Congrats Blaze

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THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Hey Stinger they wanna bash me let them...If they wanna cry bitch or some shit over me winning MOTM an award that is not gonna get you anywhere let them.You think when I go to get a job there be WOW about a MOTM on a wrestling if I win great I'm not gonna be all I WON MOTM ok...I only started to care about winning to see if Peep would really leave or not...hopefully he doesn't.

So I mean really this whole shit is cause of the MOTM Award then WOW what a bunch of immature babies.

No wonder you dropped out from school. You obviously can't form a sentence for your life.

Hidden Blaze

The Wanted Man
Sep 6, 2007
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Crawford County, GA
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Yeah but the reasons there saying are not real.

I will be going back in Jan anyway.
Apr 12, 2008
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The Altar of Sacrifice
No wonder you dropped out from school. You obviously can't form a sentence for your life.

Well, my good friend, I have something to show you.

JooMeister5000 (6:03:47 PM): You cant make a sentence.
JooMeister5000 (6:03:52 PM): BKB was right. You Fail.
"Blaze" (6:04:06 PM): who gives a damn no one is grading me online
JooMeister5000 (6:04:11 PM): I am.
JooMeister5000 (6:04:16 PM): A for effort.
JooMeister5000 (6:04:23 PM): F for actually knowing the shit.
"Blaze" (6:04:26 PM): WOW like this will matter to anyone
"Blaze" (6:04:41 PM): If it mattered trust me I could do something.
JooMeister5000 (6:05:02 PM): You could do what?
JooMeister5000 (6:05:47 PM): Say why you cant do anyting and that youre just gonna..............ramble on about stuff this a lot and...........this some more and not fucking stop for a wasted moment of my life?
"Blaze" (6:05:51 PM): If I cared and wanted to I could make a sentence.But see I don't want to.
JooMeister5000 (6:06:13 PM): You can't make a sentence because you didn't use proper word placement.
JooMeister5000 (6:06:20 PM): THERE IS A SPACE BETWEEN PERIODS!
"Blaze" (6:06:21 PM): This is the internet.Outside of here noting I do on here effects my life
JooMeister5000 (6:06:34 PM): Noting I Do Affects My Life?
JooMeister5000 (6:06:40 PM): No sorry
JooMeister5000 (6:06:44 PM): EFFECTS My Life.
"Blaze" (6:07:48 PM): No what I think the fact that people care so much how people are typing online shows just how immature they are.
JooMeister5000 (6:08:17 PM): You make no sense. Fail some more.
"Blaze" (6:08:55 PM): meh I am not gonna waste time talking to you.I'm gonna go play my game I rented before I gotta take it back tonight.
JooMeister5000 (6:09:08 PM): Ooooh. Rented Games.
JooMeister5000 (6:09:10 PM): Way to Fail,
JooMeister5000 (6:09:13 PM): YOU FAIL
JooMeister5000 (6:09:14 PM): FAIL
"Blaze" (6:09:21 PM): how do I fail
JooMeister5000 (6:09:22 PM): FAIL
"Blaze" (6:09:39 PM): I rented a game to see if I would like it before I asked for it as a christmas gift..
JooMeister5000 (6:10:15 PM): Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail.


I feel sorry for him, he deserves this award. He can't watch Smackdown ya know. That's why he deserves it.


MOTM is just a joke now, before it was something and legit, but now, after some noobs trying to take care of the awards :shifty: it lost its value tbh.

How is it my fault? :eek3:

You people are the immature idiots who can't accept the awards, I still feel they're not a joke and many members would agree with me, except for those people trying to make it look like a joke. Have a good laugh morons, but there is going to be a Member of the Month for November as well.


And another thing;

Congratulations Blaze, you're IWF's Member of the Month for October 2008! :thumbsup:
