I agree w/ Mike, this is pointless, why did you make a thread bitching, because someone didn't want to count your vote. It doesn't matter if he counts your vote, you need to lighten up, it's just the internet, god OnceWalker, you like to give people 0/10's huh, me in rate the member, and Bret Hart, dude, you are showing how Blue you really are for making this thread, why would you go off and bitch about a super mod. I personally don't like Monkey, but I'm on his side in this one, it's his choice not to count it. Why would you give Bret Hart a 0/10, it's about IN-RING ABILITIES not being a crybaby. This thread shows how weak you really are OnceWalker, you get bent out of shape because someone didn't count your vote, really pathetic, you need a diaper???? This is the internet, these people do not know you, why care what they think about you? Are you that bad off that you need to make a thread about what you think about someone not counting a vote? I know you are gonna tell me what you think about Bret Hart and monkeystyle.....but you can wipe a cockatoo's ass with what you think. You need to quit getting bent out of shape because of the stupidest things, I used to and now I don't, and it is a lot easier on this forum, right now I am the most hated man on this forum, soon OnceWalker, you will be the most hated man on this forum. Quit your bashing of monkeystyle and quit complaning and bitching because you don't get what you want. Life isn't fair. You shouldn't care what these people think about you, god, this is only the internet. DON'T GET BENT OUT OF SHAPE FOR THE STUPIDEST REASONS!!!!!!!! I think that OnceWalker is just trying to be an attention whore. He wants everybody to cry with him, but it looks like we are on monkeystyle's side, (at least I am). Just quit bitching and complaining because monkey didn't count your vote.