RKO said:
Crayo, Taker is getting old, it wouldn't surprise me if he did end up losing his streak. Then the person who beat him would be bragging because he did the inevitable, beat an old man.. Also, taker hasn't been in action since last wrestlemania. Also, isn't Edge undefeated at Wrestlemania as well?
I know Taker is getting old, that's the reason I'd say leave this wrestlemania. Make sure he is fully healed and ready for WM 29, where he can face Cena or Lesnar and be the biggest match on the card. Why have 20-0 happen this year against someone he's faced and beaten twice already (HHH)? The match is just going to be overshadowed by Rock vs Cena anyway. Taker deserves more than that. End his carreer against Cena, beat him, then announce his retirement at 20-0. The only match I'd personally be content with is a Jericho match this year.
It's been in discussion to lose his streak multiple times I think. If he does lose it, it'll be against a star like Barrett, Rhodes or even Miz. If they made him lose it to someone like HHH or Kane it'd be the biggest mistake in wrestling history. That won't happen though so don't worry. He'll keep his streak, he deserves that.
seabs said:
Edge lost to taker at one mania. That's a pretty good idea actually. Who ever beat taker would be made for life as a heel. Who is worth being pushed that much though ?
As said above, Wade, Rhodes, Bryan, Miz for heels or even Cena. Punk maybe as the face who does it. Won't happen though I guarantee.