I guess in a way I can understand TNA's concept with this. Except for the fact that the WWE in no way meant for their original video to be Sting at all. The people in WWE live in a different world than the rest of us. A world where TNA doesn't even exist. The writers and producers in WWE eat, sleep, dream and live WWE. It just so happens that Sting and Undertaker both wear trench coats and black boots. So of course in the original video would lead a wrestling fan to speculate maybe it is Sting! Oh wait maybe since it is WM time it is Taker coming back! From Vince's perspective it was Undertaker the whole time. Why would he even want to make a video that would make people think of a wrestler of a different company?
So bottom line is: I understand where TNA is coming from EXCEPT they are not doing the right thing logically.