Cena vs. Undertaker at WrestleMania...JUST SAY NO!

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How can anyone even think of wanting this match happening at WrestleMania? Ever since last night on Raw alot of people are like...


Are you serious? What happened to the mob demanding "TAKER VS Y2J?" There is no good that can possibly come out of Taker vs. Cena. Do either guy need to get over on the other? (Not like Cena would get over on Taker because Taker would win default Mania style) There is no use wasting John Cena feeding him to Taker at any WrestleMania whatsoever. There is no way this match could be any good. The only reason their match at Vengeance 2003 was good is because Cena was just taking off and Undertaker was the badass. Those are two completely different characters compared to them now. Then people are saying it will be for the Undisputed Championship? First off all...no...and second of all if each guy has a belt which one won the Royal Rumble? Sure I know it can change hands at "Elimination Chamber" but then it gets messy with a bunch of BS title changes just to have a good match up at Mania. The only way this match will be good is if Cena goes in heel and beats Undertaker. He will forever be heel after that moment, but since WWE doesn't want Cena heel...THAT WON'T HAPPEN. Here are other main event match ups that are simply better than Cena vs. Taker...(given atleast one of them are in the match)

Undertaker vs. Batista (heel) II
Undertaker vs. Orton II
Undertaker vs. Jericho
Undertaker vs. Edge II
Cena vs. Batista (heel)
Cena vs. HHH II
Cena vs. HBK II
Cena vs. Swagger
Cena vs. Edge
Cena vs. Orton (YES I WENT THERE)

That's only some. Sure Taker/Cena would be first time ever, but that's the only element that would have the edge over most of these, beyond that it would suck.

Rated RJC

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Feb 7, 2007
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Pittsburgh, PA
The only way I'd condone Cena/Taker as a Wrestlemania Main Event is if it's the same capacity as HBK/Taker from last year, Non-Title. I can't get enough of the Upper Mid Card Main Event feuds and this could be one of the best being it's interpromotional and really can't be for a World Title barring a RR win.

I'm still pulling for the Edge (face) facing Chris Jericho for the World Title that Jericho should and will win at Survivor Series. Edge will win the Royal Rumble and cash in against Jericho possibly starting 2010's feud of the year. I want that to happen but it looks almost out of the question. I will stick by that and book Raw's ME accordingly.

Raw's a more complicated situation, I get the feeling people don't want Orton in the main event but the only problem is with Cena not main eventing that leaves DX and Orton. I would first of all run with this DX thing until around the Royal Rumble. Have a classic turn by either Michaels or Triple H, preferably H but it doesn't matter. Then we've got a second Non-Title huge main event with Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H, the final encounter.

As for the title situation it can go a number of ways. From my perspective I would love to see Christian move to Raw and put himself in place as Orton's #1 challenger to the WWE.

That probably won't happen so I would actually accelerate John Morrison's push, move him to Raw, trade him for Kofi Kingston. Fair trade with two up and coming young faces, have Morrison step up and main event with Orton.

I see it like this, kill all these birds with one stone. We don't get Cena, Taker, and DX in the main event title matches at WM and we get great young talent in the fold. I'd feel safe putting Edge/Jericho as the final match or even Orton/Morrison considering who gets the better face reaction, I'd say Edge/Jericho with Jericho being able to draw heat out of a freezer.

So here's my Wrestlemania Fatal Four Way Main Events

World Heavyweight Championship
Chris Jericho (c) vs. Edge

WWE Championship
Randy Orton (c) vs. John Morrison

Streak on the Line
John Cena vs. The Undertaker

The Final Encounter
Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels


Cena wouldn't be fed to Taker. It would be the other way around, and Taker would have to agree.

I'd like to see Cena/Taker, HBk/HHH, and Edge/Orton headline this year.


Cena/Taker ONLY if they do it properly and do a massive heel turn for Cena and have him beat Taker.
Other than that I'll puke if they have him go in with the "Oh golly gosh what an honor to fight the Undertaker at Mania, I'll try my bestest to win!"

This year should be Jericho/Taker plain and simple. It's one of the only feuds left that anyone wants to see. WWE has already ruined it by giving us that bullshit excuse of a match on Smackdown and having Jericho tap almost as quickly as Punk. At least let them battle it out at Mania.

I'm starting to seriously doubt a Jericho/Edge feud. I mean...what did Jericho really do to Edge? He didn't injure him, all he did was bad mouth him a bit after we was injured.


If Cena were to beat Taker at Mania, he wouldn't make it out of the building alive.


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Jul 13, 2008
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Easton, Maryland
He'd go down in the books at that very moment as the biggest heel in company history... the history I know of anyway.


Could very well be. He'd have to heel for the win...something really fucked up.
Sep 29, 2008
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This thread is laughable. The best part is where you suggested that Cena vs. Jack Swagger at Wrestlemania would be better than Cena vs. the Undertaker.

How anyone can honestly believe that this match wouldn't be incredible is beyond me. A face vs. face match between Cena and Taker at Wrestlemania would have an atmosphere like Andre/Hogan, Warrior/Hogan, Rock/Hogan, and to a lesser extent Flair/HBK. The atmosphere for the match alone would make it something amazing. Add on top of that two great workers and it would surely be an all time classic.

The Rated R CMStar

I agree. I think XB dismay comes from the fact that John Cena might find himself losing to The Undertaker.

I would like this match. Either the awesomeness of Cena turning heel in the build up or getting turned by the crowd when he beats Taker.

My anticipation for this match would be the fact that I would enter the event and truly, and for the first time in quite some time, not being completely sure about Taker winning.

BTW, yes, XB, you went overboard, some of those matches wouldn't be good at all, less as WM main events and hell not better than Cena vs Taker.


This thread is laughable. The best part is where you suggested that Cena vs. Jack Swagger at Wrestlemania would be better than Cena vs. the Undertaker.

I stand by what I said. WWE desperately needs to make new stars so why would you make match ups at Mania like Cena vs. Taker? Along with all the reasons I stated above, this match does not help WWE at all. Sure it's a cool match up, but seriously. It would make much more sense by pushing guys like Swagger against Cena or Taker instead of just having typical WWE main event stars fight AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN. If they keep going at this rate Cena, Batista, Orton, HHH, HBK, and Taker will be headlining Mania after Mania until they have run out of matches.

And yes CMS, I sure as hell don't want to see Cena lose to the Undertaker. John Cena is the company's main guy, why would you have him look bad against the Undertaker at Mania and have him lose? I know he'll look bad because Cena is not a Shawn Michaels, he cannot put on MATCH OF THE YEAR lol


I think last year was probably Taker's most questionable win to date. Though Cena would definitely trump that.

Headfirst For Hardcore

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Feb 8, 2007
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I hate Undertaker to begin with, and I def don't want to see him in another title match at Wrestlemania. The feud could be done without the belt, but I'd rather have Cena involved in a title match and Taker not involved. I don't like the face vs face thing, because Taker's feud usually involve the opponent look like the biggest wuss/heel. The build should be alright, but I don't know how they could make Cena look good considering the nature of every Undertaker feud.


BTW, yes, XB, you went overboard, some of those matches wouldn't be good at all, less as WM main events and hell not better than Cena vs Taker.

Yea I know, but me personally would love to see any of those matches I listed over Taker/Cena. I dont care if Cena loses those because it would be unpredictable opposed to Cena/Taker where you know Cena would become just another victim. Who cares if Cena would lose to say Batista at Mania, lose to Edge at Mania, it's just the fact that you don't know the outcome beforehand. Don't give me that crap "Oh Cena could win against Taker..." because we all know that's BS lol.