In recent memory, DB not even doing well in the 2014 rumble. He got eliminated in bs fashion and then we had Batistas old ass come in and win it all. Worst decision ever. Bryan didn’t need to win, honestly. But really? He’s just thrown out like garbage and that same night I think he lost to Wyatt.
Most things with CM Punk. Don’t get me wrong, once they realized how much money he was making, Punk was a main eventer. However, it just always felt like, despite him outselling Cena at one point, he would always take a back seat for rock, Cena, Triple h, Brock, etc. One moment in particular that made me so pissed off was when he faced triple h at night of champions and triple h won... literally for no reason. It made absolutely no sense.
Reigns entering in at 30 last year. Most shit with reigns.
Brock breaking the streak in the fashion he did. It was too easy and stale. And I feel they could’ve chose a better guy.
Most thing with Bray Wyatt. Mainly when he won the title and beat AJ and Cena in the same night, only to lose to Orton and get moved to raw. So pissed.