I found some pre-built bargains.
http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=8038299&CatId=2628 - $279 and already 4x better than that Gateway.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883265288 $329 and has an HDMI port.
Or my suggested choice,
Change the option under "Socket FM3 Desktop Processors" to AMD Athlon II X3 450 Triple Core 3.2 GHZ and you'll get a price of $342.
Another option for better graphics performance,
Change the "Socket FM2 Desktop Processor" to AMD A6-5400k and the "SATA Hard Drive" to Western Digital 500GB Caviar Blue for a price of $348.
Thank you I appreciate the help.
The main thing I was looking for is an hdmi port to hook the computer up to the tv & use the tv as a screen & for sound. Since we don't have cable & probably wont be able to afford it when we move, this will be saving us money.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883265288 $329 and has an HDMI port. < --- Can you explain how this one is better, aside from it being wireless internet which I LOVE! lol
It has a much more powerful processor, 1.4Ghz on the one you posted is incredibly bad.
Both have the same DDR3 RAM
It has a 1TB HDD as opposed to your 500GB
It has a wireless network card built in
Has VGA and HDMI
This: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883265288
is like 7/10 (for what you want)
This: http://us.gateway.com/gw/en/US/content/model/DT.GDYAA.002
is like 3/10
I basically need it to stream HD video to the TV & be good at uploading & playing HD videos from my HD cameras. So is this a good choice then? We are going to be using the tower in place of a cable provider so it has to be able to play streaming tv on the internet very well & be able to play netflix on the tv very good as well.
By streaming HD video to your TV, you mean via the internet? If so, your system specs aren't going to make much different, it's your internet speeds that matter. If you mean plugging your PC into your TV and watching it on like Media Player or whatever, then it's perfectly fine.
And do you mean uploading/playing videos to the internet, like YouTube? Again, your internet speed affects that.
If you mean copying/playing a video straight from your camera and watching it on Media player, then again, it's perfectly fine.
I'd go with the $329 one.
Don't forget to use NEWCUSTOMER10 coupon code if you're purchasing from Newegg and new customer. $10 off.
So netflix, youtube & streaming sites is more about the internet than the computer? I am pretty sure our internet is fcuk suck. lol
We will be moving in the fall & getting a different internet provider so no biggy. We have at&t right now.
Yep, it's 99% internet, unless of course you have like photo editing and video editing programs (cpu intensive) open whilst watching a youtube video it may freeze/slow down but not 'buffer' because your CPU is clogged.
Go to www.speedtest.net and post a result, I'll let you know if it'll be good enough. Let the site pick the server for you.
Ping : 41ms - Download : 2.89 mbps - Upload : 0.94 mbps
Ping's alright, download is quite low but should handle YouTube/Netflix (just one at a time).
You won't be able to watch or upload videos in HD, but standard quality should be fine.