just loads of false information in these posts suspecting me, it's staggering
lmao y'all dumb as fucklynching him isn't as risky as it seems. saying this for reasons privy only to me at this time
if you're gonna lynch me give me a few hours to read back and try and catch more scum since I'm the only one who has actually done that so far
My votes staying put. I’m off of work tomorrow to get the wife to and from the hospital for a minor procedure and I’ll have down time sitting in the waiting roomso i will plan to get caught up and into the game more.
find the post? you moved on to the mitch wagon and asked him to claim. you were asking if you should lie detect tweet or not. you suggested the tracker track tweet. you said you didn't think a tweet wagon was viable. all of this was after his claim. you weren't trying to lynch him post-claim at all that I could seeAnd ftr i advocated lynching tweet post claim, so did poyser. Just stop.