I'll keep it short and simple for the sake I'm an optimist and maybe, just maybe we can get some discussion from this.
WWE: Growth and development: In the past year they added a new program and dumped ECW in favor of a somewhat innovative program in NXT. Superstars shows growth. NXT is certainly a bold idea and shows thought in it's development. And they did this in a down period for the business. They changed PPV names, not for the better, but in hopes that they can expand buyrates from the names and gimmicks of these shows. That can be construed as development. But the growth as far as business is concerned has remained about the same that it has for the past 5 years. It hasn't declined much nor grown. So for Growth and Development WWE gets a B+
Talent Utilization: People moan and gripe about the same names at the top of the card, but in honesty, no one outside of them is selling jack shit. Cena, Orton, Trips, Taker, Tista, Rey, Jericho, Edge and HBK are at the top because they have the most talent and sell shitloads of merchandise. You make money for the company, you're atop of the card. That's the way it's always been and that's the way it always will be. People who say "so and so should be main eventing because they can wrestle and so and so is old and always main eventing and blah blah" either don't understand that this is a business and what the masses, key word being masses, want, the masses get as said wrestler puts the masses asses in seats and their money in the boss' pockets.
That being said, WWE has given pushes to fresh, young talent in the past year. Sheamus, Miz, Kofi, and to lesser extents Morrison and McIntyre were all give pushes this year. In Sheamus' case he was given a Lesnar push, easily the biggest push anyone has received since Brock was the Next Big Thing and now he's heading to Mania in a program with the company standard bearer following a decent title reign. Miz, despite what people think about him being in a team with Show, is getting a nice, steady push as a dual champ and Kofi had a nice run with the top heel for a few months. True he has been de-pushed since then, but they still showed the interest of pushing the guy. Morrison, as awful as a face as he is, was given a brush of the main event with Hardy last summer and was given the match of his career by Rey. McIntyre is getting a rub from the boss. They are doing the best they've done since Cena, Batista and Orton's rises to the top and for that the WWE should be commended. A
Booking: This is short and simple: the main event scene is booked fairly well while the mid card is almost ignored and the tag titles are on a month to month, two team basis. The shows, in general, are booked differently. Raw, is always booked around the guest host and depending on the host, that has been anywhere from excellent to just god awful and the real victims besides the viewers are the mid card talents. They are seldom given direction, mid card titles have far less luster than they did ten years ago despite the caliber of talent holding them and there is just a "free flow" feel to the mid card. The tag team scene is iffy to me. I absolutely loved the Jerishow run, they added a degree of prestige to the belts and had a nice, solid reign. But after the break up there was no follow up between Show and Jericho, and everything went into a straight circle as after DX lost them, it was to almost the same team in ShowMiz. But that also serves two purposes, it keeps the prestige of the belts high having upper mid card talent such as Miz and Show as champs and it adds to the Miz's slow build and ascension. Now, to the main event scene: Punk-hardy was booked very nicely and letting Punk cut promos is prime, unfortunately Punk's momentum was crushed by Taker. Cena-Orton was very nice too. People want to complain that they were main eventing too many shows together, yet these are the same people who complian when programs are too short and halted abruptly. This was supposed to be one of the epic feuds of recent times and it didn't feel that way, besides the I quit match, the rest of the matches were somewhat lackluster. I can't fault the booking for trying to reignite epic rivalries. Sheamus' rise to the top was nice in premise, but the booking up to and after his title rein was poor. So has the Hart-Vince thing, that has been handled poorly. And now, around Wrestlemania time, the E has taken a match that alot of people really didn't want to see again and turned it into a masterfully booked angle and added the extra dimension to hype the match to the degree to not only where it feels fresh, it feels like a must-see match in Taker-HBK II. For all the good, it seems the E counters with some bad, but yet their storylines do show forward progress and do make sense so for booking they get a C, not bad, not great, just average. C
PPVs: Wrestlemania wasn't very good last year. This years looks like must see. That is how alot of the E's PPVs are, hit and miss. One thing though, their main events almost always deliver. They had some good shows this past year; SummerSlam, Survivor Series, the Rumble, Breaking Point and TLC were all solid shows. But for the price, the build should be better and some matches should go longer. Night of Champions, the Bash and Extreme Rules weren't worth the price. C
Television: Let's put it this way, the ration to good guest host expieriences on Raw to bad ones is a starling 1-8. And it seems the only good ones are the ones with former wrestlers as the hosts. It was a bad expierment that needs to end ASAP. Smackdown is a wrestling heavy show with some great talent and contrasts heavily to Raw. But as is the case with the E, you have to take the good with the bad. But the shows do serve their purpose as vehicles to sell PPVs and they do build fairly well to the PPVs, so the E is utilizing TV better than any promotion going. B-
Overall: it seems the theme is that you have to take the good with the bad with the E, but they do everything better than their "competiton", rated PG or not. They have the most recognizable stars, brands and put on the superior television product. I'm not saying it's the best or that I'm a huge fan, but they are vastly superior to TNA in every facet of the industry. B overall.\
I will do TNA in depth perhaps if this thread goes anywhere, but for not it gets a fat fuckin F.