(This is gonna sound really gay but) I'm a big fan of big men. I like Vince McMahon's method of pushing the big men but as of late the big men have in simpliest terms sucked in the past 5 years or so (whenever Lesnar left).
In the past big men have had one of two real roles: enforcer or monster. The classification of a big men is usually 6'7 and taller and 300+ lbs, there's been monsters that are more smaller, 6'5 and floating above 275 and below 300. Is this the new big men? Kevin Nash, Big Show, Kane, Undertaker, Matt Morgan, Abyss are pretty much the last we have of active big men.
Are the big men dead in world of wrestling or have they just envolved into the Samoa Joe's, Hernadez' and Sheamus' where they are smaller and faster?
In the past big men have had one of two real roles: enforcer or monster. The classification of a big men is usually 6'7 and taller and 300+ lbs, there's been monsters that are more smaller, 6'5 and floating above 275 and below 300. Is this the new big men? Kevin Nash, Big Show, Kane, Undertaker, Matt Morgan, Abyss are pretty much the last we have of active big men.
Are the big men dead in world of wrestling or have they just envolved into the Samoa Joe's, Hernadez' and Sheamus' where they are smaller and faster?