Promos Changing The Conversation

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Neo Genesis
Apr 16, 2016
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New Brunswick, Canada
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Changing The Conversation

After LDW’s recent show in his hometown of Buffalo, New York, we see Brian Toogood, in the same rooftop pool area, we first spotted him when he announced his signing. The night has fallen and the lights hung above are all green and red, getting in the spirits for Christmas. The pool is covered with a tarp as snow falls from the sky. The folding chairs are put away against the wall and with the chaos of the start of Holiday shopping below, the sound of honks and cars can be heard in the distance. In a sports coat jacket and a black toque on his head, Brian Toogood has toned down his over the top nature of his attire for warmth, while still remaining classy. He looks down at the city, hands in his pocket and, for once, isn’t talking much. One of the biggest changes in his life, Stacey Keys, joins him on the roof with a black winter coat and white toque. She has black gloves on her hands and walks over to Brian, hooking his arm for a second and giving him a kiss on the cheek and leaning close to him. With the cold crisp air creating fog as they talk, Stacey speaks up.

“Why do people still doubt us, babe?” She looks at Brian who exchanges her glare.

“They don’t understand us,” Brian responds. “They always paint us as these bad people...”

Turning around to see the camera, Stacey speaks up, talking to both us viewing and to her man. “You mean like how people threw up a fit after you finally beat Reagan Cole?” She rolls her eyes. “After a certain someone showed up at ringside. Did she even have a manager license?!”

Brian shakes his head. “I don’t give a crap. But I think her being there or not, Reagan Cole was a man done in by his own personal conflicts.”

“And yet people are trying to give a shit about it when most people here only met the wannabe Cinderella, like, when this company started, and we met her, like, before any of them knew her.”

Brian folds his hands. “They’re just tired of having nothing going on in their lives. So, I think it’s time we change the conversation.”

Stacey adds. “Change it about what’s most important in this company.”

Then Brian continues. “How everyone labels their heroes and villains.”

“And how they see us.”

Taking the floor, Brian Toogood speaks up. “Let me remind you all about who was one of the first men of importance in this company. The first match, the first video released to celebrate the debut of a hot young superstar. The first main event of Primetime, this has been, and always will be the BTG Lounge, the show starring Big Money, the Slayer of Freaks and Tamer of Geeks, the man built for social media. It is…” Saying his initials, this time he doesn’t point or shout, he says it very softly but still with a level of intensity. “B… T… G… Brian Toogood.”

Stacey steps forward. “And I’ve only been here for the ride for a short time, but I came here because I care about my man. I want him to succeed. I want his dreams to be realized. I’m not doing this for personal gain.” Keys turn around towards Brian and puts her hand on the back of his neck. Brian reaches down and puts his hand on her hip. There is a small grin on her face and her pupils are dilating. “I love you, Brian. I really do.”

And in a rare moment of actual warmness with them, Brian smiles back and kisses her forehead before Stacey turns around and shouts.

“Unlike a certain someone! But we’ll get to her soon.” She snickers a little. “But so what we’re privileged, we have parents who support us financially as well as emotionally. Hell, we can buy this company if we really want to! We know our worth. Our value.”

“And-” Brian adds to the conversation. “To all of you internet geeks that are moaning that I’m in another title match, remember who has been a constant here. The first main event of LDW history, both dumbasses are gone. Leo, Chris Young, gone. The first LDW World Champion even, Darius Wright. He lost the title and hasn’t been seen since because, for how much people think I can’t take a loss, he went home to sob from all we know! Whenever I am out there, I make sure it feels like the main event. Every new company’s success depends on its creating new stars. And I haven’t wrestled in ten dozen companies that are dead, nor have I been someone who took their ball and went home for a long time. I am new, fresh, hot, and talented. I’m the future and come on, I’m the only man who’s beaten that… Boston dumbass, Patriot.”

Stacey puts her hand on her chin. “Oh yeah, he kind of was a challenger out of nowhere, huh?”

“I’ve heard that and maybe to some people he’s had this hard-fought journey, beating criminals, trying to defy this ‘bad rich guy,’ but he’s just a coward.”

“Because you think someone who’s given us such a hard time ‘bending the rules,’ wouldn’t take a title he won because his new girlfriend decided to attack A NON-WRESTLER like me?”

“Alexandra Marie she is, right? The Hashtag Party Princess?”

“And that is a shitty hashtag-”

“Who came out of nowhere again, suddenly wanted to be his friend?”

Stacey Keys laughs, “Patriot, babe, I get you may not be used to it, but from my experience seeing a woman try to sleep their way to the top or are camera obsessed divas, either she is a s***, or you probably need to stop thinking with your dick.”

Brian hugs Stacey by putting his arm on her shoulder. “So, who’s really bad? The couple that actually cares about, or a girl who clearly wants to get into everyone’s pants and a champion whose moral code isn’t as unbreakable as he thinks and maaaaybe got lucky?”

“But oh no,” Stacey says with sarcasm. “But you’re just a cocky young kid?”

The couple laughs and Brian corrects her. “No, babe, I believe in myself. I know exactly what potential I have. It has been my number one goal since joining wrestling to be a star. I know that I am better than just, ‘good,’ okay?” And his voice gets a bit more intense. “I know I deserve to be LDW World Champion! I know that this company can build itself around me! Brian Toogood is a brand that can live up to the hype!”

And now Stacey is getting a bit louder. “And like, so what we’ve bent the rules?” She shakes her head. “We’re two people who come from a world where you do everything to succeed!”

“And we have a match where I can.” Brian glares forward. “Garden of Eden. The insane creation of that mad bitch in charge.”

Once again playing up a little sarcasm, Stacey acts concerned. “But oh, Brian! You’re just a wimp who cheats! And you’re way too much of a handsome…” She mutters. “And sexy… rich boy! How will you survive against the Iron will of Patriot?!”

Stacey kisses her man on the cheek and continues, this time being serious. “Am I a little worried about him getting hurt? Well, duh, I don’t want my boyfriend seriously hurt, but if I didn’t trust him with this, we wouldn’t have signed off on the idea.”

With a small smirk, Brian continues on. “If I have a chance to show that I can do everything it takes to win, first of all, just look at the Street Fight I had, I may have lost but someone was hurting for the week after. The Garden of Eden is the perfect place to show that killer instinct... Without the need to be a freak.”

“Will I be watching at ringside?” Stacey asks before answering herself. “Well, yeah, no matter how hard it would be to watch, I need to support my Brian as always. Do you think I’d be insane enough to climb that cage with barbed-wire on top? Fuck no!”

“Would you be allowed to hand me weapons?” Brian asks Stacey.

“No, that’s one of the few things you’d get disqualified for and even if the ref misses it, I’m sure Eden would be so tempted to send her attack Princess at me for doing that in her match.”

Turning towards the camera, Brian Toogood literally grabs it, and, for a rare moment, shows a large bit of anger. Not in a diva tantrum, but it is very fitting of a man who is fired up and angry at the world. “Patriot, we can have all the women we want at ringside, we can have a fucking brothel for all I can care about, but this is the one cage match where it will only be us. This started between us, and finally, this is going to fucking end with us. And here is a little newsflash. I wanted a second match at Foundation in the first place because when I looked at you, I didn’t see you as worthy. Dumb name of Patriot, from a shithole town, cheesy colours and a trope I think was overdone in wrestling. I thought you’d just wither away like all the other lame-os this company attempted to use and left, and somehow you fucking stayed, and people love you. They cast me as the bad guy and shower you as a hero. Its almost impressive, but I'm tired of that. I'm tired of all of it. I beat you then at Foundation, I beat you at Blackout. I can do a three-peat on PPV! I’m the Embodiment of American Exceptionalism. I am the embodiment of Liberty and you after the Garden of Eden will be an example of Death!”

Letting go of the camera, the cameraman bounces back and Stacey goes in, once again wrapping her arms around Brian, the two get very close.

“And you’re going to be champion…” Stacey’s heart flutters and she says. “My champion…”

Once again, a bit of tenderness appears in Brian’s eyes. He says while smiling. “You’re already mine…”

And the couple shares a long kiss under the Christmas coloured lights with snow flurries fluttering down. They let go of the kiss and Brian holds Stacey close, with the two looking at the camera.

“What we know is going to change when I leave Madison Square Garden as LDW World Champion, and this company will finally be…” He looks at Stacey and smiling, let her finish.

“Just… Too… Good.”

Stacey giggles and the camera zooms up at the winter Buffalo sky as the scene fades.


Tags for the two "targets."

@Patriot Pants (Patriot)
@Dark Maniax (Alexandra Marie)