But as I said... I seriously doubt he'd have the balls to say it to his face.
He probably would. Hogan ain't no tough guy. Not at all. The 19 year old KID that's fucking his bitch ex-wife has the nuts to drive Hulk's, well Hulk's ex-cars and trucks and bikes, and be seen in public with his bitch ex, and he apparently talks down about the Hulk in public, trendy Hollwoodish spots. What's Hulk gonna do? Absolutely fucking nothing but make some controversial comments alluding to OJ type actions, mainly to generate some buzz for himself.
We're talking about a man so freakin insecure he sued WCW because Vince Russo called him bald, when anyone with one eye can tell you that orange fuck is balder than an eagle.A real man of Hogan's size would have punched the shit out of a skinny little prick like Russo. What could he do to Punk at the age of 60 with busted knees and can hardly walk? Rip a shirt and Hulk up? Punk would just kick his dusty ass knees out from under him, then probably get arrested and slapped with a civil suit, all the meanwhile once the tabloids got hold of a picture of Punk and showed everyone that this skinny little dude kicked Hogan's ass, the train wreck that has been the last 5 years of Hulk's life loses what little is left of his bogus aura. I almost feel sorry for the poor bastard, but it's just karma for all the politicking and "holier than thou" attitude the dude has lived by in the wrestling business.