Chaos vs. Chucho

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Don West has a stupid lame voice and he thinks it's real cool, by the way if you have been on any TNA show then you can even hear him Loud and Clear among the Fans.
I was at a TNA show back in July last year and there was this match between Shark Boy and Sonjay Dutt and Don West was Screaming so much, I was sitting Right to Don West and I could hear him Scream "MY GOD MY GOD DID YOU SEE THAT?" And I was Disturbing him by shouting in his Ear. YES DON OH MY GOD/
That was so Awesome!


Feb 11, 2007
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no no no no NO... Kevin Nash puts me to sleep when he's doin color commentary. No emotion, no energy, just little slick comments to get himself over.

Konnan would be better, but not better than Don West. I like Don West as a color man. His ppv work is a lot better than his Impact work because on Impact he has to hype everything in order to sell the ppv. On the ppvs he actually gives a decent analysis on the match while providing emotion and energy to the match. Sure he doesn't call the moves but thats not his job, thats up to Mike Tenay.

A three man team of Konnan, Mike Tenay, and Don West would be interesting, but they would have to move Konnan out of the LAX gimmick (which i don't see happening anytime soon) and just make him a general heel commentator.


Feb 7, 2007
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no i dont get mad at it because Im a normal person who doesnt pay attention to how many times a dude says DID YOU SEE THAT. Everyone hates him, I dont even notice the fact that he may be annoying. I listen to the commentary second hand, meaning i hear it and understand it, but im not disecting it, I'm paying more attention to the match.

The Wrestling Addict

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Jun 30, 2011
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The Dirty South
All roleplays for this match are due Thursday, August 18, at 11:59 PM EASTERN TIME. If you don't know what time that is, please contact myself or another creative member in WKF.

Clark Miller

Jul 28, 2011
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Scene I: Cut to Dojo.

Chaos is seen by him self, in Jiu Jitsu gear. He has his signature glasses on, and face paint. He takes punches, and Kicks on his Punching Bag. His Phone rings. Ring, Ring..Ring Ring. Its Curtis Ange. He answers.

Hey Chaos, Just letting you know that you will have a match this week. I'm sure your fond of Chucho right?

[Heavily Breathing] I'm pretty sure I know who he is. Thanks Boss.

After hanging up, he sits down and begins to speak with himself.

So this is my Victim this week. Chucho Hiroshi. I'm enthusiastic about this one. The so Called Last Samurai. I'm looking forward to making him Tap. A Crossface or Two should do it. He doesn't seem so terrifying, I'll be sure to make this match one he will never forget. I'll be sure he see's what Chaos really looks like when its crashing down on his little Body. The Last Samurai, will truly be the Last Samurai after I'm done with him. Chucho's not going to know what the hell hit him.

He gets up of the floor and resumes practicing on the punching bag. As he strikes he yells, "No Mercy". Suddenly he hears the Dojo Doors open. 3 Men in Ski masks attack Chaos, one with a Lead Pipe, the others with their fists. Then man with the lead pipe hits Chaos is the Wrist and begins to speak.

Your not going anywhere Chaos. Lennox take his glasses.

The man walks over and snatches Chaos's Glasses. They hear someone coming so the run out the Door and into the streets. Chaos lays, and Groans.

[Yelling] Someone Help! Anyone!

His friend Chris Walks in and see's Chaos on the Floor. Chris is seen in Cargos, a Beater, and Sunglasses. He runs over to Chaos and gets on his knees.

Oh my god, Rob can you hear me?

Chris, get me to the Hospital, Someone, Attacked me. I need help.

Chris pulls out his phone and Dial's 911..Ring, Ring. An Operator answers.

Nine One One Operator Speaking what is your Emergency?

[Weeping] Yeah, were at 958 Everbrook Lane, Boston Massachusetts. Um my friend Rob needs an Ambulance Now!

Okay we should have services over momentarily.

Chris Hangs up and Awaits the Ambulance. The Scene Fades out.

Scene II: Cut to Scene at Chris's Apartment. Chaos is laying in bed, and Chris is watching Television. Chaos wakes up and starts talking with Chris.

Chris, what happened? Why am I here? I'm supposed to be practicing for my Match this week.

Rob, a couple of dudes attacked you at your Dojo at 11:00 am. 6 hours ago. We rushed you to the hospital and a Doctor checked you. He said your Wrist is broken, and you should rest it out.

Yeah, that's not happening. I have a match with Chucho. Healed Wrist or Broken Wrist i'm having my match.

See that's where your wrong. We talked to Ange and he said that he will re-schedule the match due to the incident.

Chaos sits up.

Are you kidding me man? Chaos isn't just some kind of name. It's a persona I live by. I'm not giving up this easily. Pass me my phone.

Chris passes Chaos his phone, and Chaos Dials a number. He calls Curtis Ange. Ange Picks up.

Hey Chaos, really sorry about what happened. Look ive got you....

No, forget it. I want my match. With Chucho, Do you seriously think I give up that easily. This is the Chaotic Crippler your'e Dealing with.

[Stuttering] Well, um if that's what you want. Than I guess the match goes on.

Alright, great, I will be ready for my match. Thanks boss.

Chaos hangs up, and gets up out of the bed. And reaches for his Sunglasses. They aren't there.

[To himself] Shit, those Men stole my Glasses. [To Chris] Hey Chris, I'm gonna need a new pair of glasses. Oh, and i'm going to take a shower and get Dressed. I'm off to the Gym.

Chris looks at Chaos in Shock.

Your gonna fight? Are you insane? Those guys could have killed you if they wanted to.

Well they didn't, all three Men only managed to break my wrist. Sure it hurts, I'll just tape it up nice an tight.

Chaos walks down the hall, and the Scene fades out.

Scene III: Cut to Locker Room. Chaos is seen Painting his face before the match. He speaks to himself.

Okay, here I am The Chaotic Crippler Chaos, Finally the match we've all been waiting for. Sure, Chucho might be in better shape than me as of now, but its all about in-ring ability. That is where I outnumber him big time.

After finishing his Face Paint, he begins to wrap his injured wrist in Tape.

[Speaking to his Hands] I'll tape you real tight. You better not give up on me. I'm counting on the both of you to work as hard as possible.

Chaos finishes up the tape on his Wrists and Ties his boots extra tight. He sits for a moment, and it seems that he is praying. He puts his head down for a moment, and stands up. Shakes his head and speaks one more time before he exits the Locker Room.

Watch out Chucho, Chaos is coming through.

Chaos walks out of the Door and the Scene Fades.

Scene IIII: Cut to backstage Promo. Chaos meets up with Ricky Ranson for a quick Pre-Match interview.

My guest at the Moment, The Chaotic Crippler, Chaos. Chaos, I just have a few questions for you before your match tonight with Chucho Hiroshi. My first question, How are you feeling after that attack at your Dojo last Week?

I don't really want to speak about it, but since you asked, this is how I feel. These Men broke my wrist. I will find them, and that is the bottom line. Now I assume you have questions about my match?

Ah, Yes. What do you expect from Chucho Hiroshi?

To tell you the truth, I don't expect anything from him. Ive seen him wrestle, and hes just not as good as I am. Plain and simple. His techniques are rusty, and he looks very un-confident. Not to mention, he looks like he has no Idea what he's doing in the Ring. To me, Hiroshi is just another Victim.

Now I would hate to go off topic, but whats the Deal with Dustin Black?

I'm not out here to make friends if that's what Black thinks. You can't trust to many people in this industry. He just expects I shake his hand? No. If he's trying to make friends, than I suggest he leave Wrestling Kings Federation, and make a Facebook page. This is Wrestling not Elementary School.

Well Most people think you wont win because of your injury, and...

Let me get this straight Rick, I don't care what most People think. If they like me, hell let them like me, If they don't I don't care. I'm here for one Reason. Do you know what that is Rick?

Um, uh, Well..

Chaos brashly cuts him off.

I am here to bring Chaos to Wrestling Kings Federation, I am here to win matches and show Fans what Real Wrestling looks like. I am the Chaotic Crippler, and Nothing gets in my way.

Chaos walks off the set to get ready for his match.

And that was my guest, Chaos.

Scene IIIII: Cut to Anges Office. On his way to the Entrance Arena, Ange pulls Chaos into his Office.

Hey Chaos, If this is some kind of Fake injury for some sympathy, then you might as well get the Hell out of here. I don't take bull shit around here, And I don't get bullshitted. So whats going on?

Ange, I'm not here for Sympathy. That injury was not a fake, and now I'm getting the Feeling that you sent those guys out to get me. Because lately, you've been acting really weird. So don't go around accusing me of things I don't do. My wrist is broken and that's the fact. So how about you take your lousy attitude and shove it up your ass. Now Excuse me, Iv'e got a match.

Chaos begins to walk away, but Ange try's to stop him before he can leave.

Hey, if you think your getting away with this than..

Chaos slams the door shut, and Ange is left to think.

Fade out.


New Member
Jul 14, 2011
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Feeling a little bit dissapointed in that he was in a dark match chucho was outside jogging to clear his mind. He really didnt mind that he was in the dark match after all he did not have a good debut and has been looked as weak.

After stoping to catch his breath he sat down next to the lake and looked up as he saw people enjoying the day. Slowly he started to think about his debut and how much he needed to step it up a notch now that his friends might be joining the WFK. He knew that in japan he was considered one of the young aces but here in the states no.. more like in the WFK he was a nobody. He got up and started to run again taking the next few days to train as hard as he can for his upcoming match.

When he got to the arena Ricky Ranson came up to him.

Ricky Ranson: Hey chucho how are you?

Chucho: I am doing good. Who is my opponent tonight?

Ricky Ranson: your match is with chaos and apperently he was attacked and has an injured wrist.

Chucho looked at Ranson in disbelief. If he looses tonight then he will be made out to be a really weak wrestler but if he wins the critics will say that its because chaos is injured.

Ranson: hey chucho also Ranson said that you are not worth his time that you are nothing special and very frail.

Chucho was still in disbelief then he recovered himself

Chucho: Please get the camara man over here i have something to say.

Ranson got the camara man's attention and then gave the cue to get the camara rolling

Ranson: Here i am with Chucho Hiroshi..

In that instant chucho just snatched the mic from ranson

Chucho: Chaos i was just told that you have an injured wrist but you are still wrestling tonight. I respect you for that and your courage but what i do not respect is the way you talked down to me. I am not someone that you can easily beat. I know that i am suppose to be an honorable man but sometimes you just can not be that "man" So what i will do is this. I will go after your wrist the whole match because of two reasons number one is because you wont be able to use your favorite submission on me and two because you insulted me infront of everyone here. Just because i am not american does not mean that i am weak. It means that i am unique. I speak for anyone here who is from imigrant decent that being diffrent is not a bad thing but a gift. I will use this gift to beat your ass chaos and procced to win that NA title that should be rightfully mine. But i will say this to you chaos that if i beat you tonight and i will... I will more then happy to give you a rematch against me when you are 100%.

Then chucho drops the mic and starts to head towards the ring.
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