Convenience or just plain lazy?

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Aug 10, 2007
Reaction score
You know it has come to my attention that people now a days are freaking lazy. I am constantly astounded by the lengths people will go to to avoid doing anything physical. And we wonder why half of the world is overweight and unhealthy. So I started taking notice of things that are available on the market that enables people to be this way. Here is a small list of things, that if you own, most likely you are a complete loser who probably can not even get off the couch without the help of heavy machinery, and you should hang your head in shame at the extent of your laziness.

1. Garage Door/ Gate Opener: Basically means that you can not get out of your car for the 20 seconds it takes to pull open a gate or a garage door.

2. The Clapper: Seriously, if you cant walk the 2 feet to your light switch to turn the light off, shame on you.

3. Speedy Pass: Basically, its a little card that you wave in front of the gas pump that charges your gas straight to your credit card. Because even though most of the time there is an ATM or credit card device ON the gas pump, sliding a card, or pushing buttons takes entirely too much effort, not to mention actually going INTO the store and paying for it. O_O

4. Online Grocery Shopping/ Post Office: You can now go on to a grocery store website, choose your food, pay with credit, and they will deliver your groceries to your door. Or you can buy software that allows you to purchase stamps and/or weigh packages, print out a label and you pay with a credit card.

5. Netflix: Delivers your movies straight to your house, so you can avoid actually leaving the couch.

6. Drive thru ATMs/Pharmacies: Because that oh so long walk into the store/bank wastes precious seconds out of your day.

And my all time favorite...

7. A remote control for your car stereo: Seriously? I saw this and was so flabbergasted I could not even speak. I mean you can bend your arm at the elbow, and reach it. WHY A REMOTE?!

So all things considered, what the hell people? I mean there are certain exceptions for all of these. Like if you are an elderly person or handicapped or its night time and you live in a high crime area. But otherwise, there is really no excuse.

Anything any of you have noticed that is so lame that you were briefly struck silent? Or is it just me?

Do you consider this convenient, or just plain laziness?


I came to the "society is full of lazy bastards" conclusion ages ago.
May 28, 2007
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My Moms Basement
Some of these are a mixture of both. You dont NEED any of these. But the drive-thru, half the time the person waiting on you at the window is a moron and so is the one inside, so I am going to take a hit to the IQ in comfort.

The garage doors at work are 1100 I suppose that is an exception?

I have never seen a speedy pass. But paying at the pump I think is convenience. Sure its not like people dont have the 5 minutes to wait for someone to walk into the store, but then the place gets crowded and everyone gets pissed and people could just be walking in to pay or something and everyone is bitching.

I agree with about everything else. The garage door opener is complete laziness no way around that. The remote for the car stereo...they come with the stereo, and I have used it, in my car when I was driving for work and I just laid back. Plus I cant listen to a whole song, so Id be leaning up 9374038 times a day. But still you're right bend of the arm and you got it, not that big a deal. Even though I do think the purpose of that was brought into effect for car shows or something and change it from outside, but it got the lazy treatment.

The grocery shopping is hilar too.

If you think about it its not a new concept. I mean in the 50s and shit at car hops they would bring your food to you so you could eat it without expending any energy. People always look for an easy way to get things done. And yes that is what is fucking up the world. I went on a rant about this shit just the other day but I cant remember what it was about. Some things are really getting ridiculous. Time is money. Work takes time. There for work costs money.


I use number 5 frequently. That's only because the fuckers in this city never actually return movies to the blockbusters or video store's on time, so I have better luck getting the movie on tv.

In all seriousness though, look at all those inventions. All were made in the fattest country in the world, the ol' US of A.
It's not a matter of deciding if they are convienience or lainess. Instead, it's like this:
They were made for convienience, and have resulted in laziness.

Nancy Di Loreto

Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Most of this stuff isn't in Australia, and I doubt it'll make it's way down here. But that is absolutely appalling.

The Garage door/gate opener is okay, security wise.


I use number 5 frequently. That's only because the fuckers in this city never actually return movies to the blockbusters or video store's on time, so I have better luck getting the movie on tv.

In all seriousness though, look at all those inventions. All were made in the fattest country in the world, the ol' US of A.
It's not a matter of deciding if they are convienience or lainess. Instead, it's like this:
They were made for convienience, and have resulted in laziness.

I thought Australia was fattest?

Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
^^^Hahaha. I don't know how far behind you guys we are, we should be getting closer, maybe we're catching up now.

I think I have to agree with MikeRaw's like: They were made for convienience, and have resulted in laziness.

That's spot on, those things were made for convinience, and have in turn just resulted in people getting too lazy. But, who's to stop anyone, any fatass from using these things, maybe getting home from work a little easier, and then going for a fucking run? I don't think any of these inventions, are dumb as some may be (im looking at the car remote), should not change the fact that we're all still sposed to eat right and exercise. So, don't blame the inventions, blame those who don't bother to do either of those...

Maybe the car stereo remote thing was made for bigger cars, so chaps in the back seat can control the stereo? Then again, those bitches are sitting in the back for a reason, and should learn their fucking place! :p


I thought Australia was fattest?
^No, but canada must be getting up there, because that ton of shit Showstopper lives here. Once we get him out, our obecity rates (along with other things) will go down a lot:D

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

We don't have any of this stuff. I don't even have a dishwasher, so laziness is unacceptable in my house.

As far as Australians being the fattesr goes, it kinda scares me when I go to school and I see all the new kids, who are for the majority, small and fat.

Great One

Sorry, I got halfway through the second one and went blind in both eyes. Thanks a lot.


Aug 10, 2007
Reaction score
Great One is just too lazy to finish reading. Lame

Great One

But in all honesty, I don't have or do any of those things, but saying the ATM one is lazy is bs. That's like saying fast food drive thrus are for lazy people, it's simply the overwhelming quantity of people who use these things and you don't have time for that shit so you just have to quick drive and go sometimes. Dunno, I only use drive thru ATMs... but that's it.


In my case (Being Puerto Rican), its laziness. We can't help it, its just the way we are.

I should add, video and audio piracy also help to increase the laziness ratio. People don't even need to go out to pick up a CD or watch a movie, they can just wait a day or two, and get it on their computers.