BTB Section Super Draft Competition: Round 1

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Also, can I do the judging using my own criteria? It would be fair and everything and it would include everything necessary. I'd just like that freedom tbh.


Meh, yeh, the only thing I need you to do in your judging is to decide upon a final out of 10 thingy.

Pat if you can, awesome.

Diesel, lolololol, XBA? Ok then, if you want this round to be finished next month when he gets on line >_>

CT Styles

XBA? Ok then, if you want this round to be finished next month when he gets on line >_>
Just because he doesn't post in the section often doesn't mean he isn't online. This is an absolute disaster so we know why he hasn't posted here.


He said in the Monkey vs. TG thread that he hasn't been on line in ages and doesn't know what is going on.

CT Styles

Then why is there consistent posting from him every week? Look at his profile.


Feb 8, 2008
Reaction score
Yeh LOL, that is what I was going to say. His last activity was 4 hours ago and was in the BTB Section today :s.

Evil Austin

So any more updates on this? it seems that no one is able to Judge this.

Moonlight Drive

I've just finished judging Montys. I should have all of them done by Saturday/Sunday.


I've done 4, and the other two should be done soon. They take longer than you think btw, and I'm trying to be helpful. Just so y'all know I haven't given up on this...

The Rated R CMStar

Good to know. As long as you do it, I mean, we have waited 3 weeks, we can wait a little longer



Booking Competition Verdict

Realism: 3.5/5

The fact you used the WWE was a nice touch, but with the backstory you used, I think a created fed would have been more believable. Your storylines were believable, and there was nothing really far-fetched involving matches. It’s just I doubt the WWE would turn into that; something made up would have been likelier.

Excitement: 4.5/5

Reading it kept me excited throughout, probably due to it being short and sweet. I was motivated to keep on reading, and it got better as it progressed, so the excitement level was very high.

Effort: 3/5

While the effort was substantial, I would have liked to see a bit more information given towards the PPV match build ups. I liked the way you did the rosters though and you did have a good backstory so that’s a plus, the major gripe is just the PPV matches.

Use of Roster: 7.5/10

You gave everyone on your roster a place, but in some cases that place wasn’t necessary. Not everybody needed to be needlessly featured on a PPV, especially the jobbers, with Jesse being the most obvious example. However, the fact nobody was left out was good and everybody at least had a mention. I just think a mention would have been enough for some of the people.

PPV Cards: 6.5/10

Your Survivor Series card doesn’t interest me much at all to be honest, on paper it seems kind of meh. The Sheamus/Jesse and Hernandez/Snitsky matches seem to have boring build up and not much storyline. The main event was more interesting, as was the Number One Contendership match. The other matches were just there, tbh. No Way Out is better by far, and there are many intriguing things going on. I like where Hernandez/DiBiase is going as well as Low Ki and the Anti Americans. Danielson v Cena at WM should be good as well. The matches on this card would be more fun to watch and the PPV is better on paper than SS. Your first PPV card got a 5 and your second an 8, so I am averaging it out.

Storyline Quality: 8/10

Your storylines were good and in my opinion really picked up at No Way Out, setting up for a very interesting Wrestlemania 25. The storylines involving DiBiase and Hernandez and everything revolving the Anti Americans have me particularly interested. Also, I think you may be setting up to have Sting retire at WM. Bourne’s and Danielson’s fights against the Anti Americans are also pretty well thought out. I like it, good solid storylines.

Personal Opinion: 13/15

I like how this developed, and overall there were no outstanding flaws that ruined the BTB. Everything was in place, and I actually thought it was quite creative, with some good ideas going on in your mind. It was a very enjoyable read.

Overall: 46/60

The Leviathan

Realism: 3.5/5

The name takes the realism in the negatives tbh, lol. But regarding storylines, they could be a tad unrealistic such as Drew Dalton’s psychoticness and the Colon Brothers being deported (rofl). I also liked how the created fed was just there and how it didn’t need a far-fetched backstory to explain its existence. Sometimes it’s better to keep it simple.

Excitement: 4/5

Your storylines and rosters were exciting and although some things didn’t interest me so much, that is practically a given. Some storylines seemed to drag on a little bit and that slowed it down in some places but I was motivated to keep reading.

Effort: 4/5

You went into a fair amount of detail when it came to explaining PPV matches although on some I feel more detail could have been added, especially for the lower card matches. However it was still probably enough. You also went into good detail about the rosters and I feel enough effort was put into this, and you actually cared about this.

Use of Roster: 8.5/10

You featured every competitor on the roster and did it nicely, with nobody getting too much exposure apart from the Murdoch/Vito thingy. To add Murdoch into the BTB he could have been added to the Legacy title match instead at No Mercy. Everyone had their place on the roster and although sometimes it seemed you had main eventers and lower carders going at it in seemingly one sided bouts, but that isn’t an issue.

PPV Cards: 7/10

The No Mercy card is good on paper and it delivered, my only complaint is that it was a tad predictable. You didn’t really build the title match either, when it could have had some backstory. The No Way Out card is also good and also unpredictable, as I expected there to be a champ coming out as well Big Show to squash Duggan. However, the card on paper was slightly worse than No Mercy.

Storyline Quality: 8/10

The storylines that you completely explained were good such as Duggan/Show and Booker/Dalton but some matches on PPV were left with uninteresting backstories and kind of seemed like they came from nothing. However, the storylines have me excited for the future for example the Matt Hardy/Homicide feud, which I hope has not resolved.

Personal Opinion: 12.5/15

I started to like this from the beginning, with hardy as a heel and Booker as a face. The rosters were explained nicely, as were the backstories to the PPV matches. I enjoyed it and most of the storylines were good, but some weren’t captivating.

Overall: 47.5/60

THE Renegade Diesel

Realism: 4/5

This whole thing was very realistic, and I could imagine it all happening tbh. Not much to say here, you had believable storylines and swerves.

Excitement: 3/5

To be honest, the rosters were exciting and built up good hype, but the backstories weren’t. They were too long and seemed to drag on, a lot of the time without really getting anywhere with the explanations. To the point match buildups would be advised. Though I did like how you wrote a bit about the PPV matches themselves, that was unnecessary and a bit of a chore to read in some cases.

Effort: 4.5/5

I can see you put a lot of effort into the rosters, the PPV matches and heaps into the backstories. The extra detail let the reader get into the feud more, which is a very good thing. You obviously tried hard in this one.

Use of Roster: 8/10

I think you did a good job of putting each wrestler in their place in the roster page. However, it was hard during the course of this BTB to realise who was the main eventer, and who was where on the card.

PPV Cards: 7.5/10

You did a pretty good job here, but you shouldn’t refer to matches as filler or put them in without backstory, as it devalues the PPV as a whole. There were no jobber matches or unnecessary matches which kept it interesting. However, you screwed up writing a one or two of the matches, like the battle royals on PPV one and the world title match on PPV 2. It was good but some things just seemed off, y’know?

Storyline Quality: 8/10

First of all you seemed to have some nice ongoing storylines, with examples being Cody vs Harry and also JBL vs Rhino which seemed to continue before it all started. You wrote a lot for the build ups for the storylines but some of these seemed quite generic and boring. Some storylines were also weakened due to confusion. For example if Mike DiBiase is a heel, then why is he feuding with other heels and teaming with faces? Anyway, they weren’t bad.

Personal Opinion: 11.5/15

You had a nice detailed roster, although some things didn’t really make sense in a way. Also, don’t refer to matches as filler; it makes them seem less worthwhile. Sometimes as well there was wording or grammar mistakes that were confusing, and took away from a backstory when reading. I think that there were also some problems with heel/face alignments, they didn’t always seem right.

Overall: 46.5/60


Realism: 4/5

Very realistic idea here, with a realistic idea for a promotion with Jericho, that I believe could happen irl. Also believable was the roster. I feel that nobody was too high up or too low down the card and everybody had their place, which made sense. The booking also made sense as well, and there was nothing over the top but also the excitement level was there. Two ladder based matches in consecutive main events though is a no-no.

Excitement: 4/5

I was into is because it had a really good roster that you utilized perfectly to keep the interest of the reader. The way you wrote, I think a little more effort could have been given, but still you managed to include all relevant information without lagging on with the writing and slowing it down.

Effort: 3/5

You put the backstory in the rosters to an extent, but I feel that combining the two made it a little briefer, idk. I feel more effort could be put into it as a whole, with the PPV matches as well.

Use of Roster: 9/10

First of all I like how everyone was used but nobody was unnecessarily used. Secondly, I think it was really cool how you eliminated any jobbers and made each superstar look like a threat. Hell, even Curt Hawkins was make to have looked good in this, with his whole makeover and character change.

PPV Cards: 8/10

You are very lucky here as you got a really good roster, but the way you put the superstars together made great PPV cards. You could tell what was in the undercard and what the focus was, and all the matches had similarly-based superstars. Although, I do feel an extra match could be added to each PPV to fill it out.

Storyline Quality: 6/10

Your storylines had good potential, but a lot of them needed more explaining and were left quite bland. Some laced development over the two PPVs and I think this is due to not having backstories to the 2nd PPV. So yeah, the storylines could have developed more and changed over time.

Personal Opinion: 11.5/15

I think this score partially came from the roster you were given, but I also like the way you booked everything and set it out. There were no major gripes and it was all around good. There was one thing though with the great roster, for such a good list of stars, it was a bit of a let down and I expected a lot more from both the roster and you.

Overall: 45.5/60


Realism: 4/5

Nice short backstory, that is pretty believable, this is all that’s necessary imo. Your storylines were realistic, but a little too realistic, as there was nothing that made me go ‘wow’ or ‘I didn’t see that coming’. To be more realistic, there should be more swerves and personal storylines. Still very believable in terms of the overall content.

Excitement: 3/5

Well, I didn’t get tired of reading as it was short and got the point across quickly, but I also saw nothing that really made me want to read on. No really captivating storyline or match to get me excited.

Effort: 3/5

Enough effort was given, but I feel that there could have been more info given to the week by week analysis of the PPV matches. A roster similar to what others have given would have been a nice touch.

Use of Roster: 8/10

Using a weekly approach allows the jobber talents to be featured without using a PPV spot, which is always a good thing. You have a diverse roster and you utilize them well. My only gripe is that the people of similar star status should have been grouped together; as I doubt Davey v Orton would sell well for the ME of a PPV.

PPV Cards: 7/10

Your No Mercy card looks kind of boring on paper, you should have grouped the bigger stars together to have some really high profile matches while leaving the lower card talent to provide a solid undercard. However, on both your PPVs, you manage to produce some matches that many people would love to see and would be very interesting irl. A disappointing undercard ruins that though.

Storyline Quality: 6/10

For finding a World Champ, it was a pretty lackluster way to do it with the tag teams, I didn’t like that idea. I like the week by week way of developing storylines for your first PPV, but more depth could be added, it was still good. Same for No Way Out, the championship storyline seems very bland. The storylines for NOW aren’t really that interesting and more could be added to spice things up.

Personal Opinion: 11/15

All in all, this was good but it needed something to make it better. Whether that would be a great feud, storyline or match, I don’t know, just something shocking to get people really interested. Nevertheless this was of good quality but the excitement went down because of the blandness in some situations.

Overall: 42/60

The Rated R CMStar

Realism: 4/5

I like your backstory. It is an unrealistic concept but the way you explain it makes it seem that it actually could happen in real life. It’s a good skill to take something rather absurd and make it sound rather believable.

Excitement: 4/5

This was a BTB that kept me reading throughout the majority of the writing. Your backstories were rather long but it was still pretty exciting to read. The backstory was a little boring, and that is probably my only problem, and it’s minor. Your PPVs and rosters were the perfect size to read and with the backstories they were rather long but you managed to keep them interesting.

Effort: 4/5

I can see you put a lot of thought into your backstory, and it turned out very good. You also wrote out a roster which was some nice extra effort. Your PPV match backstories and PPVs themselves were written with a lot of info, so I can see you put in a lot of effort into this.

Use of Roster: 8.5/10

Looking over your roster, I can immediately tell that everyone was used well and had a spot in your BTB. I don’t think anyone was ever left without a storyline. The only little gripe I have is that you push stars who I think should be behind others in the BTB. For example Steve Corino, not many people would know him at all and there are a plenty of other stars that are more popular and could have been given the same push.

PPV Cards: 8.5/10

I especially like your PPV cards. The matches on them were in the perfect order, and the little interviews placed between them helped build up the show, a good things that adds to hype. I like how in the first PPV you kept the three monsters looking strong and they went on to fight for the title at PPV two, that was a smart booking move imo. Your matches, especially for the 2nd PPV, were all put in there with purpose and you could see where the matches came about, which made them seem all the more important, so good work there.

Storyline Quality: 8.5/10

I liked your storylines, and even though some weren’t that original such as Roode buying Mysterio, I don’t consider that a major problem. You had good storylines but what I liked is how they linked with one another in the backstories. Your backstories made all the storylines mean something and there were no real matches throws in there for the sake of it, or with little explanation, which is a good thing.

Personal Opinion: 13/15

I enjoyed reading this piece of writing and I can see that you thought about it a lot and made some good booking decisions when planning this out. Your roster was utilized almost perfectly and I would enjoy watching your PPV in real life had I been a fan of this corporation. There were not many flaws overall, and a whole lot of positives. Good job.

Overall: 50.5/60

In Order:

CMS- 50.5
Levi- 47.5
Diesel- 46.5
Monty- 46
Magnus- 45.5
Comic- 42


Fantastic, thank you, just waiting on Pat naw. Meanwhile, I thought you judging was pretty fair, and well set out. I actually found myself reading, something I didn't expect me to do.