Alright just saw the film and goddamn they got this one right. It was so good. There’s way too many details to talk about so let’s see… story was powerful as hell. Talocan was a fully realized nation and Namor was an excellent character. So many powerful and emotional scenes and every actor in this movie just killed it. Riri Williams is sassy as hell and a great addition to the MCU. The way she’s incorporated into this movie is really well done. There was maybe one subplot that didn’t need to be there but it doesn’t really take up much screen time to I didn’t care.
As for the Chadwick stuff… they don’t go overboard with it. His death is used to move the plot forward but there’s only like two scenes where the characters actually grieve and it’s fucking heartbreaking. They did the best job possible honoring him by allowing his death to be addressed but not having every single scene revolve around it. The tears come when they need to and are earned. I barely ever cry at films but yeah this got me.
Basically I think this movie did everything it could given the circumstances and it is the best film of phase 4 imo other than maybe Spider Man No Way Home but that had Tobey and Andrew so come on lol. Phase 4 may have been shaky but Marvel got this one right.