The Rated R CMStar

Show: CyberSlam PPV
Size: Same as previous one
Background: The same
Wrestlers: Edge, Goldberg, Randy Orton, Rob Van Dam, Brock Lesnar
Text: BTW World Title Match
You vote for the third opponent
Details: Same format with the options, a square for Orton, a square for RVD and a square for Lesnar, then you write their names under it. Please have Edge's PSD in his wrestling gear and with the WHC
Wrestlers: CM Punk, Colt Cabana, Triple H, Christian Cage, Tomko, The Rock, Ric Flair.
Text: BTW Tag Team Title Match
You vote for the special referee
Details: The options are Tomko, The Rock and Ric Flair(same old, PSDs inside a square, and under them write their names), also, put the World Tag Team Titles(Raw ones), on Triple H and Christian Cage
Size: Same as previous one
Background: The same
Wrestlers: Edge, Goldberg, Randy Orton, Rob Van Dam, Brock Lesnar
Text: BTW World Title Match
You vote for the third opponent
Details: Same format with the options, a square for Orton, a square for RVD and a square for Lesnar, then you write their names under it. Please have Edge's PSD in his wrestling gear and with the WHC
Wrestlers: CM Punk, Colt Cabana, Triple H, Christian Cage, Tomko, The Rock, Ric Flair.
Text: BTW Tag Team Title Match
You vote for the special referee
Details: The options are Tomko, The Rock and Ric Flair(same old, PSDs inside a square, and under them write their names), also, put the World Tag Team Titles(Raw ones), on Triple H and Christian Cage