Well, if it's RL and not 'made for TV' then I congratulate them both. Umm, Nikki Bella & John Cena? geeze.
Dude, this is not the first time I have seen you mention the "bulge" (mid card or main event). But this is the first time I have seen you say "in their tights" with it. So, just to be clear, you think WWE superstars level in the company depends on the size of their package? I mean, you are obviously taking notice to these "bulges". Maybe I am misunderstanding though.Daniel Bryan is always getting the "short" end of the stick. He's short, he gets the Bella with the littlest titties, and he doesn't really have a main event bulge. All the greats in the business have had a main event bulge in their tights. I understand he tries to compensate by growing a beard out to prove he's masculine, but really now. That doesn't change the fact that he's got a tiny dingus.