Could ECW's low rating predict Christian's future?

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Active Member
Jul 13, 2008
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Easton, Maryland
So this weeks ECW drew an astounding... 0.9 in the ratings. This show was headlined by the return of The PeepShow. Now, the ratings haven't been increasing, but either staying the same or decreasing for a while now ( from what I remember anyway) but this low rating could be because of ECW going head to head with the NBA playoffs ( The Magics better step their game up btw), it could be because of ECW returning to it's old 10pm est. time slot, etc.

Everyone knows by now about the rumours of Vince not being high on Christian. Whether this is true or not, do you think the blame will be put on him? Do you think his title reign may come up short? Do you think that Vince will look at it as "If you can't bring in veiwers on an hour show, why would I send you to main event SD/RAW (something alot of people wants)?"

As for me, I think this could be very bad for Christian, but what do you all think?


So this weeks ECW drew an astounding... 0.9 in the ratings. This show was headlined by the return of The PeepShow. Now, the ratings haven't been increasing, but either staying the same or decreasing for a while now ( from what I remember anyway) but this low rating could be because of ECW going head to head with the NBA playoffs ( The Magics better step their game up btw), it could be because of ECW returning to it's old 10pm est. time slot, etc.

Everyone knows by now about the rumours of Vince not being high on Christian. Whether this is true or not, do you think the blame will be put on him? Do you think his title reign may come up short? Do you think that Vince will look at it as "If you can't bring in veiwers on an hour show, why would I send you to main event SD/RAW (something alot of people wants)?"

As for me, I think this could be very bad for Christian, but what do you all think?
I don't think the blame will be put on him at all. Contrary to what some of you think, Vince isn't a complete moron. He realises ECW is the C show, and with NHL and NBA playoffs, as well as baseball starting up, not every week is going to get a good rating. I never bought into the whole rumour of Vince disliking Christian anyway. I think it's just that. A rumour. If it goes to like 0.8, and 0.7 for a few weeks? Maybe it'll effect Christian, but for now, I don't see why it would.
Sep 29, 2008
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He realises ECW is the C show, and with NHL and NBA playoffs, as well as baseball starting up, not every week is going to get a good rating.
Let's not kid ourselves here. Hockey isn't having an effect on any other programs ratings.

Anyways, was this the week that it switched back to 10, or was that last week? If it was this week then that surely would have impacted the ratings a bit. I wouldn't put much into 1 weeks rating though. Wait to see how the ratings play out for another month or so before we start talking about how he's killing the ratings.


Let's not kid ourselves here. Hockey isn't having an effect on any other programs ratings.

Anyways, was this the week that it switched back to 10, or was that last week? If it was this week then that surely would have impacted the ratings a bit. I wouldn't put much into 1 weeks rating though. Wait to see how the ratings play out for another month or so before we start talking about how he's killing the ratings.

Never said it was a big effect, but to say it wasn't an effect at all it bullshit. Plenty of people on this site, watch the NHL, and if you go on some other wrestling forums (which I don't, but I do browse), you'll see other hockey fans on there. Bottom line is, it was just getting the point across Vince knows there's other big eventson TV, including the NBA and NHL playoffs, and he's not going to punish Christian for it.


If i was the WWE i would have announced from weekend say that the PEEP SHOW was coming back on ecw. Not on the night or ecw or an hour or so before. People need to tune into something that they know about. That's what the wwe don't do much these days, announce next weeks matches for a certain show. It gets people to watch and wwe just seem not to care much at the moment.


Maybe it's because the show is on at 10 o'clock on a fucking Tuesday.


Good point lol. And just advertise it on smackdown next week on ecw the peep show returns. People will tune in, dont just advertise it 24 hours before.


Anyone else think that ECW should just be live before RAW? I mean that's when it's fucking taped...why not just air it then so someone will actually watch the fuckin show.


No dude its taped before smackdown now, has been for past few months. Raw has a dark match a superstars match and then raw. On Tuesdays its ecw superstars trapings then smackdown.


I think the timeslot would have probably impacted the show the most, but also lack of promotion for the main events and such. When was the last time you saw an 'ECW Rebound' on a main show?


New Member
May 15, 2009
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The reason they don't do ECW rebounds is simply what has been said- it is the C brand. On the A Show, they recap the B show and on the B show, they recap the A show. The C show, ECW usually gets left out of everything. Hence why there ratings aren't too good. But I don't think none of this is Christians fault, and i don't think he'll get blamed for anything.


Yeah that's right, I forgot they stopped taping with RAW already. But my decision still stands...that's what they should


I think Vince will blame Chritian partly for not getting atleast a 1 rating, but hey maybe he might blame his bookers, you never know.


Only person to blame for this is Vince. He don't promote the show enough. I don't care if its the C show, you should push all the shows you have. Superstars gets more mention than ECW does. More rebounds on smackdown and raw it should have and more match making for the next week so people will tune in.