Pissing the night away.......The hits keep on coming. But John will try to pull a chumbawumba as usual and be back before the scheduled return date
Pissing the night away.......
also a part of the song Stopspot quoted.The motto of every drunk college boy and every old man in an old folks home...
also a part of the song Stopspot quoted.
This is definetely a huge blow for WWE and just to go one step further, it probably messes up the whole Cena vs Undertaker rumored match for Wrestlemania which makes it a double blow. In other words, on one hand you're possibly losing one of your major stars for the biggest event of the year and on the other you have another major star basically "hanging".
Should Cena be unavailable after all, it shall be interesting what WWE will come up regarding the Undertaker. Undertaker vs Sting would be the dream match but I guess that's wishful thinking....
I wonder if WWE are regretting blowing off the Brock/Undertaker rivalry at Hell In A Cell now rather than waiting till Mania like they originally planned to do lol.