I loveddd Candice's theme. Fucking Scooter, yes the DJ did it. That's enough to win my heart.
goodbye candice <3. I will miss her, she was outgoing and energetic good to watch
How can you miss someone that looks like a mouse?
I loveddd Candice's theme. Fucking Scooter, yes the DJ did it. That's enough to win my heart.
goodbye candice <3. I will miss her, she was outgoing and energetic good to watch
I loveddd Candice's theme. Fucking Scooter, yes the DJ did it. That's enough to win my heart.
goodbye candice <3. I will miss her, she was outgoing and energetic good to watch
Why is everyone like, omg, its about time Sim left. He did like 2 matches atfer Duece & Domino broke up.