I'm kinda glad he's returning if he's being used to prop up the credibility of the World Heavyweight Championship. Two things come to mind about the suddenly booked Del Rio/Cena match:
1.) They've hopefully got a unification match in mind for Wrestlemania XXX. Literally everything that the brand split used to comprise of is now dead except for the fact that there still exists two world championships, so why not go ahead and unify the belts (since it's all just one show now anyway) and what better place to do it than the 30th Wrestlemania. The idea is that the WHC doesn't seem like an equal to the WWE Title currently and so the plan could be to give it to Cena to boost it's prestige right away and then spend the next six months booking the WHC to make it feel as important as possible so that the unification match next year will seem as meaningful as possible.
2.) It could just be to put over Damien Sandow as the new World Heavyweight Champion in the biggest way possible. Not to make too much of his briefcase but it does look new and improved and it's only fitting that he would get to cash it in in the biggest way possible. Say Cena wins the title from Del Rio but then ADR attacks him after the match and re-injures him by applying the cross arm breaker to the arm he just had surgery on. Del Rio has been on a mean streak since he turned heel again back in June. He tried to end Ziggler's career at Payback, brutalized Ricardo on Raw, got disqualified at NOC for refusing to let the cross arm breaker go on RVD, and as we saw on Raw, beat the ever living shit out of Ricardo again, even worst than the first time. Losing the title to Cena could cause him to snap to the point where he hurts Cena enough where Sandow seizes the perfect opportunity to swoop in and cash in on Cena. That'd be a huge moment for Sandow and maybe Cena even takes his few more months off to sell this kayfabe injury.