Whenever seabs and I go to a football game we are obviously dating
Right? SPREAD THE NEWS TO EVERYBODY!Whoaaa sweet this is high quality, bone shattering, world news quality news. I really need to know about people's personal lives to get through my days so thank you.
UNEMPLOYED, STAR MAGAZINE READING WOMEN TO THE RESCUE!!!Whoaaa sweet this is high quality, bone shattering, world news quality news. I really need to know about people's personal lives to get through my days so thank you.
Did her name happen to be Katie Vick?
Whenever seabs and I go to a football game we are obviously dating::ksi:
But it's a boy and a girl they can't be friends.Damn! Co-workers getting out of their flight to go to HIAC and *GASP*
Conversing? They're clearly f*cking.
Honestly...can we just leave them alone. Let them live their life, would you like it if some douche bag followed you around, claiming every guy you were with are dating? If they are dating, good for them. If they aren't, good for them. It's their life, let them live it. I guess you must be dating me since I see you post in nearly all of my threads girl. Where's the steak?
Oh, you're usually in the backstage area of WWE. Tell me. Do they have pretzels?CM Punk is the biggest pimp backstage and AJ is the biggest slut backstage