turns around to pose in front of his crowd. He pumps his fist once as he climbs in the ring. He walks right past Miz, and winks at Maryse before climbing the turnbuckle and stretching his arms out again. He climbs down and grabs a microphone, and stares at Miz for a bit before speaking.


Jericho:I bet now, you think I'm gonna steal your catchphrase, and start repeating "really?" right? I mean come on, really?

The crowd shout back "Really!" as Jericho looks at them with a look of shock.

Jericho:Come on guys, don't start this now, I don't give into peer pressure often, but when theres thousands of Jerichoholics requesting something, I am inclined to fulfill it. So, let's keep the gimmick infringement to a low for now, just until we have to listen to him speak again. But, just for curiosity's sake Miz...what does the "Awesome One" even mean? I mean, you diss Zack Ryder for having an internet show, yet your catchphrase sounds like something a guy on the internet says, I don't get it, it's like me dissing someone for being the sexiest man on the planet, of course I would be looking in a mirror, and then looking like I do now. Doesn't that sound terribly hypocritical to you?

Jericho smirks as he paces back and forth, Miz stares at him with the puckered lips he usually makes. Jericho sniggers at him for a second before speaking again.

Jericho:What's that..what's that face you do?

Miz does the face again, as Jericho breaks out into full-blown laughter as he doubles over with the laughter and slaps himself on the knee. There's a tear in his eye, and as he finally calms down with Miz staring at him with slight frustration, he speaks again.


Jericho:Oh my god, that's like...the damn near stupidest face I've ever seen in my life, you look like a 12 year old kid, practicing on how to kiss girls if he was half duckman. Hahaha, that's hilarious, you're a funny guy, Miz. But that's not what we're here for, NO! We are here at the GREAT, AMERICAN, BAAAAAASH! And we have this special edition of WAR for you guys because it's none other than the fourth of Joo-lie! Independence day! The day people celebrate their national pride!

Jericho looks to talk some more, but he's interrupted as the crowd begin to chant "USA, USA, USA" and he stops for a moment before speaking again.

Jericho:I saw that coming. Hell, I may not be American, I may only be half-American, and I always did acknowledge that I'm from Canada, denounced it several times, yada yada yada. But Miz, I'm still more of a pride for American than you'll ever be. The only thing that would make this more special is if we were competing for the United States Championship, a title you've held, I'm pretty sure, until you tapped out to Daniel Bryan for like the third time, wasn't he that "nerd" that apparently you made into everything that he is. Riiiight. Anyway, if you want to tap out again, you've come to the right place, The Walls of Jericho are indeed waiting, and I don't think you have the power to break them down.

Jericho leans back on the ropes and scratches his chin before realising what he can do. He walks over to the turnbuckle and climbs it, sitting on the top turnbuckle casually while talking to Miz.

Jericho:Miz, I'm gonna let you talk next so I can relax and see if I can get through one of your tirades. You called me a 9-Time loser. Yeah, I guess that's true, but the point is, I've won more times than you will ever dream of. Now, don't get me wrong, I told Sheamus the same and I'll tell you, this new generation of guys, like you, him, and Ryder, are gonna accomplish a lot of things, you'll go far. But I'm not gonna lay down yet. My time is not over Miz, it's over on my terms, not on yours. So tell you what, I'll give you some time to do what you do best, and that's talk. The ring is yours, pretty boy.

Jericho leans across the ropes next to the turnbuckle like a hammock as he waits for Miz to respond.​

awesome miz

Apr 24, 2011
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Just as Drew lowers the microphone R-Truth get to his face and say something to him. Then Truth step back and put microphone near his mouth and want to talk, but Ezekiel is quicker and begin to talk himself...


Ezekiel Jackson:Sorry partner, but this time, I will deal with it by myself.... Well, Drew... You can make fun of my hair, you can make fun of my style, you can make fun of my attitude, but you step too far, when you make fun of my language. Cause when you make fun of my language, it´s same as you make fun of my family. You know what... I never had a true education. I´m from ghetto. You never can even imagine how hard was to live there. You was kid with rich parents and you got everything you wanted. But, the fact is, that this is why, guys like you are making fun of me. And I can´t take it ! No more ! You just think you are so good and you never can make mistake and you just walk around here like you own this ! Truth is, that you are nothing more than Vince McMahon´s ass kisser ! I made it here to CWF, cause I trained every single day and every single minute ! And you know what ? I´m damn proud of myself ! Nobody deserve to be here in this ring more than me ! You made it here cause you are damn good ass kisser.

Fans now cheering Ezekiel and Ezekiel smile on camera and again put microphone up and continue...

Ezekiel Jackson:Now, Mason, the fact and the matter is, that you don´t know anything and I anything about this business ! You don´t know how it feel like to be an ultimate underdog. You came here and get your chance and you grab it and that´s why I respect you, You are nothing more than a little creep that is standing in my way... Oh where I ended, yes, you started and get your chance and you know how I started ? I get here as a security guy that was cleaning shoes of The Brian Kendrick ! I did everything he told me like a little doggie and you know why I was doing it ? Cause I wanted my chance. And now, I finally get it. You can make fun of me or my history but at the end of the day, you will be the one that I will be laughing at.... Cause, I´m just not planing to throw that chance to finally get what I deserve away! You Mason, you gonna see, what kid from ghetto can achieve when he want it so much, that he serve to anyone! Not only, that you gonna see it, but you gonna feel it! That´s not a threat my friend, that´s a statement !

Fans are cheering Ezekiel again and they are in shock what they hear from Ezekiel, but Ezekiel again put up microphone...

Ezekiel Jackson: That´s really interesting that you are cheering at me right now... And there it is! You just proved that you are nothing more than a little sheeps in a big game ! Moments ago, you was booing me when I was telling truth and now, when I told truth again, you are cheering me. It´s same with you two. Last week, these idiots in audience was booing you and right now, they are cheering you. They wants your autographs and your T-Shirts and it all changed in ten minutes ! You see what can happen in few minutes. Now I see, that you guys in the audience are as stupid as you look ! So, you not have to cheer at me, cause I still think you are poor idiots that believe everything they hear !

Fans begin too loudly boo and Ezekiel laugh and step back to corner and pass word to his partner that is humble to say something....


R-Truth: And you see partner, that´s the conspiracy ! You know Drew, just as here Big Zeke said, you don´t know anything about how it feel like to be an ultimate target of Little Jimmy ! That´s right. Every single person that I met from times when I was kid until now laugh me, just like you two ! But I took it and I was singing and dancing and I was making idiot from me just and only to make you creeps here in audience happy and I expected that I will get something from what I was doing for you... And what I get ? Absolutely nothing! I was same old dancing and raping R-Truth, but it changed ! I will no more take laughing by Little Jimmies ! Never ever try to laugh R-Truth ! If you will Drew, you´ll feel how truth hurt ! And that´s the threat !

Loud boo is hear around the arena and Truth is talking something to himself before he continue in his talking...

R-Truth: Big Jimmy Ryan. Who cares about your name ? You are just Jimmy. Finished, done. You are not any stupid Ma-son Ry-an or how the hell you called himself... Now, you are Little Jimmy that gonna get a lollipop if he gonna be good little Jimmy like his little friends ! If you not gonna be a worthy little Jimmy, than here my friend Big Zeke gonna kick your ass back to Wales. And if you don´t know my name, I´m not Ron for you, I am R-T..R...T.......Ruth ! Do you understand what I just said to you ? I hope you do, cause if you not gonna pay attention to what are you saying, that can be last thing you gonna hear tonight ! and that's the truth, the whole truth and nothin' but the truth !

R-Truth put down the microphone and he and his partner look like they are done, so Drew put up the microphone but he is interupted by Ezekiel Jackson that put microphone up and begin to talk again....

Ezekiel Jackson: Put that microphone down Drew, you talked enough.... You see Drew, we are not as stupid as you think we are. If you want to see someone really stupid, you should look to mirror and you see something really terrible and stupid. Or, you just can take a look at your partner and I can imagine that you will not begin to laugh. You see, even if me with my partner here, even if we are not the smartest guys in the world, you still bigger idiots than us! Cause the fact, that we don´t have any university and we didn´t finished high school, it doesn´t change the fact, that we deserve to stay here right now ! And that´s the truth !

Ezekiel put down the microphone and wait for respond....


May 17, 2011
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The Miz smiles gives Jericho a quick smirk before talking on the microphone

The Miz: Really funny Jericho, I see that you are still cracking jokes like always. But you know what you are right, the thing I do best is talk and so what I don’t mind when people like you tell me that I have a big mouth and that all I do is talk. It is true that talking is my best attribute but the second best thing I know how to do is win matches and win championships. So if I were you I wouldn’t worry over what I am talking about, you should be worrying about losing that title that is around your shoulders right now.

The Miz smiles before pausing and looking over at the booing crowd. He picks up his microphone again and begins to talk.

The Miz: Because if you are not careful, one Skull Crashing Finale and three seconds later that title will be around the waist of the Awesome One. Wait you want to know what the Awesome One means, well I could give you a definition, but the term is self-explanatory. I’m more awesome than anyone in this locker room and I’m more awesome than you. I’m going to show you exactly what it means on WAR when you and I face off. I can tell that you are underestimating me right now just like all my opponents do every time I have match. They come out here and they tell me that I talk a lot and that I’m worth nothing in the ring where it really counts. But then what happens they act surprised when I defeat them and they leave the company. Look at Chuck Taylor; I made him leave CWF because he didn’t belong here in the big leagues, so I sent him packing to the minor leagues. Then I beat Glacier and no one has heard from him since.

The Miz pauses as he catches his breath, meanwhile the fans are booing him

The Miz: Jericho if I was you I would be hoping that the only bad thing to happen to you is that you lose, your title because right now half of the people I have faced are no longer in CWF and you may be the next one to leave. Because I guarantee that I will be leaving the Great American Bash with that championship. It would be another accolade added to my already awesome career. You’re right the new generation of superstars is going to accomplish a lot of thing but the truth is I’m ahead of the new generation. I have way more accomplishments than Ryder and Sheamus put together and that Intercontinental championship will just be another one.Jericho just face the facts, your time is ending and it’s time for a new guy to take over and that guy is ME!!!!!!!!!

The Miz lowers his mic to signal he is done talking and Maryse stands next to him as they wait for Jericho to speak again


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Jack Swagger:

And you wonder why people look down upon you, let me let you in on a secret. Everyone looks down on you not because your so dark and "scary", and I would say not because your different but that is right. However different in the way that you are wrong in the head, you live in a world of your own that seems to be only colored in black and red. Where there are thrones to sit on, any liquid is blood, and everyone is just a shadow. But in the real world things work different, in the real world you strive to be great and your skills towards it. While you do posses enough to survive in this company for a while, you do not have enough to claim a win over me.

You can achieve greatness through hard work, determination, and years of honing your skills. Or you can be blessed with it like I am, I have been a winner since the day I was born I have been destined to be the best at everything i do since the day i was born. Unlike you I am not just a look, I am the only person who can be looked upon as the overall greatest. I can make you tap out and I can pin your shoulders to the mat with on the floor wrestling, I can overpower and outrun you, I can do whatever I like in this ring because simply put I have the ability to do so. You are not a threat to me quite frankly no one is, so I would suggest to leave the fangs and blood talk go because if you think it is accomplishing anything than you might be crazier than your look first puts on.

*Swagger lowers his mic as he scoffs with a smug look on his face*
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