I guess I don’t like the idea of “one bad apple spoils the bunch,” using that logic, why do anything risky that may have killed someone at some point?
It's not one bad apple. There is much, much documentation of people suffering from CTE committing violent acts and killing people. It was just one incident, I would agree with you. But it's well documented in medical and scholarly journals that people with advanced CTE can suffer from severely impaired brain function, suffering delusions and inability to control their emotions with occasional bouts of dementia and violence.
Also, I’m not saying put wrestlers in harms way by exposing them to nonstop risk, but I’m also saying that the Benoit think literally never happens, even with wrestlers who had or have taken more shots than him. The odds of it not happening at gigantic. Again, I’m not condoning wrestlers just being mangled or destroyed, but this chair shot thing has been common practice for years and only 1 person went off the deep end after being hit in his head like literally a billion times for over 20 years. And, we speculate it was because of the chair shots. Could’ve been mainly because of diving headbutts?
It has happened again. Verne Gagne murdered a man. He was diagnosed with CTE and he killed a 97 year old man. Afterward, he had no memory of the event. His brain was similar to Benoit's at the time of his death. Dave Duerson, a Chicago Bear, suffered from CTE and he shot and killed himself. Jimmy Snuka exhibited CTE symptoms when he killed his girlfriend. Kevin Turner died at age 46 because he had CTE. CTE killed him. Test had advanced CTE when he committing suicide. If you feel like reading some scholarly journals on the matter, I would be happy to pass them along. I could easily find 1000s of case studies of violent behavior related to CTE.
This is speculative, but even OJ Simpson had suffered several concussions during his career and has exhibited CTE symptoms.
CTE is a by product of concussions and chair shots can cause concussions. Head butts can cause concussions. Diving headbutts can cause concussions. But does it really matter? One head butt and one chair shot CAN cause a concussion and ONE concussion can cause CTE. Neither unprotected chair shots nor head butts are necessary in wrestling and are two easy ways to get concussions.
I just don’t think the evidence is conclusive enough to say that because 1 guy, literally, after all the terrible shots to the head wrestlers have taken, is reason as to why we need to eliminate something entirely. There’s so many factors as to how or why he could’ve gotten CTE to the point he went off the deep end like he did. Maybe his brain couldn’t take it as much as the next guy? I mean that’s clearly the case because you’ve never seen people massacring their family or killing people all over in the wrestling business.
Again, it's not one guy though. The evidence is quite convincing.
Wouldn’t we see ECW legends just be in psych wards like crazy and have all sorts of mental problems with murder and everything else?
I think if you go back and watch a lot more ECW, you would see that most chair shots were protected. However, several wrestlers who died of drug overdoses who worked in ECW had advanced CTE when autopsied, such as Axl Rottin and Balls Mahoney. It's not unusual for people with CTE to overdose on druge.
Plus, can’t CTE also be from genetics? I know it’s not entirely understood or conclusive, but can’t that be the case? And cases vary depending on the person and what their body can handle. Benoit took chair shots, but also did diving headbutts and botched I’m sure thousands of bumps and got concussions from several and didn’t even know it... should we ban bumps? Lol I’m just playing devils advocate here...
No, CTE cannot be caused by genetics. It is, by definition, brain degradation caused by concussions resulting from repeated blows to the head. If you genetically have CTE symptoms, it is Alzheimers. CTE is only caused by blows to the head.
So there is no one bad apple going on here. If banning unprotected chair shots and head butts could save the lives of even one of these people and keeping the ones who live with CTE every day from having to do so, then I think that is very little to ask. Wouldn't it be better to try to prevent these things before they happen from now on?
And no, I am not the type of person who thinks who should ban everything just on the chance that it might be dangerous. But the evidence between CTE and acts of violence upon oneself and others is pretty convincing.