Everybody worried about "backlash" can calm their tits. Backlash only happens after Wrestlemania.
inb4 this joke goes over half the people's heads
Oh Al Will you Also boycott the big Gas (Petrol) companies Too with them using Saudi oil & gas No More Gas for Your Car or Oil for Your Heating HYPOCRITE if you DON'T!!! That includes NO Bus Rides. Airplane Trips. Uber Taxis or Eats Any product brought to your house or in your house or the shops you shop At that came originally on a Ship or by Truck, Plane or Car BET YOU DON'T DO IT!! :damn:Hey, guess what? You'll grow up some day too. I wish I was your age again. But then I would have as little maturity and understanding as you do. So what to you is a "difference?" Would hundreds of people cancelling their subscriptions in support of democracy and human life be a "difference?" Would WWE at least not doing this ever again be a "difference?" No, you can't change the world with one post or one action. But that doesn't mean you don't start.
Oh Al Will you Also boycott the big Gas (Petrol) companies Too with them using Saudi oil & gas No More Gas for Your Car or Oil for Your Heating HYPOCRITE if you DON'T!!! That includes NO Bus Rides. Airplane Trips. Uber Taxis or Eats Any product brought to your house or in your house or the shops you shop At that came originally on a Ship or by Truck, Plane or Car BET YOU DON'T DO IT!! :damn:
And a China Boycott Allan i'm for Tibet... No Products in Your Home from China Al Do You Use Any Clothes, Containers, Cars & Car Parts in Your Car, Toasters, Shavers. Tv's, Drills, Saws Ect Ect Ect THROW Them All OUT Al & Never Buy Anything From China Again And We Will be With you on the wwe thing Al......... No Gas No China Products Ok BET YOU DON't Do it Doh! :doh: Dont be like the G8 protesters Complaining Every Year about Big Company's Then rocking up in Nike shoes Levis Jeans & a Adidas T-Shirt Hypocrites they Are!!
Randy Orton spoke on it.
“I think we should go. I think the only way to help with change over there is to go and not to cancel the trip.”
[The WWE women] performed in Abu Dhabi not too long ago, and I think we’ll be there eventually with [Saudi Arabia] and Crown Jewel.
“That’s the goal is to make things better everywhere and I think us not going—it doesn’t help. Going helps.”
Source- Randy Orton Says WWE Crown Jewel Should Go On Despite Concerns
Selective boycotting Oh so thats how you work Willing to give up the little things as long as that Dosent effect your daily life like giving up Chinese goods & Saudi Oil & Gas Your just like All the G8 protesters Sook about Big Biz yet you wear there clothes, shoes & use there products & Gas that is the Definition of a Hypocrite All Talk No Action on the Big Things that effect your daily life.. You Must Be a Sooky Sooky La La Democrate.... Thats it No more listening or replying to a Hypocrite Who wont Fully Commit Just Complain Doh!If the politicians, particularly the Trump Administration, weren't partnered with or bought by the Saudis and the Fossil Fuel industry, we would have been using green energies by now and the subject would be moot. I hardly see an equivalency between McMahon pocketing zillions of dollars he doesn't need and me having to drive my car (I can't afford airplane trips). Nor do I see an equivalency between sacrificing a small luxury like WWE and sacrificing the ability to get around to go shopping. I understand that you are using the old offense is the best defense tactic, but tell me what your moral statement is, what you're willing to sacrifice or stand for.
Selective boycotting Oh so thats how you work Willing to give up the little things as long as that Dosent effect your daily life like giving up Chinese goods & Saudi Oil & Gas Your just like All the G8 protesters Sook about Big Biz yet you wear there clothes, shoes & use there products & Gas that is the Definition of a Hypocrite All Talk No Action on the Big Things that effect your daily life.. You Must Be a Sooky Sooky La La Democrate.... Thats it No more listening or replying to a Hypocrite Who wont Fully Commit Just Complain Doh!
Saudi Arabia is where most of the 9-11 terrorists came from
I don't want to go down this rabbit hole but 9/11 involved many nations, including the US. It was quite literally, blood money... for oil.
Like I said in the other thread, I get both sides of this situation. I won't be watching it either way. I am just glad I don't have to be one of the people making the final decision. Fans who are against going will, for the most part, get over it in a few weeks to a few months tops after the event. That is how human nature works. We just always move forward. I just hope for the sake of everyone involved in going there, they stay safe though.