CWF 2011: Trashtalking - Elimination Chamber #1 (Merging Issue)

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Merthyr Tydfil
I'm facing the wrong way. Obviously symbolism that I am the odd one out, as I'll be the only one winning the match :)

Either that or the cameraman was a right twat. I don't remember.


Apr 23, 2011
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He found a big pimple on the side of yer face bro. lol

Big Red Jericho Punk

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Sep 28, 2010
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Everywhere I see Matt Hardy, he looks like he's on drugs. The banner shows no different.

Big Red Jericho Punk

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Sep 28, 2010
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The crowd goes absolutely crazy when the smoke rises up and they only know it could be one man. The Rated R Superstar comes out to his trademark theme song "Metalingus" as he walks through the smoke with a determined look on his face.


Edge looks around and walks in nodding his head. He has his signature coat on and looks down to the floor. He looks up and poses for the crowd with fireworks going off everywhere.


Edge runs after that into the ring with a huge smirk on his face now. He gets up and hops on the top rope and looks into the crowd. The crowd is cheering loudly as Edge takes his coat off and gets the microphone.

"The Rated R Superstar" Edge

Edge: Sorry I'm late everyone. I know you have been falling asleep through most of these guys speeches. Batista and his usual fictional comments, Chris Jericho with his boredom, Finlay for his stupidity, and wait what the hell Matt Hardy is alive? Wow that's a surprise but your pretty irrelevant so why waste my breath on you. Also I forgot to mention Sheamus but I see his stupid hair right in front of me. So your old grandma can beat me up huh? You sure about that tough guy because I'm pretty sure that nobody has kicked my ass in this company. I've lost twice in this company both to Finlay on lucky occasions. I've beaten one third of the men in this ring and I can add to that anytime. So if you want me one on one you got it Sheamus. I deserve this match way more than you do buddy. I was screwed out of my title match due to interference, even though you helped me. Thanks for the help, but when it goes down the Chamber it's you that's going to need help after I spear you.

The crowd gets behind Edge loudly as Edge looks right into the eyes of Sheamus. Sheamus looks like he wants to speak again, but Edge blows him off to look at Batista.


Edge: God why are you here? I thought I put an end to you by beating you. Now your trying to make jokes like me, yet I can see from your white hair your about as out of touch with pop culture as our champion. You want to call Lita a whore that's fine, even though she's about to lose her job because I'm done with her. You want to play who's better than comedian, that's fine by me. I know you know a thing or two about whores Dave right. Yeah that daughter of yours is sure a big one. I see my cousin's young son and he's telling me how he saw your daughter doing some pretty fun things on the internet. Great job Dave there, your chances of winning the World title are about as good as you winning Father Of The Year. You think my loss was a fluke, try me Dave? I kicked your ass when I speared you off the stage then I speared you through a table. What's next, maybe that glass pod sure will be a good spot. Your done Batista, your especially a major target of mine. Then along with everyone here, I will be waiting for your latest complaint on why your not champion.

The crowd oh's loudly with a huge Edge chant breaking out. Edge is laughing a bit and looks around seeing the ring is crowded. Everyone is anxious to hear Edge, but then sees Finlay closer to him than usual.

Edge: You want to get physical tough guy? I am your Mr. Rated PG guy or you claiming to destroy me? You beat me on a school boy pin and then outside interference. If that's destroying then I must have murdered everyone in my wins against guys like John Morrison, CM Punk, and this jackass to the right of me Chris Jericho. You haven't destroyed me and you never will. I get back up every time unless you hire a swat team to beat me down which you did last Sunday. I won't be heading to Honor because War is my home. I'm an honorable guy don't get me wrong, just look at my achievements. But when it comes to me and what I stand for, everything I do is WAR!!! I be very careful if I was you Finlay. For the first time in your title reign, you are locked inside with no help. You can't hire people to save your arse lad, because nobody wants to help you. All your friends want your title, so I hold it real tight because it will be the last time you will ever hold something so special so close AGAIN!!

Finlay infuriated by Edge, while Edge walks away from him. He sees Matt Hardy but once again blows him off laughing. He looks at Chris Jericho and chuckles for a bit then speaks.


Edge: I love how you stand in that corner thinking your some kind of tough dangerous guy, when your probably the 2nd least threatening man in this match besides this fat ass Hardy guy that lives in his fantasy world. That being said Chris, you are very talented and I've always respected your in ring ability. You still compete at an elite level and of course can't be taken lightly. So I appreciate your comments, but still you bore the crap out of me. Well I did find that Lita joke funny, it was the first time in years since you actually said something that made my jaw drop. Usually Chris, your dull and I just want you to shut up but wow bravo Chris!! You still claim to be the best even though I beat you handily not too long ago. Do you remember Chris in that thick head of yours how I dominated you. I know you probably forget because you have way more important things to remember. It's fine but you will remember how the great nation of Canada feels when it's us to and who they care for more. Canada will know who's the better wrestler after Elimination Chamber. So just like good ol Papa Jericho, get used to not being the main guy. Better yet get used to sitting on the sidelines when it comes to competing in the biggest matches. You want to get personal Chris, oh I'll get personal buddy. You've beat me in the past, but it's obvious that I'm just getting better while your starting to slip. Beware Chris because I will make you look like the ass clown that you truly are in front of everyone then will see who's the "best in the world".

Jericho is really furious and doesn't appreciate being mocked. Edge walks back and looks ready to finish off before Matt Hardy gets in his face. Edge looks at him and isn't amused.

Edge: Oh your mad tough guy, you want to man up now. I know it's taken 20 years since I've met you to grow up. Your a clown Matt, how you got this spot in the match makes me sick. You took out a true bonafide legend in Stone Cold. Now I'm not happy with Austin being a part of costing me in my match as you saw last week when I beat him up last Monday night. But I have a lot more respect for him than I'll ever have for you. You are dangerous but not exactly inside the ring. I think if we look outside the ring, we realize your stupidity of being dangerous. Look in the mirror Matt, you are your own hype machine. You look at yourself and think your the man, yet what who are your followers. That loser Shannon Moore and your brother, yeah great core there Matt. Why don't you get that super hero to your group of jackasses and then it's a party right. Your nothing more than a punchline Matt and that will be proven in this structure. You don't belong with the likes of me, Sheamus, Finlay, and Chris Jericho. You belong with jackasses like the guy in back of me, ain't that right Batista? Like I said, I'm not wasting my breath on you. You want some attention, well their you have it. I don't need to waste my time with you, you live in your fantasy world like Christian only he actually doesn't hurt society. Nobody takes you serious Matt and no one EVER WILL!!

The crowd starts a "Thank You Edge" chant as all hell has broken loose.

Edge: You all may doubt me, which doesn't surprise me. I've been doubted time and time again in my career. Nobody thought I make it back after another serious injury yet look at where I am today. I look at this match and realize that I need to do what I've always done in my career. That is to go over the edge again to put my body on the line. I will create havoc when I'm in that chamber and all five of you better watch out. You want some of me, well you got it right here. You could be a oversized cry baby or a senior citizen or Ronald McDonald's bigger twin or a boring guy in a suit, or well Matt Hardy your in your category of stupidity. It's my time to finally wear the old and for the Rated R era to begin. It won't PG and it won't be boring like the rest of these five guys have proven to show after delivering their threatening speeches. I am the man of action, so you five can continue to waste your breath because I will own you verbally then at Elimination Chamber physically. So all of you try me, because I'm waiting for one of you to actually step up and talk with some actual emphasis!!

Edge challenges all of them, as he awaits someone to step up to him.



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Match Banners uploaded!


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Finlay is going hehehe. Edge is like... yeahhh I got this. Bats just wants to say hi. Jericho is sayin hmmmmm what to eat after the show. Matt stubbed his toe. Sheamus is about to burst into uncontrollable laughter.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2010
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Merthyr Tydfil
And Brock is like "Rileyyyyyyyy, get out of the wayyyyy, THEY NEED TO SEE MY ARM!"


Apr 23, 2011
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And Riley is like:"WOW ... is this camera?"

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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"Coma White" by Marilyn Manson comes blasting over the PA system, pulsating through the arena as the fans begin to boo. As they all rise to their feet, the members of R.E.M.E.D.Y. make their way onto the stage and stop, each with a microphone in hand. As the music fades to silence, Eddie raises his microphone to his mouth as he stares down the ramp at his opponents in the ring.


Eddie Guerrero: Well isn't this a treat? I'll admit, finding out that you two got the contendership is a little disappointing, holmes, but that's only because of the change-up that happened in Mattitude. With Matt stepping into the Elimination Chamber to compete for the CWF Heavyweight Championship, Shannon Moore needed a tag partner, and they chose none other than little Jeff, the man I destroyed in a Ladder match not too long ago. The irony was too sweet to pass up, but it wasn't meant to happen that way, ese', and in a short amount of time we'll be defending our championships against you. Don't get me wrong though, there is something pleasant about having drawn you, and that is the stakes you have put up. After seeing the things we've done, after openly admitting to shortcoming after shortcoming when it comes to these titles, you want to put your careers on the line. Well vatos, that puts a big smile on my face, because myself and Ron are now getting more than we bargained for. Now, when the pay-per-view is said and done, not only will we have a successful defense under our belt, but we'll have rid CWF of yet another sorry excuse for a tag team.

We've already alluded to how ridiculous we think your whole act is, ese', but allow me to expand upon it so there's no grey area. I think it's absolutely pathetic that the two of you have amounted to so little in this business that you're convinced the only way anyone's going to pay you any mind is if you put on the same charade that brought you success in the Attitude Era. The only other time you amounted to anything is when you were part of the 4 Live Kru with Ron, holmes, and even that was on a smaller scale than your first taste, because of your surroundings at the time, not because of Truth. So not only are you trying to recapture lightning in a bottle because you're washed up, but because you're a couple of old men that can't cope with their middle age. Now I'm not the youngest bird in the cockfight, but I'm acting my age. I'm not picking up a microphone to recycle tired catchphrases, I'm not motioning to my juevos in a lewd fashion, and I'm not wearing a hip hairstyle or wearing urban headwear. Instead vatos, I come out here and be myself. Just like Ron comes out here and acts like himself, and just like Jesse does the same. You can call our actions lewd too, vato, but what we're doing is for a greater purpose, we're out to accomplish something that will benefit everyone, these people are just too stupid to realize it, which is why they boo.

But something I deem even more pathetic than what I've already called you out on is how serious you take this situation, which is not at all for those of you keeping score. You'd rather ham it up and perform your tired little schtick than strategize and think of how you're going to take on this dominating force standing up the ramp from you. You'd rather make jokes and get these pendejos in the stands to pop for you than convince Truth and I that we're actually in for a challenge. Do you realize what you're doing to yourselves? Your oversight makes our vision stronger, and the sharper the clarity we see our mission in, the quicker you are doomed to fail.

As Eddie finishes talking, R-Truth is quick to speak himself.


R-Truth: And fail is ezackly what you're gonna do. New Age Outlaws, The Outlaws, The James Gang, Voodoo Kin Mafia, DeGeneration X, it doesn't matter what you call yourselves, you're still Monty and Brian. For every name yourselves, there's a tag team that you've lost against in the past few months. The Great Hassan. Chosen Destiny. The Coven. Mattitude. And soon to be added to the list, R.E.M.E.D.Y. What I find funny is people look at me and Eddie as two guys that were just thrown together for the sake of being thrown together with a random veteran in Jesse "The Body" Ventura as the mouthpiece.That's not true, but if it was, it'd make this upcoming defeat for ya'll even more embarassin'. Ya see, ya'll have been teamin' for years and years, while we've only been a team for a month or two.

So not only are you a tag team with tenure and veteran status gettin' beat by the fresh tandem on the block, if we were just two guys randomly thrown together, Elimination Chamber would be forever remembered as the night a random pair destroyed the legend of the New Age Outlaws. Well, that's gonna happen anyway, and when it does, people are gonna see what many view as a cornerstone of the golden age of wrestling die. Sean Waltman ain't here, Chyna ain't here, Shawn Michaels ain't here, and Triple H put his crotch choppin' days behind him, so you two are all that's left of the beloved DX. A stable of guys that I consider I stain on the timeline of wrestling history, a disease to everyone and everything around them. When we meet you in that ring with this gold up for grabs, we're going to erase that stain from the record books, and we're going to cure you and this company of the disease you carry and have been spreadin'. Ya'll are gon' get got!

As Truth finishes, Jesse Ventura raises his microphone to speak.


Jesse Ventura: Billy, Road Dogg, guys like you make me wish I wasn't just a manager of this group. Guys like you make me wish I could talk about what I myself am going to do to you than what my clients are going to do. Guys like you, well, they would've been taken care of by guys like me if you came up through the territories I came up through. You show someone like me, a Hall of Famer and accomplished politician among many other things, absolutely no respect. You think that when I grab this microphone I do it just to hear myself talk? Well I don't, if I did I'd be saying ridiculous things like the two of you comparing one another to Vanilla Ice and Dumbledore!

Trust me, I'm not too old to come down that ramp, step in that ring, and kick your teeth in if need be. Wrestling's like breathing to guys like me, it comes that naturally. But the reality is I'm not going to have to do that, because I have Eddie and R-Truth to do it for me. Elimination Chamber is going to be a memorial service for your pitiful careers, the characters that you play will be no more at the end of the night. Essentially, you are coming to the event to die, and if you didn't know, well, you've just been put on notice, and I saved you a phone call by doing it.

Jesse lowers his microphone as the fans boo R.E.M.E.D.Y. with great disdain. The New Age Outlaws have a staredown with the Tag Champions for a moment before responding.

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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EC: Kane vs. Brock Lesnar(c) vs. Alex Riley for the Intercontinental Championship


The fans in the arena are excited as "Slow Chemical" by Finger Eleven begins to play, cheering the nearing arrival of Kane and the fond sound of his former theme. Without any hesitation, the Big Red Machine makes his way from the back, where the fans are met with surprise on another matter.


The roof nearly came off of the place as they were witnessing the return of the true Monster. Kane walks up the steel steps, steps onto the apron and walks along it, then steps through the ropes and makes his way to the center of the ring. Kane raises his arms at his side into the air and drops them, sending fire shooting from all four turnbuckles simultaneously.


The fire burns strongly for a moment before fading out as the lights come back on and Kane raises the microphone he's carrying to his mouth.


Kane: There is only one thing about myself that is predictable, and that is my honesty. If you hear me say that I will do something, you can rest assured that I will carry that very thing out. In fact, you can think of it as if it has already been accomplished, because there's often a small period of time between the proclamation and the execution, so brief in fact that you may miss it if you were to fixate your eyes elsewhere. As for everything else, none of it can be seen coming. For months I have had the top tier champions in my crosshairs, able to seize what is theirs at any time. That fact has caused some to tense up with paranoia, and others to lower their guard and forget that I possess the ability entirely. Much time has passed, and I have gone after neither championship, leaving the question of when I will strike lingering and unanswered.

Which makes the circumstances before me all the more interesting. After my victory last week on Honor, I now find myself with a shot at the Intercontinental Championship. It is as if my patience is being rewarded, because while I wait for the right time to go after either brand's alpha male, I get the opportunity to wear gold regardless in the meantime. Brock Lesnar, you find yourself in a very unfortunate position. After failing to become the first CWF Champion at Invasion and then failing again on Honor last week to become the number one contender, I know that you are disappointed. Despite the facade you wear around like I do the mask on my face, I can sense the doubt you're having about yourself, the uncertainty that's eating you alive, and I'm loving it. Because with all your talk of being a man that inflicts trauma, you appear before me as a frightened hypocrite, because it is you who is traumatized, and by your own devices. So you are also a wounded animal limping into battle with a being that will not hesitate to attack those weaknesses.

You tried to step out on your own by shedding yourself of the dead weight that was one Paul Heyman, but how has it benefited you? Let's face it Brock, there's a reason that Paul did all the talking and you just stood there, because it was a good balance. Now you're trying to shoulder it all yourself, you're a warrior charging into battle equipped with no armor, no shield, leaving yourself vulnerable to any attack made against you. I can attain victory over you with this microphone alone, Brock. With the beginning of you convincing yourself you can no longer get it done in the ring combined with me telling you that you don't possess the speaking ability to get your opponents to take you seriously, I've already won, that's too much for your human conscience to handle. I can hear the walls of your psyche crashing down now, and I haven't even entered it yet.

If you think your brush with Kevin Thorn has readied you for a head-on collision with me, you're sadly mistaken, Brock. I am nothing like him, he and his group of pretenders will be dealt with in due time. The closest you have come to a true taste of the darkside is when you almost came to blows with my brother at one of your mixed martial arts events, but since that never came to pass, you are completely oblivious regarding what awaits you, and that's a tragedy. It's a tragedy because I know your wife Rena lets your children watch their Daddy each and every week in CWF, which means they're going to be watching the Elimination Chamber event. It's enough to create remorse, and if I were a mortal man capable of compassion, I would regret what I'm preparing to do to you in front of them, but since I am neither, I will only regret not being able to solely torture you.

And what I refer to by saying that is of course the inclusion of the third man in this contest, Alex Riley. Alex, I'm sure that since there were no immediate repercussions for what you did to me on the night of your debut, you've been convinced all this time that I was never going to do anything in response. Well it so happens that I don't have to go hunting you down, because fate has brought you to me, and now you will suffer by my hand for your crimes against me. But my intention to harm you doesn't mean I don't understand why you committed those acts. You're a young guy, and you were breaking into this company with nothing going for you. So, starved for recognition from these fans and attention from the management in charge of your fate, you went the route of prison mentality and went after the biggest, most dominant, most feared man in the company and attacked him. Part of me respects you for that, but don't mistake that for weakness.

It's something I don't say often, and quite frankly it's because not many men do something deserving of it. However, I am annoyed by the possibility of every other new signing this company will ever have following in your footsteps, so as I said, punishment will befall you. Everything you know you learned from Michael Mizanin, a man that I have now smitten twice, so what makes you think you will be spared the same fate? Your ring presence? Well I have one thing to say if that's the case, the impressiveness of your in-ring presence will always pall in comparison to mine, not because I'm the most technically sound, but because I will always have you in size and technique. I pick my opponent's weaknesses out before the bell rings, Alex. Sometimes I seize them immediately and destroy my opponent as quickly as possible, other times I lure them into a false sense of security before doing so. As for you, well, you're very limited. So what else could it be, your confidence? My response to that is simple. You warn others to say what they feel and intend to do to your face, well when you step in this ring, trust me, there'll be no hesitation on my part.

Kane lowers his microphone and looks to the stage as he awaits the arrival of one of his opponents.


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CWF Elimination Chamber: Christian vs. Kevin Thorn© - CWF Championship

Smoke begins to pour up from the entrance ramp as a man is standing facing opposite the ring. He stretches his hand out wide.


He turns around as he takes off his hoodie which reveals his Christian tank-top and his usual attire. He prepares himself by jumping up and down a couple of times before looking at the ring as he makes his way.


Christian then goes to the top rope straight away as he motions for the CWF Championship belt.


Christian then takes off his tank-top as he pretends to throw it to the crowd but instead throws it on the floor, he then gets a microphone from a ringside worker.



Heh, well here I am. After four long months since I lost that Heavyweight Championship, I find myself at the top of the pack. Last week I had to defeat a man who's been an unstoppable force here in CWF, Brock Lesnar. You know I might have been cocky about being victorious and such but I've got to admit, my win last week on Honor was nothing but impressive. Some say that I had Kevin Thorn helping me, mind you... I didn't see him around and that was probably because I was more focused on grabbing the much-needed victory. The past couple of months I've defeated The Rock, Randy Orton and Finlay, I've also defeated other superstars around here and I've worked very hard to achieve my goal and get to where I am today. I've turned my back on everybody, I've faked attempts to win people over, I've been nothing but a fraud to these people I once called 'peeps'. But I know there are some 'peeps' out there that still respect me for my work and to be quite honest, if people still have respect for me that's completely fine. However, I want to point out that in every match I compete in, I put in 110% and I never, ever, let anybody down. This whole journey has been quite the adventure for me, I've been on a high and a low as well, but I guess we all experience ups and downs in life. Right now, I'm standing tall like Christo Redentor, I look over CWF and I see my flock of people, I see the people wanting me to respect them again and I'm going to do just that. I am going to be their Christ of Redeemer, these 'peeps' out there are going to have their voices heard from now on, I will back these people up every single time from now on. This isn't a lie, this isn't a dream, this is reality at it's best. I've waited a long time to capture this moment and it's been a long seventeen years for me folks, it's time that the 'Instant Classic' gets what he truly deserves and puts on the best show possible.

The crowd gives out a mixed-reaction, knowing he is yet to mention Mattitude.

Kevin Thorn, a man who's lived in the darkness, a man that accompanies with others into the darkside. But I am one who accompanies with others as well, but there's no darkness in us. There's no vampirish crap going on, just a group of friends who are trying to do what's right for the business. You see Kevin, I joined Mattitude for a reason, I don't need back-up at all, I joined Mattitude because Matt, Shannon and Jeff are all my close friends and while Edge is against me I needed my friends to witness me capture the greatest moment in life. Whilst I onced was part of the darkside with Edge, we're no longer friends... Everything I see with my eyes is nothing but brightness and future, with these eyes... I can accomplish the very best. I've been a Champion here before in CWF but my dream was short-lived and I'm going to accomplish my dream once again and I will do everything I can to keep it. As for these people, they can witness my greatness, they can jeer me, they can join forces with me. What they decide is up to themselves but I, Christian don't care if they follow my path and greatness or not. We're stuck in a Chamber, it's just me and you Kevin boy... Weapons filled all over the Chamber with more filling down every five minutes, this is something you enjoy. But for me it's something that shouldn't even happen, this isn't a safe workzone. This is a dangerous thing, I take it Jim Cornette prefers watching us bleed and watch us be tormented. However, this is my job, my career and I will deliver blood, sweat and tears to capture that CWF Championship and whilst you Kevin... you've given the CWF Championship no prestige, you've given it nothing but darkness. You've put CWF to sleep with that Championship, the darkness you resemble and the life you live is not what we're used to. These people deserve a better Champion and they deserve me as their Champion. Before CWF, nobody knew who you were, you came here with your Gothic gimmick and tried to buy the crowd into respecting you, but face the facts Kevin, you'll never be liked nor respected around here.

Christian paces around the ring, the crowd is fair silenced.

This complete act of yours isn't working Kevin, I don't buy your darkness at all. While you act like predators or Zombies wanting to eat Human Flesh. All this raining blood kind of stuff you've got inside your head... I don't know how you see the world but I suggest you click out of whatever state of trance you're in. You need to see the life we live in because this is completely dumb what you're doing Kevin, if you think you're a better wrestler than me then you're incorrect. You've got the belt for now but it won't be long before I take it off you. I've been the better wrestler all this time, I've been the man who's defeated superstars that nobody else could! You Kevin on the other hand got lucky winning at Invasion. Shall I remind you what happened? I had Brock Lesnar beat in the middle of the ring and you attacked me from behind before hitting me with the Original Sin but this time there's no Brock Lesnar. There's nobody else to help you do the dirty work, there will be no sneak attack from behind. You may treat me like a nobody in that cage but when that bell rings, there's a side of me that's never been seen before because I will do everything it takes to make sure I walk out of Elimination Chamber the CWF Cham-

Christian is suddenly interrupted by a theme song.

OOC: Good luck Sammeh!



Apr 24, 2011
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Jericho stares across at Edge, as a "Spear" chant breaks out, Jericho waits for them to be quiet as he stares across at Edge with an absolutely disgusted look. He sighs before lifting the microphone.


Jericho:Emphasis? Emphasis, is that what you want, Edge? Emphasis...let me emphasise something for you. This isn't a game. This isn't just another time in the ring, where you'll have fun, you'll joke around, pander to these hypocrites, make yourself out to be a fool, and pretend that you are still the Master Manipulator that you once were. You wanna talk about crying like a baby? What did you do? Matt Hardy over there, it seems to me, has one over on you. He's pulled the same stunt on you that you did to him before, because you couldn't accept that you aren't good enough. You just couldn't grasp the concept that maybe, just maybe, Edge can't cut it anymore. Edge isn't on top of the world anymore, you're not the man who speared Jeff Hardy out of the air, who faced The Undertaker in a Hell in the Cell match. Let me tell you who you are, Edge. You're a shell, a washed up, defunct excuse of a superstar, and I'm going to tell you the exact same thing Mick Foley once told you. That's not the Edge that's should be walking into the Elimination Chamber. Not the Edge that panders to these fans, that makes a fool of himself, that has temper tantrums towards Lita when he can't win the world title, who asked these people for forgiveness. That's not the Edge you are, anymore. That's not the Edge I want. I'm walking out of the Chamber with the World Heavyweight Championship one way or another, but frankly I want to see you put a little effort into your song and dance before I beat you.

Jericho stares into Edge's cold, ruthless eyes as a "Y2J" chant starts. Jericho stops. He stares across at the fans in disbelief as eventually, they stop and he stares out at them in anger.

Jericho:Don't ever mention his name here. Don't you parasites EVER mention that name. Y2J is dead and buried. He died a long time ago, you're staring into the eyes of the man that laid him to rest, and it's time to move on. I've gotten over that charade, dancing like a performing monkey in this ring to make you people smile. The reason you people are hypocrites are men like Edge, men who have betrayed you and lied to you so many times, but you cheer them on and on and on. I'm an HONEST man. When I set out to do something, when I say I'm going to do it, I accomplish it, that's Why I'm The Best in the World at What I do, and that's why I have this title shot.

Jericho rubs his face as the crowd once again chant "Y2J!" But this time not in his support, rather it's to spite Chris Jericho and his refusal to admit what he's been like in the past. He stares at them till they stop and glances at Batista.


Jericho:It feels like the kind of eternal damnation that people like Kane promise listening to all of these men talk, but especially you. Especially you, Batista. Look at you, with that microphone. You have no idea what you're doing, it's like watching an Ape with a glowstick. It's a pathetic image I won't be seeing very often, I hope. Any dignity you had maintained walking out here is in tatters, I can barely stand looking at you. I owe you one? Are...are you serious? I owe you one? Batista, I'm not sure you're acquainted with how this works, so let me explain it to you. You beat Kane, that's correct, on Pay Per View. Kane is on Honour, I see no reason why that should affect the rankings here on WAR, the one show that actually matters. I beat one of the so-called "greatest" superstars ever, while all you've defeated is a Big Red choker. And before you decide to make yourself look even worse and bring up your victory over Stone Cold Steve Austin, I stood on the ramp to distract him, allowing you to get that win, because frankly, Austin irritates me. But what's really got to me, Batista, is that you...want me to align with you. I don't know what kind of delusions you're having, but I owe you nothing. Even if I did, I wouldn't let you interfere with me spreading the truth to the world, and proving why I'm The Best in the World at what I do. If you're wondering what that is, it's whatever I choose to do, and that includes making music. If you want to bring up a multitude of songs, that's fine, you can waddle around this ring talking all the nonsensical garbage that you please, like a giant clown with tattoos.

Jericho seems to sniff the air and make a revolted face, as though some pungent odour just touched the divine nose of the Best in the World. He turns and sees Finlay, smirking as he picks up the microphone.

Jericho:As I thought. Finlay, you can claim that I beat you on a technicality, you can do that all you like, but the fact of the matter is you were caught with your foot on the rope. Will I deny that I haven't done the same thing? No, I won't, unlike everyone in this arena, I'm not a liar. But I've had enough intellectual qualities to realise that I need to do it without the referee's notice. I do whatever I have to do to make all of you realise exactly just what you're dealing with. All of you stand here, and I look into your eyes and I see you think I'll be easy pickings. That I'll be a lamb to the slaughter, a fish in a barrel. May I ask, how many of you have won a chamber match? So far, the only man in here who I see other than myself, would be Edge. Finlay, you can claim experience, nobody will deny that, in general, you are the most experienced, but a true champion? Why are you the only true champion of this business, Finlay? Because you've only held it once? I don't claim to be anything more than what I am, The Best. And that's why I am the only true and deserving champion around here, not because of my size, my taking advantage of opportunities, how early I've held the title, or because I've never held it. I simply am the most deserving because I am The Best in the world at what I do, and Finlay, there is NOTHING you can do about it.

Jericho scowls straight at the CWF World Heavyweight Champion, although in Jericho's mind, that should be him. He eyeballs all the competitors, before suddenly his eyes lock on Matt Hardy.


Jericho:Speaking of undeserving. Matt Hardy, it seems like a while since we've been in a match together. Yes, I'll brag about beating Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock in the same night. Of course I will. It's called winning a major championship Hardy, you should try it some time. What have you done to deserve being here? Hm? Tell me now. All I've seen you do is lose. Lose to REMEDY. You couldn't cut it in tag team competitio, Eddie Guerrero and R-Truth were both far too much of a challenge for you, so you lash out and attack perhaps one of the most overrated, oversold, overexposed, and egomaniacal superstars there has ever been, and for some reason, this earns you a spot in this Elimination Chamber match. I fail to see the logic here. True, you beat Austin worse than I did. I enjoyed the quality television of him being laid down on the ground with his head smashed open, but once again I have to tolerate both of the Hardys in the same company. As if that weren't bad enough, the backwardness of the management decides that two men, who both seem to be playing back and forth with Lita, who LOST, deserve a match. Edge proved that he wasn't good enough for the World Heavyweight Championship, and you proved you weren't worthy of the Tag Team Championship. You're right, we're going to be locked inside that chamber together, Hardy, and I can't wait to see you crumble under the pressure. You think I should be afraid of you? Why should I be afraid of a man that needs his brother and Shannon Moore to take down Austin, when I did it all by myself? Don't even consider that you're locked in this chamber, consider who you're locked in it with. Oh no, Gentlemen, don't even think about the fact that I'm locked in there with you. Because, I'm not locked in there with you.

Jericho suddenly shoots over, leaning right over at Sheamus, up in his face. The Celtic Warrior doesn't change emotions as Jericho speaks.

Jericho:You're locked in there with me. Do you understand what I'm saying to you right now? Do you, Sheamus? You're going into Stockholm, and you're going to locked in one of the most hellish structures ever devised by the human race. One of the deadliest chambers ever invented, hell on earth. And guess what? I'm in there with you. You want to accuse me of being at the bottom, Sheamus? Not so long ago, I saw Triple H drop you on your head. You have to be hurting, Sheamus. If I'm standing here with the best material this company has to offer, then let me tell you right now, that I am blatantly disappointed and I have a lot of work ahead of me if I'm going to be bringing any success to this corporation as The CWF World Heavyweight Champion, which I'm going to be. You couldn't beat me before, Sheamus, in a match that is far less dangerous. Back then, not that I enjoy remembering that awful experience of acting how I did, I noted that you'd never won a ladder match. And you know another type of match you've never won, Sheamus? An Elimination Chamber. I have. I've won the world championship in this demonic place before. You think I care that these hypocrites despise me? You think I care that you do? I don't need to conform to these parasites, I don't need to shield myself and surround myself with them to make me feel better about who I am. This match is only going to consolidate just how superior I am to you, it doesn't matter if potatoes come from Ireland, or if they come from Idaho, I'll still beat them in a match. And in case your little brain thinks I mean actual vegetables, It's a symbolic statement, I'll let you try and work it out for yourself, but don't try too hard, you'll hurt yourself.

Jericho looks at each and everyone of his opponents.

Jericho:I suggest you pen down October 23rd in your calenders, because on that day you better reserve a hospital bed. This chamber is going to be the most deadly weapon, and I will be the wielder, I-
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CWF Elimination Chamber: HHH vs. John Cena


This is for HHH (Albo2) and John Cena (PegKid)

This is for the Hardcore Championship.


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EC: Rockarella vs. Broskis vs. Mattitude vs. Beer Money vs. Coven vs. T-Pipe

This match is a #1 Contender's to the Tag Team Championship.

Rockarella (Awesome Miz), Robbie E & Zack Ryder (PegKid), Mattitude (Hoov), Beer Money (Rock), Coven (Sam), Mr T & Piper (Ellis) may all post here.

Good luck!
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