"I'm in a position now where I think I can call guys out on it," Punk said about The Rock. "I have no personal problems against Dwayne. It's very frustrating being here and watch a guy come in and get credit for a WrestleMania buyrate when he didn't do anything on the show. He certainly didn't do anything entertaining. There's a line he crossed at some point where I think he is just as out of touch as the Vince McMahons and everybody else. I'm not calling Rock old, he's still obviously a young physical fit guy but his ideas are old and his shtick is corny in my opinion. Hopefully when my ideas are old and my shtick is corny, there's some young punk that's going to call me out on it. Hopefully Dwayne takes it as, "ok when I come here I have to step it up", and hopefully he does."