heres a request, rep will be added.
* Show Name: Great American Bash
*Colors to use in Background: American Flag in wind
*Theme: Chris Benoit vs Kurt Angle (tag line: TAP OR SNAP)
*Pictures to use: Someone made this for me and i really like the pic of benoit in it and really suits the theme of the match and the charecter, he is also my champ so him with the belt helps. here is that poster, but i on't like the rest so if you can use that pic of Benoit thats great.
*Match Type: none
Extra Details: sounds weird but try and make it as professional as pos, more rep for better job.
Championship: World Heavyweight Championship
Other Text: Just have TAP OR SNAP as the tag line and the Great american Bash logo presented by smackdown next to it like on the poster above, i am completely open to how you present the size and layout
Other Text Placement:
Text Font: strange one, i dont like what that guy used above for the one i had made, i think it looks cheap and fake, so whatever you think fits the bill

Details: If you can it would be a nice touch to someow include Perry Saturn (wcw 1999) Dean Malenko (wcw 1999) and ric Flair (2002) preferably all in suits as they with Benoit are a faction in my BTB, maybe have them in the background behind Benoit.
Cheers dude, and thanks for the heads up through PM, rep will be given.