CenaMark's dream finally came true...Until it all came crashing down

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For the entire week leading up to last nights Raw, I was wondering how they would pull off that Main Event. Many question's were running through my mind. Could Orton and Cena work together? Would Orton pull a chicken shit move? How many people would be FU'ed?

Well those questions were all answered last night. Orton wanted to give up and try to escape injury free, but an inspirational speech by Cena seemed to light a fire under Orton.

You all know I am a huge Cena fan, however, many may be surprised by the fact that I am an even bigger Orton fan. I've always wanted to see them work together to destroy all the washed up has beens and career midcarders and my dream finally came to fruition last night. The mass burial at the hands of the WWE top young stars was a beautiful site to behold.

As much as I liked that main event, especially the RKO on Rhodes, it was rather odd on several fronts.

1. Why were heels and faces working together? And why on earth would the faces participate in the beat down at the end?
2. Why would they book Orton as an unstoppable face, when they have tried for months to make him look evil? Is Orton possibly going to play a tweener finally? Its almost as though they wanted the crowd to cheer for Orton.
3. Is HHH a heel? That was probably the biggest chicken shit heel move of the last three years. Orton and Cena fight valiently for 20 minutes only to have HHH come meandering out to pick up the pieces. Faces dont't act like that. I don't know how anyone can cheer him after that move.

Someone help me find the answers to these questions.
May 20, 2007
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Unless HHH shows up with a sledgehammer and beats up on someone like Hardy (someone who is completely over) he will not get heel heat....in the case of Cena and Orton...well Orton is still heel so beating him up will not give him heat....and beating up Cena...we'll that might give him a little heat but not much


Haven't seen Raw yet, but either they're simply trying to keep people guessing about how the WM ME will play out or if there is a change brewing for Orton then the answer is somewhere in Cena's motivational speech.

I'm sure WWE realise a lot of people are expecting HHH to turn heel soon. Casting doubt over Orton can only help put people off the scent if HHH is to have a heel-like influence over the outcome @ 'Mania.

The whole triple-threat takeover thing seems to me to be an effort on WWE's part to stir up speculation and keep people guessing about the outcome of what could otherwise be deemed, on paper, to be a somewhat predictable and un-exciting prospect.


Mar 8, 2008
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Boston, Massachusets
The match at WM will be an interesting one since Cena has some super healing powers, will that effect him or hurt him?


Active Member
Sep 9, 2007
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Warren, Ohio
Well you have a lot of interesting questions and I kind of agreed with a lot of your questions, I too was wondering about a lot of the things that went on during the main event.

Now although I don't think I can answer your first two questions I think I can shed some light on your question about HHH being heel or not. As I see HHH right now I think he's a man on a mission, completely by himself. He is neither heel nor face, he is just there. I see him as someone who is just kind of doing his own thing, he's not going to make any type of pact with Cena to make sure Orton doesn't come out champion or vice versa, he's going into this completely alone and taking out any and everyone on his way there. I think that he will be cheered as a face going into and at Mania then after he wins(just my guess) he'll turn heel at some point. Personally I kind of the like the role for him because it's kind of different and makes sense because he really doesn't like either of the two. Should be interesting to see how it plays out next week and ultimately at Mania.

the dark knight

1. Why were heels and faces working together? And why on earth would the faces participate in the beat down at the end?
cena worked with orton cuz he's...face. he should be a nice guy. and orton was forced to work with cena cuz if he doesn't he could get injured OR he can walk away and lose the title.

i dont get what you say about the faces participating in the beat down..

2. Why would they book Orton as an unstoppable face, when they have tried for months to make him look evil? Is Orton possibly going to play a tweener
it might not be a good idea but they're going with 3 tweeners against each other. maybe its just another way of making the outcome of the match "unpredictable". to have 3 superstars with mixed reactions...

3. Is HHH a heel? That was probably the biggest chicken shit heel move of the last three years. Orton and Cena fight valiently for 20 minutes only to have HHH come meandering out to pick up the pieces. Faces dont't act like that. I don't know how anyone can cheer him after that move.
uhh, he's not heel....he's triple h. since he came back he's booked like a badass who kicks everyone's ass and does what is necessary to win. he's not heel as long as he's not a coward.

i dunno..the main event kinda confused me too. but for someone like SOULPOWER everything would make sense.. "NOW ITS ON SCREEN TOO ZOMG TRIPLE H BOOKED A MATCH SO THAT CENA AND ORTON BURY THE ROSTER THEN TRIPLE H GOES DOWN AND BURIES THE 2 AND LOOK LIKE HE'S TEH BEST EVER"


^^^ Umm. Ouch!

Though I have no answers for your questions, CenaMark, I will say this. Orton and Cena made a damn good tag-team and I wouldn't mind seeing them as a team a bit more often. Can you say Two-Man power trip redux?

Wrestling Station

1. Why were heels and faces working together? And why on earth would the faces participate in the beat down at the end?
cena worked with orton cuz he's...face. he should be a nice guy. and orton was forced to work with cena cuz if he doesn't he could get injured OR he can walk away and lose the title.

i dont get what you say about the faces participating in the beat down..

2. Why would they book Orton as an unstoppable face, when they have tried for months to make him look evil? Is Orton possibly going to play a tweener
it might not be a good idea but they're going with 3 tweeners against each other. maybe its just another way of making the outcome of the match "unpredictable". to have 3 superstars with mixed reactions...

3. Is HHH a heel? That was probably the biggest chicken shit heel move of the last three years. Orton and Cena fight valiently for 20 minutes only to have HHH come meandering out to pick up the pieces. Faces dont't act like that. I don't know how anyone can cheer him after that move.
uhh, he's not heel....he's triple h. since he came back he's booked like a badass who kicks everyone's ass and does what is necessary to win. he's not heel as long as he's not a coward.

i dunno..the main event kinda confused me too. but for someone like SOULPOWER everything would make sense.. "NOW ITS ON SCREEN TOO ZOMG TRIPLE H BOOKED A MATCH SO THAT CENA AND ORTON BURY THE ROSTER THEN TRIPLE H GOES DOWN AND BURIES THE 2 AND LOOK LIKE HE'S TEH BEST EVER"

i agree with all you said, just to answer the thing you didnt understand.. at the end, when the referee DQ the Raw roster team due to them beating Cena and Orton. That what CenaMark was talking about. How the face superstars do such a thing!

★Chuck Zombie★

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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St. Bernard/Cincinnati, Ohio
^^^ Umm. Ouch!

Though I have no answers for your questions, CenaMark, I will say this. Orton and Cena made a damn good tag-team and I wouldn't mind seeing them as a team a bit more often. Can you say Two-Man power trip redux?

I agree. I was actually quite impressed with at least their half of the match. That double team move with the RKO was pretty sweet.



Great stuff if you ask me.

The teamwork was pretty aw-inspiring from those 2. As SP and Chuck mentioned, I would love see them team up in the future.

Evil Austin

I thought the idea of the match was great but the actual match itself was bad. they could have done it a little better.

*Every 10 seconds someone got pinned, Why didn't the 16 lol tag team partners run in a break up the pin fall like they would in a tag team match up ?
*It was not the whole roster - Where is HBK, Kennedy as i type this i can't remember others but I am sure there is a few more on raw that did not be in the match.
*When all the superstars stomped on cena and orton JBL and Umaga didn't till after so they weren't DQ'd so it was still JBL and Umaga vs Orton and Cena and when cena came with chair he got himself DQ'd .. The match should have gone on with Orton vs them two.


@ the vid clip: It's a shame Cena can't incorporate a full reverse FU, so as the opponent flips 180deg. THEN Orton catches him in the RKO". LOL

...Quality though!!!


@ the vid clip: It's a shame Cena can't incorporate a full reverse FU, so as the opponent flips 180deg. THEN Orton catches him in the RKO".

^^^^Mania spot right there. I'm actually suprised they didnt hold off on the orton/cena one till mania.


It's WrestleMania season and they want to catch up as many people as they can. They want people to cheer for everyone, Orton/Cena/HHH all three of them! When this happens, then the WrestleMania Main Event is a lot more successful.

However it was odd when JBL who is obviously a heel assaulted Orton, but nonetheless they pulled of a good Main Event and the ending was perfect as well as Cena F'Ud Randy and TripleH fed the dogs.