And what would you have done if he said he'd want to move to Cornwall. I'd wager the site would soon be called lesnarforums.netHow did I know this thread would be filled with CM Punk and Senhor marking their tits off?
And what would you have done if he said he'd want to move to Cornwall. I'd wager the site would soon be called lesnarforums.netHow did I know this thread would be filled with CM Punk and Senhor marking their tits off?
You know me far too well. My response before reading it genuinely was going to be "probably rename it to".And what would you have done if he said he'd want to move to Cornwall. I'd wager the site would soon be called
Brains and brawn, what a man! :yay:
Your*You're inner BLFFL is showing.ity:
Our cat quota is at its limit, please try again in 5years.I would probably move to Canada. Can't blame the guy. I am such a pussy... I'd fit right in.
If I were you, I would have told her 'k, bye, honey'. Sorry, but, not wanting to live somewhere because of snow is just stupid. People will miss out on a lot of great places in the world if they worry about the damn weather. Snow sucks ass, I hate it, I drown in it every single year, but, I wouldn't refuse to go to a place because of some white shit that comes around. If she is holding you back from what you want to do in life, I'd drop her in an instant. Just my opinion. No one should hold themselves back in life because of someone else. Just a week ago, some dude in line at Tim Horton's was chatting about how he wanted to move to NYC and his wife didn't so he divorced her. I lol'd.
Anyway, the fact that he shits on Canada's health care system because of one incident is laughable.
I'm sure your wife does everything you want and never says boo.
Fortunately for me, I married a woman with a brain. And I love her a lot more than Canada.
So, I think I'll keep her. Thanks for the advice, though.ity:
I'm not a lesbian, so, no, I don't have a wife.
I did have a chuckle at how offended you were by my post. Insecure? Perhaps just a tad.
It wasn't meant as any kind of diss at all. If someone is holding you back from things you really want to do, they aren't worth having around, no matter how much you love them. You don't want to be the person who says in a few years they should have done something and now it's too late. I don't know your situation, I don't know your wife (most likely don't want to, if she is anything like yourself, tbh, jumping the gun with assumptions that people are charging at you when they aren't), and I don't know how badly you would want to move somewhere. It was simply an opinion that life is too short to be held back by people and a person can miss out on a lot of great things in life if they put other people first and not themselves.
Next time, instead of responding with a blood filled tampon, change it and realize that not everyone is out to insult you. Some just share opinions with the hopes that a person can take a moment to think about their life and make a choice they want to make instead of riding along with others. If your desire to move is not very strong, that's cool. If you sit back and do whatever your wife says as she holds a whip in her hand, that's cool. It was simply an opinion on the matter that wasn't meant as any kind of insult towards anyone.
Wow. Thanks for the re-education.
Having said that, I do have a couple of thoughts (okay, four):
1) Sorry I thought you were a dude. Must have been your name.
2) Insecure? Oh, very.
3) Speaking of insecure, if you're going to freely offer life or relationship advice to random strangers on the internet, get used to getting flamed back. In fact, my response (laughter and a couple of snide remarks) will go down in history as one of the "less flammable" responses you're likely to get. You are right in saying that you know neither my wife or my situation (or, for that matter, whether my first remarks were completely accurate or hyperbole, for that matter).
4) "blood filled tampon"....I actually liked that. Very imaginative. Since I don't have a place to put one, though, it's going to be tough to change it.
I'm here to have a good time and talk wrestling. And, every now and then, I come across someone who I rub or who rubs me the wrong way. I think both happened here. For my part, I apologize. And I promise not to take your advice the wrong way if you promise not to offer me any more. Frankly, you're unqualified in the areas of both relationship advice and philosophical "life coaching".