Promos Building Bridges

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Neo Genesis
Apr 16, 2016
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New Brunswick, Canada
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Building Bridges

It’s a normal day in the fight club. The place is as lively as you can get on a school day afternoon, some people are casual chatting around the gambling table as some lucky 23 years old with ginger hair and a close resemblance to Ron Weasley hits the three of a kind on his opponents and throws a fist pump in the air like it’s his first victory in life. Then we go over to a couple of people watching the main spectacle of the room, the circle of doom. The black cage currently surrounds two men, one bald fellow who looks straight out of the Lions Roar pub across the road. The other man is Xavier DeCollins who is looking extra ready to kick some shit out of people today. So much that as soon as the poor guy leaps forward, Xavier responds with a fist across the face which knocks the mid 40s person to a knee. Touché to the guy as he slowly gets to his feet and tries again only to get kneed in the gut and a solid blow to the backdropping him. Xavier holds nothing back as he puts the poor guy out of his misery with an elbow to the face! Most of the small crowd cheers as someone bangs the cage, clearly thinking that the other guy would win. The guy looks like he’s never been in a fight club his entire life as he slowly puts his hand in his suit pocket and reluctantly hands a 30-pound note to the blonde-haired Alexander Tyler who very graciously accepts. All in all good atmosphere even though Reagan and Sara are nowhere to be found through the multiple crowds spread throughout the scenery.

Breaking up the action in the club, we see someone who sticks out like a sore thumb walking in. Wearing an expensive and shiny blue mid-drift dress with a purple jacket over her shoulders, we see “Princess” Nova Taylor. A tiara is on her head and she has a purse over her shoulder with her new teddy bear, Lulu, sticking out. In her hand is the gift bag we saw earlier on, and she, rather timidly, looks around at the club. Every person turns slowly to look at her. One larger person chuckles to his friend. “Looks like someone filling in for Mehgan’s spot in the Royal family…” and they chuckle. Nova walks cautiously through the club. Xavier is in the centre of the cage celebrating a bit before he sees Nova.

Nova: Excuse me, sir? Do you know where Reagan Cole is? We agreed to meet here.

Princess Nova says very politely.

Xavier steps over the fallen guy and exits the cage, his expression is completely flabbergasted.

Xavier: I can’t believe him ...He still thinks you can be redeemed eh? Jesus.

Nova chuckles.

Nova: I’m already redeemed, Mister.

Then she smiles.

Nova: But I’m looking to build a bridge of my own. Don’t worry, I won’t harm our friend.

Xavier shakes his head as Alexander Tyler takes notice of the conversation.

Xavier: Bullshit. I’ve seen many people like you in this world who will use anyo-

Tyler: Nova!

Tyler interrupts with a more friendly tone as he gives Nova a massive hug, only slightly crushing her, with Nova giggling before letting go and does a sharp glance towards Xavier giving him the notion to back down. Xavier responds with an irritated eye roll as he wonders what is Tyler’s plan here.

Nova: Hello, yes, you must be Tyler.

Tyler: That is me. Alexander Tyler, at your service. So what are you doing here? You here to see-o Reagan?

Princess Nova nods.

Nova: Yes, I am in fact. I have something to give him.

She holds up the gift bag.

Tyler: Oooh a bit late for Christmas gifts but sure.

Tyler awkwardly laughs at his own joke as he looks down to the bottom of the room where a small side room is set up with a door that looks suspiciously brand new because someone speared someone through the old one and he points at it.

Tyler: I’m pretty sure he and Sara are in there if you want to go check on him

Princess Nova once again politely nods.

Nova: Yes, I would love a chance to see them both. Shall you lead the way for me?

And, keeping her Princess motif, she curtsies which cause a couple of people behind her watching to chuckle.

Tyler: Eh, sure. Just this way.

Xavier at this point grabs Tyler’s arm and whispers to Tyler.

Xavier: You sure about this?

Tyler: It’s Reagan. He wouldn’t plan for this. I trust his thinking and it hasn’t let me down for the last eleven years so I think we’re good.

Xavier glances at Nova who is just grinning happily, patting her bear in her purse, before returning to Tyler and nods his head as Tyler begins walking the “Princess” across the club. One of the larger people in the club, a bald man with a short, scruffy beard, sees Nova walking and shouts.

“Hey, love, Buckingham Palace isn’t in this part of the country!”

Several people laugh and Princess Nova ignores them, she speaks to herself which is audible to both Xavier and Tyler.

Nova: Turn the other cheek. Maintain grace… Do not go down to their level…

Xavier's eyes narrow at the phrase “their level” and Tyler just brushes it off as Tyler and Nova walk to the office and knock on the door. No answer. Alexander waits for a second before looking at Nova and doing a shrug similar to Ben from the Rise of Skywalker. The former British Kid just murmurs to himself

Tyler: Please be decent, for God's sake.

Alexander then just opens the door to a nice little room. It’s what you expect from an office, you have a maroon desk as the first thing you really see as behind you get all the classic merchandise of Reagan Cole, the t-shirts in frames, the championships he’s won on surrounding them and even crossing over to the other nearby walls. There’s even a strange fake pizza box near the corner at the bottom and if ya look closely you can make out the words Candy Pizza but there’s a massive gap in the middle of the wall, waiting for something to be hung up there, maybe a championship? On the other side of the room, you get the classic family photos of Reagan, Sara & Jason including the picture of the couple’s wedding. And below the photos you have a massive 3 seater couch where Sara and Reagan are currently resting as Reagan has his head in Sara’s lap as she’s trying to redo some stitching on Reagan’s forehead as he winces in pain.

Reagan: Ah, motherfuc-

Nova: Reagan!

Princess Nova lights up with a smile seeing Reagan, despite the fact she nearly tried to kill in at the Garden of Eden. Tyler looks really relieved as Sara is just startled a bit but not enough that she can finish it up quickly. You can hear Reagan take a deep breath but it’s unsure if it’s because of Nova or the stitching as he slowly sits up and he looks at the giddy Nova and is reminded of the toy bat that made him get the stitching. Reagan’s face shows that he’s not looking forward to this exchange at all.

Reagan: How are you doing Nova?

Nova: Much better after some rest… My stitches are out already and when they really started to hurt…

She reaches in her purse and pulls out the bear that is stiched together with two separate halves of different colours and has a pink andviolet tutu.

Nova: Lulu helped.

Everyone in that room has a different reaction to that, Sara stares at the bear and audibly swears under her breath at this as Tyler looks bewildered by the situation. Then we have Reagan who gives off the impression that he wasn’t really listening to any of that. He runs a hand through his hair.

Reagan: Can you two...give me and Nova some privacy, please?

Tyler is fine with it as he backs out of the room but Sara is slightly more hesitant, Nova gives Sara a calm and comforting smile.

Nova: Don’t worry, dear, we’ll be just fine.

Sara looks in Reagan in almost disbelief as he responds to it with a look that only calms her down a bit as Sara looks back at Nova, tongue in cheek.

Sara: Don’t. Ever call me dear again.

And, despite the threatening tone, Nova keeps her cheerfulness.

Nova: I won’t, in that case, Mrs Cole, hehe. But, trust me, the worst is over. I am merely building bridges. That is all.

Slowly, Sara heads towards the door, looking back at her husband and Nova, before finally leaving the two who have had a turbulent friendship, to talk. Princess Nova puts the gift bag on the ground and takes a seat on the couch, crossing her legs with her bear on her lap.

Reagan: So ...did you hear about Hayley wanting to do some solo projects?

Reagan tests Nova with the singer of her favourite band, and Nova gives a very basic answer.

Nova: It’s great for her. She’s very talented, hehe.

Reagan nods along, not really sure where to go with this conversation as he walks around a bit.

Reagan: Well ...let's cut to the chase, shall we?

Princess Nova tilts her head and waits for Reagan Cole to continue on.

Reagan: Garden of Eden. I gave it all I had to bring you back to who you were. And that clearly didn’t happen otherwise we wouldn’t be in this situation…

Nova: But why? Why are you so adamant with changing me?

She lightly pats her bear’s head and for the first time in this video, you see a smirk on Reagan’s face.

Reagan: Because I goddamn saw it. I realised something in that match, Nova. I can’t bring you back. I can’t snap you of this trap that Slate and Eden have you under. Because you aren’t going to let me. You’re going to try your hardest to convince yourself that they are looking out for you. Tell me, Nova. If they were so caring and nice like you said they are ...why would they put you in that match?

Grabbing her bear a little extra tight, Nova is holding herself back a little bit.

Nova: It was a test. A test for both of us… But a test for me mostly…

She looks down at Lulu.

Nova: It was to show I wasn’t weak or scared anymore. That I was ready to be more than I was before. The Nova you saw before, is she dead? Is she still here? Or are you speaking to her now? I don’t think I should give the answer yet. I am still piecing together the puzzle. But I do know it was not easy for I, Princess Nova, to go through with that match.

Slowly, she puts her hand on Reagan’s leg and is very gentle.

Nova: Believe it or not, I do still care about you. I admire how you stand for your family, friends. But if I want to be who I am meant to be, I had to put it aside for that match. No matter what anyone tells me, once that bell rings and the end comes, I am still a caring person.

Reagan: I never said you weren’t a caring person. But what I will say is...You were never weak. Never. You were one of the strongest people on the roster and you still are but Slate and Eden are in your head. And they have been for months and I’m sorry about that. I should have had your back from the beginning, not chasing Darius! We should have taken Slate and Eden two on two, that’s what it should have been. And I’m sorry that I wasn’t there when you needed me the most. But this ...this facade. This isn’t you. And I thought I could change you back and I underestimated Slate and Eden.

Nova: Well… Maybe you don’t understand them the way I do?

Before Reagan Cole opens his mouth, Nova gently cuts him off.

Nova: And please, let me explain. I have had the chance to see them in a light different from what everyone else sees them. It is hard to believe, but I have. They are not good or evil, they are beyond that. Perhaps their methods have been extreme in the past, but I have had a chance to be in their home, seeing them away from Liberty or Death Wrestling, and there is something different. There is love. And maybe, Reagan, the Nova you knew best won’t be back, maybe never. Once you become Torn, your whole world changes. But believe it or not, I’ve learned more about myself. In some ways, I’m happier than I have ever been. And even if you will not see Nova Taylor as you saw her before…

She takes a deep breath before, giving a very small grin.

Nova: I don’t wish to have hate for you. I want you to be there for your Jason, and for your Sara. To still be friends…

And, she holds her bear up to her ear.

Nova: Oh, and Lulu wants to be a friend too.

Reagan: I want to be friends too and sure I’ll be friends with Lulu, I guess. But you’ve just proved my exact point. Every time I try to change you, you convince yourself that you’re happy with Eden and Slate and that they’re good people. Every time I think I make a breakthrough, you close it back up. The past you….she’s in there. She was the one that gave me the hug at the end of the match. You couldn’t control that part, you had to hug me. Because that was your signal, kid. That was the old Nova so I know you’re still there. The person that didn’t care about people’s thoughts, the person who jammed out to Paramore and Green Day way too much and had more to say than Hayleys talented, the person who was my closest friend in the company. She’s still kicking. But you have to do it. You’re the one that has to let her out and fight back. And I think you realise that too. I think you’re scared about letting this princess persona go. I think you’re scared that you can’t come back from this. You can. I helped you take the first step. But I can’t help you the entire time so…. I’ll stop. I’ll stop trying until I know you are ready to bring yourself over because I don’t know if I’m making this better or worse. But Nova...I want you to know something.

Nova, who has been mostly silent this whole time, and is perhaps fighting internally, finally speaks.

Nova: And what is that…?

Reagan: I’m here for ya, kid. You need me for anything, I’ll come running. I didn’t do it before so I’m telling you now. And when you feel like you have nobody to turn to….

Reagan stands up and goes to his desk and opens the first drawer and brings out a gold heart necklace.

Reagan: This….was my mum’s. It was the only thing I took from the house the day I ran away. I kept it to remind myself who I was fighting for. I want you to have it, kid.

Reagan looks at it and smiles before passing the necklace to Nova. Putting it around her neck, Nova gives it a light kiss.

Nova: Well, I appreciate it. Thank you for the encouragement… And this necklace. It is beautiful, really. This was actually very positive. Maybe we don’t entirely understand each other…

And, Nova gives a small grin.

Nova: But it is good to know that we are there for one another, even from afar. From different worlds. As for what you said about the hug… I knew what I was doing there.

She winks before grabbing her bag off the floor.

Nova: And this, you can believe it is from the old Nova or me, but I hope you enjoy. It is for you and Jason. I made them myself.

Putting the bag on Reagan’s desk the British Apprentice, although very cautious, opens the bag and inside is, in a plastic bag. Four action figures. The first three Reagan pulls out are all familiar. One is of Reagan Cole himself, and the other two, both Nova. However one is sporting her old rainbow locks, while the other is who she is now, the Torn Angel, Princess Nova. Reagan takes extra time to look at the Rainbow Princess but eventually looks up.

Nova: Love it?

Reagan: ...This is amazing, kid. I genuinely don’t know how you did this.

Nova: I’ve been practising, practising expressing myself. And there is one more in there. I’m sure your son will recognize it.

The British Apprentice looks at the action figure and sees a wrestler in long white tights, long hair, and facepaint with random tattoos. It looks as if it was created in a video game.

Reagan: Goddamnit… This is Jason’s created wrestler, isn’t it? Jason Rogue. Great, now he’ll get to have his “dream matches,” when he should be going to bed…

Reagan chuckles but shakes his head.

Reagan: But thanks, really.

Nova: Well, with that, I should be going now. Thank you for doing this. May you live your dreams, each and every day, and who knows? Maybe you’ll experience my world someday?

Princess Nova winks before she gives Reagan a light hug and giggles. Backing up and doing a curtsy.

Reagan: See ya around, kid.

Nova gets her bear off the couch and lets her do a small “wave” to Reagan Cole before leaving. Reagan Cole gets to the door and both Sara and Xavier, approach him.

Sara: So how did that go?

Reagan: Surprisingly not terrible. There’s still a lot going on in her head but...she knows what she needs to do now.

As Princess Nova walks towards the door, she holds her bear and the larger gentleman from earlier with no hair and a beard, walks up to her, blocking her path.

“Excuse me, little missy. The children’s playpen isn’t here."

Nova: I know, I just came here to visit a friend, no more.

‘Visit a friend? Here? How could you do that without adult supervision?”

Some people near-by laugh, and Princess Nova keeps things rather polite.

Nova: I can assure you that isn’t needed. But I’m done, for now, so please, stop being rude, and let me leave.

Then, there is a very subtle change in her, with her voice becoming tenser.

Nova: Or else someone will regret it…

The man gives Princess Nova a push, bringing her to the ground and the crowd starts to gather. Watching this, Xavier is about to step in, but Reagan Cole holds him back.

Sara: Aren’t we going to do something?

Xavier: You realise that guy could crush her.

Keeping a small smirk, Reagan says calmly.

Reagan: Xavier, remember when I said that Nova was the future of this business?

“I think you’re on your way to regretting ever coming in here…”

Slowly, Princess Nova gets to her feet, picking up her bear, but she restrains herself.

Nova: Let Lulu and I leave, please. This is the last warning…

The man takes a long look at the bear and laughs.

“That thing? It belongs in the rubbish. Here, I’ll take it there.”

The man grabs the bear by its head, and it quickly turns a switch in Nova. She grabs his wrist and twists it at an awkward angle, clutching it with an iron grip. Through gritted teeth, she says.

Nova: Don’t ever… EVER… touch my Lulu again.

Despite this small woman having his arm, the bully gets in one more verbal jab.

“I’ll rip that bear’s head off-”

And that sparks Princess Nova who quickly punches him hard in the face, causing him to stumble back. The crowd around them are chanting “Fight” over and over, as Princess Nova gently puts her bear down and is ready to fight.

The larger man grabs his nose and sees blood, and is about to fight back, but Princess Nova grabs his head and jumps up with her knee to the nose again. The massive man turns around grabbing his face and Princess Nova jumps with a dropkick to his back, driving him face-first into a post.

As he stumbles back, Nova flips him over by his arm and, with her glove, applies her Mandible Claw, the Queen’s Hand. Quickly, the man passes out as the crowd is struck silent as she takes him down. Princess Nova dusts off her dress and is back to being calm and composed.

Nova: I really hate getting violent like that…

The Torn Angel picks up her bear, hugging it.

Nova: Are you okay, Lulu? Let’s go.

With nobody wanting to mess with her after that display, they open a path for the Princess herself to walk out of the club as Xavier and Sara are in shock. Reagan Cole pats them both on the back.

Reagan: That’s why.

And the British Apprentice returns to his office. He walks back on his desk and looks at the figures Nova made. Eventually, he looks back in the bag to see one more thing. Cole reaches in and pulls out… a rose and a note. Something that was likely not put in there by Nova. He looks at the note and it reads.

“I may have allowed my Nova to build a bridge with you, but my warrior and I still have unfinished business with you. We’ll see you very soon.


And the scene fades away.


Princess Nova
Unnamed person
@Beavie but in ultimate girl form + just acting like a generic British Dickhead

Reagan Cole
Sara Cole
Xavier DeCollins
Alexander Tyler