It is the same thing with fighting over bathrooms. Remember that? Like come on. There are MAJOR problems in the world right now and you want to argue over bathrooms? It just comes down to feelings. People are using feelings now to sue others, to get their way in life, and to generally make other people feel bad. A feeling is almost always based on the personal belief of truth in your own mind. If someone says you are ugly, and you choose to believe it then you must already feel that deep inside yourself. So when a trans person gets triggered for someone not calling him "zim" what does that sound like? I don't know. People are just losing it.
Isn't Zim that knock off Nuka Cola from the Far Harbour DLC from Fallout 4?:crack:
But it's alright if you can't handle a different opinion you can just talk to people you've never met, about something you don't know about for no reason other than to vent and not broaden an opinion. That's why I'm convinced Tumblr has such a bad rep for trans-nazism as you develop a case of emotional diarrhoea and put everything forgetting there are other people in the world.
Anyway to actually answer the OP, I wouldn't really date a trans, it would be like when you order your Iceland shopping delivered and they're out of stock with Mayonnaise so they replace it with Cilit Bang...