Well, he's 42 years old and he wrestled about 10 times in 2019 and once in 2020, so I wouldn't say he's in the prime of his career by any means. After two lukewarm runs in the company before and being exposed time after time as a negative locker room guy, what does he bring to the table that would warrant any kind of serious investment? He's a midcard at BEST imo, because he sure as hell doesn't deserve to be pushed at the level of guys like Bryan, Rollins, Reigns, McIntyre, Styles, Owens, etc. and I personally wouldn't want him taking time from the likes of Aleister, Andrade, Garza, Zayn and so on. They already have more talent that they know what to do with so, I'm just not seeing the upside of having him. I don't think it would be catastrophic to bring him back or anything but I'd prefer to just look back fondly on his initial run than to bring him back a third time for no good reason.But these guys are older talent you can really only count on once or twice a year. Del Rio seems to still be in prime wrestling age and could probably be at the worst a mid-carder.
I guess I just enjoyed the roster more last year than this year.
Having said all that... I think the whole rumor was bullshit from the get go and I seriously doubt WWE have been in any kind of contact with him to begin with.