WTF does everyone sweat Barret's in ring skills for? He's not all that tbh. Don't get me wrong, I love his little suave look and feel, and his mic skills are superb, but in ring he's decent. None of his matches have that short energetic feel you can find for five seconds in a Cena match, and I'm sorry that slow technical type wrestling doesn't cut it for me if your not doing it right. Benoit, and Angle did it perfect, Barret isn't a technical wrestler, so I feel he needs to pick the pace with his wrestling up, and it'll provide much more entertainment. A lot of people on here are probably just bandwagoning him imo. His finisher is whatever also, I cant picture him pulling that on Big Show, or someone bigger than him. And speaking of size, he's not built. If anything he's more tall, and lanky than built, and beastly.
Michael Tarver's the dude with the mask right? If so, I'd be scarred to catch this guy on the streets. Def. the guy who should stay heel for a long period of time. Unless he goes monster face. Anyways, honestly, in the ring I haven't seen him do much, only in the NXT jumps, and that battle royale. But, he seems to throw a lot of punches, and if he has that Elijah Burke style punching game that I'm madly in love with when I see in wrestling, he's all of a sudden my new favorite. They need to add a swerve to Tarver however, because after NXT I have a feeling they are going to head with the Monster-Crazy-Spontaneous attack guy, they can do much more with this guy. He looks like someone out of Mortal Kombat. Make him a badass.
David Otunga, is probably the guy I've obvserved the most from, only because I really think he's going to be the breakout star here in the group. In NXT, I was big on him. Due to his charisma, and solely his charisma. You don't need much in ring talent to conquer the WWE lol, so he's fine in that department. He'll learn through time, and I'm sure he'll build certain chemistry with great stars. I really really hate his personality-less-ness now. He's like.. nothing. lol. In my opinion, what they SHOULD do, is justify his bitch feeling, and make him turn on the Nexus. Play the jealousy card, and tell Barrett Nexus was supposed to be his faction, his squad. Then, in retaliation to the Nexus, he forms a stable with the Nexus Season 2 rookies. IMO, that would be a fucking great storyline, and way to start branching the Nexus off into their own lives. In ring, he looks like a mix of Randy Orton, and Cena. He's elussive and shit, but then again, his moveset is like big wrestling slams.
Skip Sheffield. I like 'em. I honestly do. I have sympathy for him because I see he's not going anywhere, but I have a strong feeling he'll be a beast in TNA. lol.
Darren Young looks like the spawn of Kofi Kingston. I swear he's an exact replica. I remember watching a match of his with I forgot who, but Punk helped him win, and it was pretty damn entertaining. This guy goes very well into the midcard scene with the likes of Kingston, Bourne, Tarver, and a few others he'd mesh well with in the ring.
Vince needs to let Slater succumb to the dark side and start taking 'roids. He's def. not going to be taken serious with his look. No matter what anyone says. The most he looks like right now is a tag team player, but not even.