Evil Austin

Just making sure you saw mine, I just wanted you to fix it up just put some more green and DX colors instead of Grey ... thanks,
^^ i need to spread reputation so please C4 can you do this.
Rules are rules, I don't really care about you or rep but the point is that you might be ripping off for other forums, who knows? Why do you need a new signature every 2 days? People request twice in a month or so but you request every 3/4 days. And even if you do, I don't mind but at least use the previous signature and rep for that before asking for a new one.
I noticed how you quickly put up the Batista signature when I wasn't making this one for you. I'm sorry, try Fenix or Wrestling Station. :yeahright:
JMay provide me with the pictures of Velvet Sky that you want to have in your signature there are many and I can't choose, and here you go GardsJR: