CWF 2011: Trashtalking - Vengeance

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Merthyr Tydfil
John Cena

JERICHO, no one cares, can't you see they're just not listening,
Keep quiet or I'll throw you out the ring and do your wrist in.
You wanna talk about how many times you won that title?
The fact you lost it 9 times to me is more vital.
You see where this belt is involved I've never lost.
I will make sure the title stays with me at any cost.

But when you came down after my match and stole it behind my back,
It shows the exact amount of testicular fortitude you lack!
Nonetheless your act will not go unpunished,
When you feel the wrath of a John Cena flourish.

John Cena looks at all the crowd booing at Cena ragging on their favourite Jericho.


John Cena

But to tell you the truth, I'm worry about facing you two...
I'm worried your so bad that Dolph may beat you.
In a triple threat who knows what can go down,
The only thing I know is I'm keeping my IC Crown.

You wanna steal things Chris, well I've stolen something too,
The fact that more people listen to my music than you.
I admit theres not many that listen to my stuff,
But when you only got 3 fans, then I know I have enough!

Now what you got of mine on the floor, you can keep it for now,
But at Vengeance, I'll be down and out with the gold quicker than you can wonder how.
Chris Jericho, you and Dolph Ziggler will agree,
Neither of you... You Can't See Me!

John Cena drops his mic and goes to leave when.....


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Jun 3, 2010
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"The Rock is immediately cut off by Christian, which does not please The Rock"



Look, Rocky, as much as I respect you, I'm going to have to stop you there. Now I appreciate the kind comments about me earning my number one contendership, and I'm going to return the favour. You beat the champion himself, you pinned Alberto Del Rio two weeks ago on War, so I think you deserve your spot in this match as much as I do. See you've achieved a lot in this industry. You've won a Royal Rumble, you've been tag team champion on a few occasions, not to mention you're a multi-time World Champion. That's the telling factor, multi-time Wold Champion; it's something I can't claim of achieving. I've only ever climbed the figurative mountain once in my career, I stuck my flag in the snow and it stayed there for just five days. It took five days before my flag was ripped out of the snow and thrown off the cliff, along with my dreams of being one of the greatest world champions in wrestling history.

Christian is a little uneasy regarding those last few statements, but he straightens himself up

That's the difference between you and me; you've been there and done that time and time again. If these people can rely on somebody to give them exactly what they want, they can turn to you. I have entertained my peeps for close to two decades now, but I just don't have anything big to show for it. I've never won a Royal Rumble, I've never been Mister Money in the Bank, I've never been King of the Ring, and I was only a World Champion for five days, as I just mentioned. My point is, Rock, that nobody wants this more than I do. You can stand there and tell me how you're going to slap the taste right out of my mouth, or how you're going to lay my ass out with a Rock Bottom, but this man is not going to stop until he is the CWF World Heavyweight Champion!

Christian points at the title around Del Rio's waist while the crowd go crazy. Del Rio starts to laugh at the thought of Christian being champ, while The Rock seems to respect Christian's claim

Now I agree with you that our mutual respect for each other will mean nothing when it comes to the pay-per-view on Sunday night, but I don't think you can smell what I'm cooking. The name "Christian" and the statement "second best" no longer complies, see I came to CWF for a fresh start and to call myself World Champion. That's exactly what I'm going to do, Rock, but that doesn't stop me from wishing you all the best at Vengeance.

The crowd cheer the respect shown by Christian. Christian smiles at The Rock and nods his head, with The Rock returning the favour. Del Rio has a sly grin on his face as Christian turns to address him

Alberto, you've got nothing to smile about, because you're only days away from losing your title. There are millions of my peeps around the world that think this destiny tirade of yours is nothing but crap and I'm going to expose you for the fraud you are at Vengeance. Now we've had a long standing rivalry that as far as I’m concerned isn't over, so I'd love nothing more than to take the World Heavyweight Championship away from you. It'll be a bittersweet moment not only for myself, but also for my peeps, because nobody deserves this opportunity more than me. I won my number one contenders match against Finlay two weeks ago to earn my title shot and you're not going to take that away from me, whether you think I'm untalented or not. Now you may or may not be respected in Mexico, I really don't know and nor do I care, but if you go to Canada and bring up my name, I guarantee you will be speaking to peep after peep after peep. Even Justin Bieber is one of my peeps.

A mixed reaction can be heard from the crowd as Christian cannot help but laugh

Now should I be jealous of your lifestyle? Not really. I've been doing this for seventeen years, so I've racked up a considerable bank balance to say the least. I may or may not be as rich as you, again that's something I don't care about, but if I wanted to purchase a luxurious car, then I could. Now since we're on the road over 300 days a year, it doesn't make much sense to buy such expensive cars if I'm never going to get the chance to drive them, but hey, you live your life how you like. I'm not going to stop you from being the extremely annoying man you are, but I will shut you up in three night’s time when I take your title.

Christian cunningly smiles at Del Rio as the crowd enjoy that statement

So Alberto, there's something that I've been meaning to ask you. Before The Rock interrupted you, you were about to say something regarding if you didn't leave Vengeance as the champion. I think I speak for all my peeps when I ask if you could finish that statement. I mean, you're not a man of excuses are you? Surely this is an easy request that will only take a few seconds to do, so how about it.

Christian folds his arms as he waits to see what Del Rio has to say in reply


awesome miz

Apr 24, 2011
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Oh radio, tell me everything you know


Fans erupts into huge cheer and wait for Zack show up on ramp but no one shows up. Entrance video cut down and on tron Zack shows up and fans cheers for him...


Zack Ryder: Welcome everyone to first ever CWF episode of Z true long island story, I´m your host, mr. woo woo woo himself, Zack RYDER! As you all know, tonight is my historic debut in CWF and I can guarantee you that I gonna win my debut match. And I know something that my opponents don´t. I know that I´m future of this company and I as well know, that special prize is made for me and no one else of these "superstars" can even touch it ! The special prize is brand new title made for me and no one else ! Ladies and gentlemen´s I present you new championship - Internet championship ! And your first ever Internet champion - ME, ZACK RYDER!


Fans laugh and give Zack huge pop and Zack continues...

Zack Ryder: No just kidding. Really, I don´t know what special prize will be but I know that I gonna win it ! Me with millions of broskis, we are like one and it means we are invincible ! And it also means, that my opponents got huge problem ! I mean look at them ! We´ve got Undertaker ! he´s been in this business a legend ! But lets face it taker ! You are not entertaining anymore ! .. than we´ve got CM Punk ! A straight edge superstar ! But Punk, you don´t believe you can save world do you ? Cause if you do, you should be closed in psychiatry and thats not what you really want ! And thank our little JBL ! True Texan ! With nice hat ! But remember Johny boy, my headband will be in stores tomorrow only at ! Than there is Kofi Kingston ! True crazy guy ! He is from Africa, but he think he is from Jamaica ? This is crazy dude ! I can continue all night long but I don´t make you guys here in Los Angeles sleep ! So lets talk about much interesting person... ME !

Fans made unbelievable cheer for Zack and Zack smiles on camera and continue in his talk ...

Zack Ryder: Guys wait ! I know what I forgot ! We still don´t have broski of the week ! So our broski of the week is no one else than C...M PUNK ! Lets roll the footage !


Fans smiles and laugh at CM Punk and Zack Ryder shows up again and laugh like mental .....


Zack Ryder: Is´nt it funny ? I mean he´s straight edge is´nt he ? But he looks like drug chipmunk and he forgot microphone ? Thats not straight edge at all ! And Punk you should spike your hair and of course take care...BRO!

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Apr 23, 2011
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Read the words that are written in my face ...
Why believe them? I believe them ... !


Sheamus’s theme hits the PA System as Sheamus himselve is standing under the titantron and walks down the ramp. In the middle of the ramp he starts to scream loudly and hitting his chest as a sign of his force. The crowd boos loudly as Sheamus goes down near the ring, he goes up the steel steps, looks at the booing crowd and enters the ring over the second rope. Then he goes in the middle of the ring and again screaming and hitting his chest. Then he goes to the side of the ring, that is near commentary tables and asks for microphone. As he gets it, he goes back to the middle and starts to talk with his Irish accent ...


Were ya expecting someone else ha? It doesn’t matter who is going to stand against me tonight, because I am already the winner of this match. You can even give that prize right now, ‘cause we all know, that the cowards in the backstage are too scared of me. This is just a first step of my career in CWF. But the truth is, that I will come up to the top. Ya all are just jealous of me, because you have never done something that I have. If somebody does not believe that you can come here and I’ll crush your skulls like a little crackers!

The crowd boos at Sheamus so hard that they can’t even breathe, but The Celtic Warrior continues ...

In front of me lies a great future, a future of the best superstar in CWF and I am just one step ahead of it. That clown, who was appearing on the screen moment ago is just a scarecrow. Ya can boo all you want, but you’re just a stupid people that nobody cares about. I’m here to win that special prize and it doesn’t matter what it is, I’ll just win it. I will win it, because I can, but I’m afraid, that in the backstage area is nobody who will have the gods to come out here and face me right in the middle of this ring.

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The crowd boos again, but Sheamus doesn’t give a damn ...

Yeah, yeah ... boo, boo, boo. That is all you can do, but if I’ll come closer to ya, ya’ll just pee in your pants. You are playing heroes, while ya are hidden behind this barricade. I am not like the other superstars, I don’t need the fans on my side, I’m not doing this for ya, I’m doing all this for me. In the near future I’ll become the CWF Heavyweight Champion and there’s nothing you can do with it. You will just have to watch me how I’m holding that title in my hands and then I raise it high above my head.

Sheamus raises his right hand high above his head and continues ...

So if back there is somebody who would like to be the first victim of The Celtic Warrior on CWF you can just come out here, I’ll break you in half and then the doctors will help you to get back in your bed, from which you were getiing up in the morning ...

Sheamus has that sarcastic smile on his face and he drops the mic on the canvas and looking under the titantron if somebody will come, when ...

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awesome miz

Apr 24, 2011
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Oh radio, tell me everything you know


Well know theme hits sound system for second time tonight but now, Zack Ryder really show up on stage and fans cheers like never before and Sheamus looks little shocked.


Zack comes down the ramp and stop before ring and look at Sheamus and smiles at him. Than he steps up on turnbuckle and taunt for fans and they made him a huge pop...


Zack steps before Sheamus and asks for microphone and get one. He start his talking...


Zack Ryder: Wait a minute white man ! I just walk after my great promo to my locker room as I hear what you saying and I just can´t stop laughing. You are really funny guy my Irish fella ! I mean you really think that I´m a clown that you will break in a half ? Thats what you think ? really ? I mean only person you can break in a half is your redhead grandmother in Ireland but break true American ? No way fella !

Fans give Zack huge pop and laugh at Sheamus looking really angry...

Zack Ryder: Hey guys give me a water please...

Zack gets a water and poured it on Sheamus and fans cheers like mental´s....

Zack Ryder: You look like you needed to calm down and you looked like you going to explode so I just help you ! Don´t be so angry at all fella ! I see you take some of my advices seriously ! You spike your hair just like me ! Only think you don´t doing is taking care but I will help you fella ! Just listen to the radio and watch every thursday Z true long island story !

Fans made a huge pop for Zack and he continues...

Zack Ryder: Sheamus you must do something with your white body ! You must go tan sometimes but don´t forget to wear big sunglasses fella ! This will help you to get some girls, you know what I mean ! No actually you can´t get any girl cause nothing will help you so forget about it !


Fans laughs for Zack making fun of Sheamus and Sheamus wants to talk but Zack stop him ...

Zack Ryder: Wait a minute ! Sheamus, before you say something I must remind you, that you are in LA and fans in LA is called broskis and not fellas ! So they don´t want to hear you anymore ! And they don´t really want to see you get that special prize ! They want to see me winning that match ! and thats exactly what I´m going to do ! Woo Woo Woo you know it, bro !

Fans cheers for zack ryder as ....



Apr 23, 2011
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Yes, that is exactly what you can do, just running your mouth, but no result. Now ya think ya are the big man, THE GUY ha? We’ll see what kind of guy you are after the ringbell will ring. I think that you are on the wrong show. Ya are not on some kind of talk show, ya better go home and record dumb videos for these idiots here. You’re funny, but that’s all, ya mean nothing Zack Ryder.


The fans are booing loudly, but Sheamus continues ...

I can tell ya, that after our match, you won’t be pouring water on enybody else. Do ya wanna know why? Because I’ll beat ya so bad, that you’ll end up in a wheelchair and what will you do then? You’ll just continue to recording you stupid videos, which nobody cares about. By the way, you have your own locker room? I didn’t know that the cleaners have their own dressing rooms. Maybe I’m little bit more brighter, but I can tell ya what your color is going to be. You’ll be all just blue and red. I’m really looking forward to see you lying down on the mat with bloody face and I’ll be the one standing high with my hand raised. Woo Woo Woo ... You know it FELLA!


Sheamus smiles again and waits for possible answer ...

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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The camera pans to a grey and rainy area, where the rain is falling hard and is very audible. It pans over and Kane is now seen, looking off into the distance.


Kane:Randall Keith Orton. April 1st, 1980 to May 19th, 2011. I look very much forward to reading that on a headstone in the near future, I may even carve it into the headstone myself. You should have left the company after what happened to you at my hands Randy, but you refuse what's good for you. As a result, tomorrow night, I will be your judge, jury, and executioner. Vengeance...will be MINE!

Kane begins laughing as the camera zooms out and then fades to black.

awesome miz

Apr 24, 2011
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Sheamus smiles again and waits for possible answer as zack takes microphone and talks to sheamus ...

Zack Ryder: My little Irish broski listen to me and these fans ! LA broskis do you want to listen this white creep more ?

fans says no and boo at sheamus

Zack Ryder: I think I don´t hear you much ! So once again . Los Angeles do you want to listen this white Irish freak ?

Fans nearly destroy arena by they loud "NO" and cheers for Zack as he smiling on Sheamus and continues ....

Zack Ryder: So shut up Sheamus ! Now these broskis pay for entertaining and it means that they pay to see me ! So Sheamus and broskis look at this ! Take your photographies of me now !

Zack steps onto turnbuckle and raise his hands and smiles at fans and they cheer for him..


Zack takes microphone and again start talking..

Zack Ryder: Sheamus, you know what ? I show you how we entertain fans here in America ! Cause what I gonna show you is the thing, that you on Ireland never gonna have ! So look at this

Zack Drops microphone and steps into middle of the ring and start dancing and gets crazy cheer from fans...


Zack Ryder: You see ! Thats how we doing it ! Now look how you doing it lobster ! Roll the footage


Fans laugh like mental´s and Zack can´t stop laughing...

Zack Ryder: You see it ha ? Human jay of mayonaisse ? Its funny this one ! So take care, spike your hair and shut up, creep !

Zack Ryder get huge pop as...


Apr 23, 2011
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Zack Ryder gets a huge pop as Sheamus slowly puts the mic near his mouth ...

Now that was really funny. Ya can take your broskis, or how do you call that and put it in your ass. I don’t care about these ignorants. I don’t care if they want to listen to me or not, if they don’t they can walk out of here, but I’ll tell ya one thing fella ... Ya’ll be the one looking like a mayonaisse after this match. Have ya ever listened to your theme? It’s like anthem of homosexuals. But that all doesn’t matter, what matters is that I’ll be the winner of this match and I’ll be awarded with that Special Prize.

Sheamus makes a crucifix pose and he’s hitting his chest, but the crowd is booing and Sheamus continues ...


Ryder, you are not even in my league. Some people says that you are underrated. Tonight I’ll show them, that you are exaggerated. Do ya know what that lettering on my trunks means? I mean that word „Laoch“. It means Hero, but I am not hero just of these people, I’m hero for people all over the world, because all around the world there is nobody, who can beat me, that means, that not even you can stand anger of Celtic Warrior.

Sheamus smiles and with that smile on his face says ...

But ya know what? I’ll make something for ya, because I’m so generous. After I’ll defeat whoever who’ll be after Vengeance current CWF Heavyweight Champion, I’ll give you the possibility to become my servant. Sound good huh? I know, I know, you can thank me later, but tjink about it as much as you can with your little damaged brain. It would be a great thing to be friend ... no .. servant of the most powerful man in CWF.

Sheamus has that sarcastic smile again and awaits a possible answer, when ...



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Del Rio addresses The Rock first.

Alberto Del Rio;

It doesn't matter what you think Rocky, this championship is something I truly earned. It is in my blood and destiny to hold this world heavyweight championship! For two weeks you have hit your finisher on me but this very Sunday, I guarantee that I will break your arm after I make you tap out you peasant! But that statement you wanted me to finish Christian; if I don't win on Sunday, I am leaving!

A quick gasp from the crowd as they begin to sing 'Na Na Na Na Na, Goodbye'; Del Rio is furious as he gets cut off by The Rock.


Jun 5, 2010
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Sheamus has that sarcastic smile again and awaits a possible answer, when a theme song that instantly has everyone jump to their feet hits the PA System as it seems another man is coming into the fray. Sheamus and Zach turn towards the stage as the arena starts to flash green and purple.


'My Time' plays out over the arena as the fans haven't heard the theme for a while, but still know that the arrival of the Game is coming. The fans aren't waiting for long as Triple H strides out from the back, looking towards his feet as the fans are going crazy. Triple H lifts his head, looks out into the crowd with a massive smile on his face as he motions to the back. The crowd are looking towards the curtain again as Stephanie McMahon walks out behind him. Stephanie walks out, towards her man as they embrace in the middle of the ramp with massive smiles across their face.


They look towards the ring, seeing Sheamus and Zach as they start to make their way down the ramp. Hand in hand as all the fans go crazy for McMahon-Helmsleys, bending over the side to try and get a high five but both have changed to a focus look and don't take their eyes off the ring as they reach the end of the ramp. Triple H climbs up onto the apron, opening the ropes for his wife who climbs up the steel steps and through the ropes. Triple H climbs into the ring, walking straight past Sheamus and Ryder, asking for two mics and getting his wish granted. Steph hasn't taken her eyes off both men as Triple H hands her a mic. Triple H begins to hug her from the back as she raises the mic to her lips.


Stephanie McMahon: I think it's been too long since the Wrestling Business has seen Stephanie McMahon which can only mean one thing with me standing here in front of you today, Stephanie McMahon is back, aka The Bitch is Back which doesn't fair for any man or women or ghost inside the CWF but it's double trouble for the CWF roster because, as you can see this Bitch is once again back where she belongs, underneath the arm of The King of Kings and it's only a matter of time until we are atop of the throne like we once were but everyone has to start at the bottom don't they? That doesn't bother me, it certainly doesn't worry my man Triple H. CWF at the moment is going through a stage of rebuilding, ever since my bitter rival Eric Bischoff got rightfully chucked out of this place, i tell ya, you should of seen my face when that happened, my pearly whites were showing and I hope they were white, I had just had them done, something you people could only dream about doing, pnly because you don't have the kind of money I do but when Eric got booted, I was delighted but what made my year, what made me the happiest I have ever been was seeing my Daddy come back and become the owner of CWF, It made me very excited.

Steph has the smile back on her face as Triple H lifts his arms from around her waist to have the mic to his mouth while still hugging Steph around the shoulders.

Triple H: I've been here for a while now, backstage, in front of you, i've been here in CWF but I haven't accomplished squat yet and I was thinking to myself, I'm the measuring stick, people come to me to see where they're at, people see me as a legend inside these ropes, I see myself as a legend between these ropes but CWF has been a hassle for me lately, I've been beaten by fish men that rip Stone Cold off, I've been beaten by little midget men that come up short in his pursuit of Steph back in the day and it just seems I've come up short against everyone, what can I do to get myself back, to get the old Triple H back, the old cerebral Assasian to come out and show his devilish self and the only thing that came into mind, was to get a partner in crime, a partner in crime that has connections, a partner in crime that is just as cold as I was, someone that is exactly like me when it comes to this business, so I tossed and turned in my bed, trying to think of the exact person I could get to help me, tossed and turned, tossed and turned until I stopped and looked at the picture on my draws at the side of my bed, I knew instantly that I had found the person I was looking for so I gave them a call, I called and called, waiting for them to accept, well anyway, Shawn was business doing something with Rebecca so I decided to go with the women sleeping beside me to reform the power couple, the McMahon Helmsley era is once again upon you and once again, Triple H can use his genetic jackhammer to get to the top where I belong and what I great start I have had. It's funny how smart I really am. While all you people are scrapping the barrell trying to afford to send your children to schools that aren't worth it so they can hopefully become a lawyer or something like that, I'm in my mansion, playing with my children showing them how to become smart like their father so they can do anything they want, with the lessons I teach them, they could rule the world, they could become iconic figures like Martin Luther King or Michael Jackson but at this moment in time, I'm using my own smarts for myself, tell them just how smart I am.

Steph: Hunter heard about this little 6 man Elimination match for a special prize, you know while he was taking a little time off from his busy schedele and he thought he needed in to give this match a bit of an edge. He saw the 6 men that are competiting for the special prize and my husband knew that he could beat every single one of them with his hands tied behind his back so what did we do? We went to Daddy, now everyone knows Daddy loves his Billion Dollar Princess and will do anything for me, after all I do deserve to be spoilt and we asked him if he could change this so Hunter could get a go at Vengeance, Daddy didn't even move, didn't even think about it because everyone knows how smart Daddy is, he knew straight away that Hunter needed to be inside that ring for Vengence to have any success and now he knows that the special surprise will go to someone who truly deserves it.

Triple H lets go of Steph's shoulders now as she pauses for a minute to look at him. He has a snarl on his face as he looks at Sheamus and Zach now. Steph goes to talk again but HHH waves her off and starts to talk himself.

Triple H: Did you 2 hear that? Did hear what my lovely wife just said? My lovely wife pretty much just wiped out your chances of winning the special prize in one complete sentence. How does that makes you feel Sheamus to know that a man that you have pissed off in the past will be back to haunt you which is funny really because I've never heard of a ghost being haunted before and how does it make you feel Zach Ryder that after Vengeance, the only way you will be getting in front of a video recorder is if it's on a medical show, showing the public what to do when they get the worst beating of their life.

Triple H smirks at Zach as he shakes his head back at him. Hunter turns his full attention to Sheamus now.

But back to you Fella, I've heard you talk alot of smack over the years, alot of it has been about me in fact but one thing never changed with you Sheamus, I could be really original and say that your skin colour never changed, I could be original and say you hair colour never changed when they are definatly the things you want a different colour of but the one thing that never changed with you Sheamus, you don't have that killer instinct, sure you can put people on the shelf like you did with me back in the day but you don't have that killer instinct that makes the man wanna stay on that shelf. A perfect example is myself, you know how desperate I was to get off that shelf just so I could have a piece of you, and I'm not talking about spreading some of your mayonaisse over my bread either, I'm talking about spreading your blood over my chest and fists everytime I hit you but It's all cool between you and I now Sheamus, I have no problem with you anymore because I realised that I was wasting my time with you, I had a better challenge finding Wally in my kids books but you have popped up again in my radar but I'll prove to you at Vengence that you are nothing more then a little blimp on that radar.

Triple H changes his focus to Zach Ryder now who has a smirk on his face. Triple H goes to speak but it's his turn to get cut off by Stephanie.

Stephanie: Please Hunter, let me handle this guy. Zach Zach Zach, boy do I have no idea what you have been sniffing. What the hell is a broski? Is it a special type of snow ski that I have never heard of? Is it a word that you have to unjumble to get the correct word of what your trying to say? I just have no idea what you are going on about and this Internet Championship as a belt, well congratulations on that title win, I'm glad to see that you will win something in your pathetic life to come. Now Zach, I have no idea what made you think you were good enough to earn this special prize but I can tell you, you better screw your head on straight, screw it on real tight as well Zach because number 1. My husband Triple H will win this special prize at Vengence and show everyone that The Game has just began and 2. if you don't screw your head on, it just might roll off when Hunter hits you with the Pedigree. I suggest you decide to make another one of your funny videos just when this match is suppose to happen Zach, stick backstage and comb your hair, do anything but come to this ring because it would be such a shame to see you hurt yourself, imagine if you can't fist pump anymore Zach, just think about your future.

Zach lowers his head, thinking to himself as Steph now steps behind Triple H, smiling again as Triple H has a serious look on his face.

Triple H: And you wanna know why all this is going to happen at Vengence, well it's simple, It's going to happen because I am The Game, and I am that DAMN GO....

Triple H gets interupted just before he can finish as he looks like he doesn't appreciate it much but ..... continues to talk anyway.


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Your Only Smoke And Mirrors


Cody Rhodes' entrance theme hits the PA system much to the fans dislike. Cody walks out onto the stage.


Cody smirks and turns round to face the titantron looking at his 'dashing' face. He slowly walks down the ramp and he ignores the boos from the fans.


He climbs up the steel steps and gets into the ring. He picks up the mic that was laid out for him and adresses Finlay.

Cody Rhodes: Just shut up already.

Cody recieves a load of boos from the crowd.

Cody Rhodes: Last week, management realised that I was simply too good to release. they know that if I were to be released, their ratings would plummet. I am the reason that we have women viewers. They tune in every week to see my handsome face and my perfect hair. They tune in to see my white teeth and my dashing body. What they don't tune in for, is to see an ugly old man come out here to the ring and start running his mouth. The sooner you realise that Finlay the better.


Cody gets a lot of heat from the crowd

Cody Rhodes: Last week, you got a fluke victory Finlay and you sure as hell won't be going to that title match. That spot is already reserved for me. I am the most talented and charismatic superstar on this whole roster and I am sick of other people doubting me. Do you realise how much time I spend in the gym every week while you are dancing with leprechauns? It's certainly not genes where I got this good looking, it's through time and effort Finlay and it's that what's gonna cost you at Vengeance Finlay, you don't look after yourself like I do and if I have to end your career to beat you then I guess this is going to be your last match.

Cody Rhodes is cut off by the fans who are booing him loudly.

Cody Rhodes: Shut up you ugly, diseased people. I have more talent in my left foot than all of you people in this arena have in your whole bodies. Now, when I defeat Finlay, I don't care who has the world title because no matter who it is, I will defeat them and I will become your dashing champion. There is nothing anybody can do to stop me. I will do what I was born to do, be better than anybody else.

Again Rhodes is cut off by the fans, Cody lies down on the ropes and continues.


Cody Rhodes: After our match Finlay, I was showing to everybody that I am more dominant. Your victory was a fluke and it will never happen again. At Vengeance, I will be hitting you with Cross-Rhodes and pinning you 1-2-3

Rhodes is interrupted by Finlay ...


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Jun 11, 2010
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The camera comes alive with Todd Grisham in the Locker Room.

Todd Grisham: Ladies and Gentlemen my guest at this time, The Legend Killer Randy Orton. Randy you have a match with Kane coming up here in just under 24 hours can I get your thoughts going into the match?


Randy Orton: A few weeks back, the Big Red Machine targeted me, and attempted to injure me and take me out of CWF. As you can see, Todd, not only did he fail, but he has angered me. You see Kane likes to think he is the top dog, able to walk around and beat on anyone who is smaller than him. Kane thinks he’s a monster, he thinks he is a legend. Well Todd, he picked the wrong opponent. Because come Vengeance not only is Kane going to feel my wraith, The Viper will show the world that not even Hell can stop him.

Randy storms off out of frame looking ready for action.
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