Evil Austin

Size-Usual Sig size
Theme-Terrell Pryor in Ohio State Uniform flanked by James Laurinaitis and
Chris Wells, if possible Ohio Stadium in the background.
Colors: Scarlet and Gray (of course)
Text: Back in the Title Hunt
Laurinaitis PSD
Wells PSD
Pryor Photo
Stadium (not sure if you can use this)
You don't have to use these photos just trying to save you some time.
Match Previews
Colours: Black and Blue
Size: Normal size
Text: No Way Out
placement: Have No Way Out at the top and whatever the match is at the bottom, eg, "Chris Jericho Vs Kurt Angle" at the bottom
font: Any
Chris Jericho Vs Kurt Angle (Have "World Heavyweight Championship" in smaller white writing above the "Jericho Vs Angle" part)
Shawn Micheals Vs Randy Orton
Christian Cage Vs Mr Kennedy
Abyss Vs AJ Styles
Well thats cool but mine is just two if you can still do them....
So what do I do about the other request btw just wait like a week or something?
Can you create a IWF BTB power 10 Logo please?
Many thanks.
yeah good deletion of the insulting posts C4. >_>
lmao @ The Rock's head