that one will be tough to release on the virtual consol. The problem is simalar to what made TMNT from NES cost more then normal NES games. Konami the company that made TMNT doesn't own the rights to TMNT anymore therefore they can't rerelease there game. So they had to contact Ubi Soft (who currently has the license) and agree to pay them a royalty fee.
The Goldeneye situation is even tricker. 1) Rare made it and EA currently owns the Bond License. 2) Rare was sold a few years ago by Nintendo to there current owners Microsoft. And although Microsoft is not opposed to limited support of Nintendo product (they and Rare both have games on DS), it would be doubtful that you would ever see Rare get permission from Microsoft to work on a re-release of Goldeneye or even to seek permission for royalties from EA. You are more likely to see Goldeneye get re-released on the X-Box 360 Live Arcade.