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Dec 3, 2010
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P1's Road to Rebuilding the WWE Tag Team Division Step 6: Tag Team Turmoil

WWE Extreme Rules 5/1/2011

Match 1: Uso Twins vs John Morrison/CM Punk

Punk refused to start the match and refused to tag in throughout which left JoMo to get double teamed and take a hell of a beating from both Uso Twins. JoMo finally mounted a comeback with rights and a running leg lariat on Jey followed by a clothesline to Jimmy and then went for the Flying Chuck Kick but instead of hitting one of the Usos he decided to hit Punk with it and taunt him afterwards. Leaving him to turn around into a Double Superkick and the Alley-Us (Assisted Samoan Drop) allowing the Uso Twins to pick up the W.

8th ranked Tag Team: John Morrison/CM Punk

Match 2: Uso Twins vs Chavo Guerrero/Jamie Noble

Back and forth action throughout the match. Noble didn't look to have any ring rust at all. Shit broke down with all 4 going at it in ring until Jey knocked Chavo to the floor after a running ass bump. Noble then had Jimmy setup for the Tiger Driver but Jey nailed him with a Superkick which allowed Jimmy to roll up Noble Jacknife Style and get the 3 count.

7th ranked Tag Team: Chavo Guerrero/Jamie Noble

Match 3: Uso Twins vs Husky Harris/Cody Rhodes

With the Usos worn down, Rhodes and Harris come in attacking both guys. Harris dumps Jey with a 3 point stance clothesline over the top and to the floor. Cody then picks up Jimmy who is still recovering from the beating at the hands of the other two teams and takes him down to the CrossRhodes for the 3 count.

6th ranked Tag Team: Uso Twins

Match 4: Husky Harris/Cody Rhodes vs DZP

Ryder and Primo are both sporting the shades and Ryder cuts an amazing promo about being from Jersey and being awesome on the way to the ring. All 4 guys go at it to start off the match before the ref gets control and Ryder and Husky are the legal competitors.

End Match: Primo goes for the backstabber on Harris but its blocked as Husky holds on to the ropes and then charges to the near side ropes coming back to hit the Husky senton splash but instead of going for the cover he tags in Cody and charges over to knock Ryder off the apron who is trying to get in the ring to help out his partner. Cody then picks up Primo and teases going CrossRhodes but instead picks him up in the Alabama Slam and delivers with the 3 count ensuing.

5th ranked Tag Team: DZP

Match 5: Husky Harris/Cody Rhodes vs Hart Dynasty

Good match with lots of back and forth action until all hell breaks loose. Cody is taken out of the picture with a Saito Suplex from DHS which allows the Harts to take advantage of the 2 on 1 situation with DHS picking up Husky in the Bearhug and Tyson Kidd hitting a Springboard Clothesline for the New Generation Hart Attack and allowing them to pick up the victory.

4th ranked Tag Team facing DZP in the first round: Husky Harris/Cody Rhodes

Rhodes berates Harris on their way to the back for being the recipient of the losing fall.

Match 6: Hart Dynasty vs Dudebusters

Another amazing match with tons of back and forth action. All 4 going at it. Hawkins and Smith on the floor with Kidd and Trent on the inside. Trent took over Kidd with a Gobstopper Yakuza Knee and then setup and goes Swanton Dive over the top on to both Hawkins and Smith. Dudebusters double team Smith on the outside until Kidd gets up, goes for and hits a Springboard Crossbody taking out the Dudebusters. Allowing DHS to recover from the beating he just took on the floor. Kidd picks up the other legal man Trent Barreta and sends him into the ring. Kidd then picks him up and connects with a Fisherman Neckbreaker but only gets a 2 count. Kidd picks up Trent and goes for The Code Blue (somersault neckbreaker) but Trent lands on his feet and counters with a Dudebuster DDT and goes for the cover but DHS makes the save and goes to work on Trent. DHS nails a Saito Suplex on Trent. Drags Kidd over to the corner to make the legal tag to make DHS the legal man. He then helps Kidd to his feet and tells him what to do. DHS picks up Trent and they hit The Code Pink (Sitout Powerbomb/Springboard Blockbuster Combination) but Hawkins breaks up the pin at 2. Hawkins then picks up Smith nails the Taste of Pain (Hangman's facebuster) and puts Trent across him while holding off Kidd but Smith kicks out at 2. Hawkins frustrated and not knowing what to do next goes up top perhaps looking for the Heatseeking Elbow but Kidd meets him with a dropkick to the head knocking him off the top and down onto the arena floor leaving Trent once again alone in ring with both Hart Dynasty members. Kidd goes over to Smith and signals for it. Smith goes over to Trent picks him up and nails the Bulldog Powerslam followed by Kidd hitting the Hart Stopper (Springboard Elbow) and going in for the cover to finally get the 3 count.

3rd ranked Tag Team and facing Chavo Guerrero/Jamie Noble in the first round: Dudebusters

Match 7: Hart Dynasty vs Dibiase Brothers

The Harts are worn to hell so this should be easy pickens for the Dibiase's. Ted slides in and tells Brett to stay on the outside. He's got this. Ted is waiting for Kidd to get up setting him up for Dream Street. When Kidd gets up he locks in the Dream and goes the Street but Kidd flips over and rolls up Ted Japanese style and bridges Owen Hart style and the ref counts 3 while Brett attempts to make the save but is cut off by DHS with one last effort.

2nd ranked Tag Team and facing Uso Twins in the first round: Dibiase Brothers

Winner of Tag Team Turmoil, 1st ranked Tag Team, and facing CM Punk/John Morrison in the first round: Hart Dynasty

Dibiase Brothers are without saying pissed off so they attack the Hart Dynasty but the Uso Twins run out and make the save before too much damage is done.


Cry About It
Dec 17, 2010
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I love the look of that Extreme Rules card. The undercard looks great and is pretty fresh for that matter too.

Obviously the HHH & Cena situation is cool, but WWE wouldn't be ballsy enough to do that sadly.

The one oversight really was a couple of those matches ended via DQ which doesn't really work on the EXtreme Rules format :p


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2010
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Well, of course every match isn't no-DQ. I don't do theme PPVs. :p I could make a couple more of them no-DQ, I guess, but to me the name of the PPV is just a name.